And the search is continuing. Ggg-grandfather James Smith's Last Will and Testament from Part 61s has me checking out my stash of files and documents. I NEED to get organized! The wealth of the information is fantastic and I know that there are some clues hidden away, between some lines, that I may have missed the first time.
Today I've got three Marriage Registrations:
- 16 Sep 1825 - Gg-grandaunt Sophia Smith and Benjamin Ventour,
- 11 Dec 1832 - Ggg-grandfather James Smith and Ggg-grandmother Mary Ann Doret, and
- 15 Dec 1832 - Gg-grandaunt Mary Ann Smith and George Steele
I've updated the James Descendant Chart again, to reflect the new, and of course corrected information. Please remember that the Descendant Chart is always a work in progress.

As you refer back to ggg-grandfather James' Last Will and Testament in Part 61s, you will notice that all of these names appear in the body of the text.
Here are my attempts at the transcriptions --
1. 16 September 1825 - Gg-grandaunt Sophia Smith and Benjamin Ventour

It should be noted that this copy is actually of a transcription from the actual Parish register. Two of 20 items, or chapters, in the microfilm are images of the pages of a portion of the register which were transcribed and signed.
2. 11 December 1832 - Ggg-grandfather James Smith and ggg-grandmother Mary Ann Doret

3. 15 December 1832 - Gg-grandaunt Mary Ann Smith and George Steele

Four days later gg-grandaunt Mary Ann Smith and George Steele were married.
Much more to come, enjoy... and more quilts to come.
1. 16 September 1825 - Gg-grandaunt Sophia Smith and Benjamin Ventour

Benjamin Ventour and Sophia Smith, were joined together in the Holy State of Matrimony on the 16th day of September 1825, by virtue of a License.
sgd. Francis McMahon
It should be noted that this copy is actually of a transcription from the actual Parish register. Two of 20 items, or chapters, in the microfilm are images of the pages of a portion of the register which were transcribed and signed.
2. 11 December 1832 - Ggg-grandfather James Smith and ggg-grandmother Mary Ann Doret

No. 21
James Smith Esq. of the Parish of Saint George, Bachelor and Mary Ann Doret of the same Parish, Spinster were married at Good Hope 11th of December the year 1832 by liscense by me
I.C. Barker, Rector
Marriage was solemnized between us { James Smith, Mary Ann - Her X mark - Doret.
In the presence of } Alex Bain Litman? Benj. Ventour R. L. Gunach?
3. 15 December 1832 - Gg-grandaunt Mary Ann Smith and George Steele

Four days later gg-grandaunt Mary Ann Smith and George Steele were married.
No. 22
George Steele of the Town and Parish of Saint George; Bachelor, and Mary Ann Smith of the same place, Spinster, were married by Licence at the residence of James Smith Esq. in the Town of Saint George, this 15th day of December, in the year 1832 by me.
I.C. Barker
In the presence of
Richard Steele
James Smith
Benj. Ventour
M. Bruce?
Much more to come, enjoy... and more quilts to come.
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