What lame-brain fool feels that there is a need to decorate the exterior of a house or apartment with orange or black-purple lights? For a whole damn month... All Hallows' Eve is the evening before All Hallows' Day or All Saints' Day. Period! It is NOT a bloody month!
And here's a tremendous stat... Forecasted spending on Halloween costumes in the United States in 2006 was expected to top $4.96 billion. Huh? And now we've got cash for clunkers and cash for rickety appliances. Bah, humbug starts now. Who knows what we will spend on candy and dentist bills? Just cancel Halloween! Period!!!
This year on October 31st I'm not giving out candy. Instead I'm giving out all the coupons I can collect and clip from newspapers and magazines. It's my new cash for cavities program. It's my new health care or funding for medical and insurance bills program. It will cover your costs when your child trips down the stairs because a mask obstructed his or her line of vision. Period!
This year on October 31st I'm not giving out candy. Instead I'm giving out all the coupons I can collect and clip from newspapers and magazines. It's my new cash for cavities program. It's my new health care or funding for medical and insurance bills program. It will cover your costs when your child trips down the stairs because a mask obstructed his or her line of vision. Period!
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