The following is corresponding letters that I was able to locate in the microfilm FHL[1563328]. In this case the two pages, 37 and 38 from the Grenada Register of Records on includes the surname Smith as in “Howard & Smith” and “Postlethwaite and Smith”. There may be some inter-connection with work in Part 165s, but at present I do not have any relevant documentation that would make that a fact.
As stated before I am uninformed as to the circumstances and contents of the letters. My only goals in my work and transcription are to find those clues to assist me to understand the origins of my ggg-grandfather James Smith.
The two pages follow –
And my attempted transcription –
And my attempted transcription –
Please contact me if you have any comments or questions.37
Entered 30th September 1797
Liverpool 6 Augt 1794.Gentm.
We have already wrote you fully by this opportunity to which we beg
to refer – The purport of the present is therefore to acquaint You that is
you incline to sell the Mary’s Cargo of Negroes from Angola in any of the
British Windward or in any of the lately conquered Islands, Mr. John Tarleton,
the writer hereof, will accept and pay your drafts upon him at the customary
sight of Bills at the time of the Sale of this Cargo of Slaves. You are on this
account to draw £2/2 0 Ct on the Sale and £2/2 0 Ct on the remittances for
this Cargo, of Mr. Tarleton who guarantees the debts of Bills is to draw the
remaining £2 0 Cent as well as to be entitled to any accruing interest on the same,
on the same manner and mode, as he lately guaranteed Meʃs. Howard & Smith
respecting the Sale of the African Cargo is disposed of by then in Dominica.
The Bills are to be drawn upon him payable in London, and in favor of Meʃs.
Tarletons & Backhouse, he also trusts they will not be drawn at leʃs than 12, 15, &
18 months Sight, as his sole motive for guaranteeing You arises from the desire of
Giving You a commisʃsion on the Sale of these Negroes which on account of the
diʃsolution, and termination of our late partnership, with Mr. Tarleton must be
sold under guarantee, and also to give you a farther testimony of his confidence
on you exertions to serve himself, and Mr. Backhouse, and the sincere friendship
& regard he entertains for You.
We are with much _____Superscribed
Dear Sirs
Your most odede Servt
Tarleton & Backhouse
Meʃs Postlethwaithe & Smith
March. Grenada
Grenada. Before the Honorable Thomas Bridgwater Esquire Chief Justice
of the Court of Common Pleas for said Island established –
Personally appeared John Dawson of Liverpool in the Kingdom of Great Britain
Merchant at present in this Island, who bring duly Sworn on the Holy Evangelists of
Almighty God maketh Oath and saith that he knows and is well acquainted with
John Tarleton of Loverpool aforesaid Merchant carrying on Trade there with
Daniel Backhouse under the Firm of Tarleton and Backhouse and also with his
manner and Character of Hand writing and Subscription having often seen him
write and subscribe his Name, and having viewed and carefully perused the Letter
written on part of the second & third Sides of this Sheet of Paper purporting to be a
Letter from the said Meʃs. Tarleton & Backhouse to Meʃs. Postlethwaithe and Smith
of this Island Merchants and dated “Liverpool 6th August 1794” He saith that
38He verily and in his Conscience believes the whole of the said Letter beginning
with the Words “Gentn – We have already” and ending “and the” sincere friendship
& regard he entertains for you” and subscribed “Tarleton & Backhouse” is of the
proper hand writing & Subscription of the said John Tarleton of Liverpool aforesaid.
John DawsonSworn to before me this}
30th day of Septr. 1797
Thomas Bridgewater
Entered 30th September 1797Wm Postlewaite Esq
London 16 April 1795
I have just time before the departure of this Mail to
acknowledge the receipt of your Letter of the 11th of February and in answer to which
I by leave to inform you that in conformity to my promise and guarantee to you
& Mr. Smith I shall duly accept the Bills you advise to have drawn on me for the
amount of the Mary’s Slaves as well as the Bills in favor of the Captain, Matrs &
the Account Sales are undoubtedly very pleasing & satisfactory tho’ I wish the Bills
had been at a longer Sight.
I remainSuperscribed
Your mo hum Sert.
John Tarleton
William Postlethwaite Esq
Grenada – Before the Honorable Thomas Bridgwater Esquire Chief
Justice of the Court of Common Pleas for said Island established.
Personally appeared John Dawson of Liverpool in the Kingdom of Great
Britain Merchant at present in the Town of Saint George in this Island, who being
duly Sworn on the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God maketh Oath and saith that he
knows and is well acquainted with John Tarleton of Liverpool aforesaid Merchant,
and also with his manner and Character of Hand writing and Subscription having
often seen him write and subscribe his Name, and having viewed and carefully
perused the Letter written on the other side of this Paper purporting to be a Letter
from the aforesaid “John Tarleton to William Postlethwaite of the said Island of
Grenada Merchant and dated “London 16th April 1795” and subscribed “John
Tarleton” he saith the he verily and in his Conscience believe the whole of the said
Subscription of the aforesaid John Tarleton
John DawsonSworn to before me this}
30th Septr. 1797
Thomas Bridgwater
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