And I now have a question? What type of name is Army? I mean used as a first name, not as a surname or a title. What is its derivation?
This next transcription work is a record of a contract between one, Army Smith and the other, Alexander Walker, both of Grenada. Apart from the surname Smith the coincidental phrase is that of “Ship Carpenter” the occupation expressed for Alexander Walker. GGG-grandfather James’ occupation has also been noted as both “Shipwright” and “Carpenter” on various other documents. (Check out Part 60s and Part 130s.)
The following three pages; 117, 118, and 119 are from the microfilm FHL [1563328] and Item 2, entitled Register of Records 1979-1817 (v. G2-R2), Supreme Court, Grenada.
My attempted transcription –
My attempted transcription –
Entered 14 Septemr 1799Know all men by these Presents that I Army
Smith of the Island of aforesaid Know ye that I the said
118Army Smith for and in Consideration of the sum of one
hundred and Thirty too Pounds current money of the Island
aforesaid to me in hand paid by Alexander Walker Ship
Carpenter of the said Island of Grenada at or before the ensealing
and delivery of these Presents the receipt and Payment of
which said sum of One Hundred and thirty too pounds I do
hereby acknowledge and thereof and therefrom and of and from
any Part thereof do clearly and absolutely acquit release and
discharge the said Alexander Walker his Heirs and Aʃsigns
forever by these Presents have Granted bargained sold aliened
enʃsoffed and Confirmed and by these Presents do grant bargain
and sell alien enʃsoff and confirm unto the said Alexander
Walker his Heirs and Aʃsigns one certain negro man named
George with all the Estate right title Interest use Trust Poʃseʃ-
sion Property claim and demand whatsoever which I the said
Army Smith can or may have in or to the said negro man
named George and the revertion and Revertions remainder and
remainders Rents Proffits and Services of the said negro man
named George. To have And to hold the said man named
George unto the said Alexander Walker his Heirs and Aʃsigns
forever To the only proper use and Behalf of the said Alexander
Walker his Heirs and Aʃsigns forever and to and for no
other use Interest or Property whatsoever and I the said Army
Smith do hereby for myself and Heirs Executors and Admin-
istrators covenant promise grant and agree to and with the
said Alexander Walker his Heirs and Aʃsigns in manner
following that is to Say that for and notwithstanding any
Act matter ot Things whatsoever by me heretofore done
committed or Witingly or willing suffer’d to the Contrary
I the said Army Smith at the Time of the ensealing and
delivering of this Presents am and stand the true
rightful and lawfull owner and Proprietor of the said negro
man named George and for and notwithstanding any such
such Act matter or Thing as aforesaid have in myself
at the time of the ensealing and Execution of these Presents
119good rightfull power and lawfull and Absolute Authority to
grant and convey the said negro man named George unto the
said Alexander Walker his Heirs and Aʃsigns as aforesaid
and I the said Army Smith my Heirs Executors and Admin-
istrators will and Sufficiently Saved Defended kept harmleʃs
and Indemnified of from and against all and Singular former
and other Estates Titles Troubles Charges and Incumbrances
whatsoever In witneʃs whereof I the said Army Smith have
hereto Set my Hand and Seal this Fifteenth day of July
in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven hundred and
ninety nine
Army Smith LSSealed and Delivered}
in the Presents of us}
Richd Teap James Booth
Received July 15th, 1799 from Mr. Alexander Walker the
sum of One Hundred and thirty too Pounds Current
money for a negro man named George in full of all demands
of? Army SmithWitneʃs
Richd Teap James Booth
Before the Honorable Thomas BridgwaterPersonally appeared James Booth of the Town of Saint
Esq Chief Judge of the Court of Common
Pleas for the said Island and its Depen
dencies Established
George in the Island aforesaid Mariner one of the Subscribing
Witneʃs to the within Instrument of Writing who being sworn
on the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God make Oath that
he was present together with Richard Teap the other
Subscribing Witneʃs and did See Army Smith the Person
Executing the said Instrument of Writing Sign Seal execute
and deliver the same us and forever free and voluntary set
and Deed and that in Testimony of the due Execution
thereof the said Richard Teap and this Deponent Subscribed
their names Respectively as Witneʃses
James Booth
Sworn before me this 16th day of August 1799
T Bridgwater
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