(Image of The Carenage, Grenada from the Project Gutenberg eBook of Cocoa and Chocolate, by Arthur Knapp.)
And the genealogy search and record transcriptions just continue. Am I a glutton for punishment? Maybe, but I’ve set myself a goal… I need to find a shred of evidence of my ggg-grandfather James Smith.
The next record from the Grenada Register of Records dated 1797-1817 with a reference to the surname Smith is one dated 8 December 1800.
It appears to have been sworn before the Chief Justice Thomas Bridgwater on 24 March 1801 and entered to the Register 25 March 1801. This document is a paper of one James Park who appears to be appointing Benjamin D’Harriette Smith his Attorney. As in Part 172s there is no hint or indication that there is any inter-relationship with ggg-grandfather James and Benjamin. This record was found on the microfilm [1563328].
I provided the inserted picture of The Carenage in St. George which is referenced to in the document relating to a “Lot or Parcell[sic]” of land.
The two pages; 515 and 516; follow:
And my transcription –
The next document looks to be another long one, about six pages beginning at page 554. It looks like the next includes the Tarletons, Backhouse, and William Smith once again.
I provided the inserted picture of The Carenage in St. George which is referenced to in the document relating to a “Lot or Parcell[sic]” of land.
The two pages; 515 and 516; follow:
And my transcription –
Any comments or questions? Please feel free to contact me.515
Entered 25th March 1801
Know all Men by these presents that whereas I James Park of the Island
of Grenada am seized in Fee of a Moiety or one half part in all that Lot or Parcell of
Land situate in that part of the Town of St. George in the Island of Grenada commonly
called the Carenage together with all the buildings thereon or any part thereof executed
late the Property of James Carson now deceased and containing ___________________
______________ feet as _____ Diagram now in the Island of Grenada Now Know
Ye, that I the said James Park Have made constituted and appointed and by these
presents Do make constitute and appoint Benjamin D’Harriette Smith of Grenada
my true and lawful Attorney for me and in my name to lease, let sell or demise?
the said above mentioned Moiety of Law and Tenementt? situate in that part of
516The Town of Saint George in the Island of Grenada commonly called the Carenage and
late the Property of James Carson deceased to such Person or Persons, and for such a Term or
Number of Years or for one two or three Life or Lives of Years, with or without comments? or
Clauses for renewing the same forever and at and under such Yearly Rent or Rents as
he shall think fit or otherwise to alien, sell or dispose thereof And to grant and
convey the same absolutely in fee simple, for such sum or sums of Money and to such
person or persons he shall think fit and also for me and in my name, to seal execute and
deliver such Deeds, Conveyances, Bargains, and Sales for the Absolute Sale and disposal
thereof or for any part thereof, with such Causes covenants and agreements to be therein
contained as my said Attorney shall think fit and expedient: Hereby ratifying, confirm-
ing and allowing all such Lease or Leases, Deeds, Conveyances, Bargains or Sales which
at any time hereafter be sealed and executed by my said Attorney touching or concerning
the Premises. In Witneʃs whereof I have hereunto set any Hand and Text this
8th day of December 1800.
James Park LSDated and delivered in the Presence of James McBurnie
Before the Honorable Thomas Bridgwater Esq Chief Justice of the SupremePersonally appeared James McBurnie of the said Island Merchant the subscrib-
Court of Judicature for the said Island Established.
ing Witneʃs to the annexed Deed, _____ or Power of Attorney, who being duly sworn made
oath that he was personally present and saw James Park the Constituent, sign, seal, and
deliver the same as and for his free and Voluntary Act and Deed and that in Testimony
of such execution this Deponent subscribed his name as Witneʃs thereto.
James McBurnieSworn to before me this }
24th day of March 1801 }
The next document looks to be another long one, about six pages beginning at page 554. It looks like the next includes the Tarletons, Backhouse, and William Smith once again.
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