And as I have written, who knows what may turn up just around the bend… or in this case just around the turn of the microfilm reel.
One of the projects that I have been working on is that of trying to gather the pertinent and associated documentation for my maternal line as it relates to my mtDNA. My Haplogroup is H1a1. This is my maternal DNA that traces from me from my mother, née Robertson; from her mother, my grandmother Madge (née Goodey) Robertson; from her mother, my great-grandmother Mary Alice (née Crossley) Crossley; from her mother, my gg-grandmother Elizabeth (née Kendal) Parker; from her mother, my possible ggg-grandmother Isabella (née unknown) Kendal. You can read my initial writing at My Tangent dated 9 November 2009.
Accordingly the Kendal and Parker research that I am conducting centers near Clitheroe and Downham in Lancashire in England. And with that I discovered an FHL microfilm [1278942] which may offer some of the data that I am looking for.
In Item 10 of the microfilm of the documents, Parish Registers for Downham, 1653-1900, Church of England, Chapelry of Downham, Lancashire I came across, apart from others, the possible 1808 Marriage Registration for gggg-grandparents William and Mary (née Walker) Parker. And gggg-grandmother Mary’s maiden name Walker is a new find. The date of their marriage is 30 January 1808 at the Chapel of the Parish of Downham.
Here’s the highlighted page and entry –
And my transcription –
I’ll be updating the Parker Descendant Chart after I post ggg-grandfather John’s Birth Entry. Stay tuned.
In Item 10 of the microfilm of the documents, Parish Registers for Downham, 1653-1900, Church of England, Chapelry of Downham, Lancashire I came across, apart from others, the possible 1808 Marriage Registration for gggg-grandparents William and Mary (née Walker) Parker. And gggg-grandmother Mary’s maiden name Walker is a new find. The date of their marriage is 30 January 1808 at the Chapel of the Parish of Downham.
Here’s the highlighted page and entry –
And my transcription –
Page 18And following this I was able to find the 23 July 1809 Birth Registration of who appears to be their eldest son, ggg-grandfather John Parker.
(The Year of 1807 & 8)No. 53 } William Parker and Mary Walker, both of this Pariʃh
and Parochial Chapelry
------------------------------ were
Married in this Chapel by Banns
this thirtieth Day of January in the Year One Thouʃand eight Hundred
and eight By me Thomas Wilson. Mintr.
This Marriage was ʃolemnized between Us { William X Parker’s Mark, Mary X Walker’s Mark
In the Preʃence of { William Robinson, John Hoyle
I’ll be updating the Parker Descendant Chart after I post ggg-grandfather John’s Birth Entry. Stay tuned.
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