This next Document dated 13 September 1811 is a Power of Attorney assigning the Merchant Andrew Smith on behalf of Ship Brokers of London; I believe John Cameron and Samuel Barrett. All-things-being equal this Andrew Smith could be the same one as mentioned in my Postings Part 187s and Part 189s. The second Smith referred to in this Document is one Joshua Jonathan Smith who is Lord Mayor of the City of London.
Sorry to write that I cannot discern a link of relationship to ggg-grandfather Smith in either case. There are three suggestions that may provide some association but the connection at this point seems to be purely circumstantial. The three thoughts are: 1. the surname Smith; 2. the occupations of ggg-grandfather James and Andrew Smith were as Merchants; and 3. the possible relationship that there could have been between ggg-grandfather James as a Shipwright and the Ship Brokers, James Cameron and Samuel Barrett. Of course this is only conjecture on my part. It’s me looking for the clues.
All-in-all I did find some information of the once Lord Mayor of London, Joshua Jonathan Smith. The information I discovered comes from a query and response from a publication, from Google Books titled “Notes And Queries: A Medium of Intercommunication For Literary Men, General Readers, Etc., Eight Series – Volume Fourth, July – December 1893” published in London by John C. Francis. (The above inserted image is the Frontpage from the publication.)
The query was:
And the two responses were:
The Smith Document are pages 464 and 465 from Item 7 of the microfilm FHL [1563328] of the Grenada Register of Records, 1797-1817 (v.G2-R2).
And my transcription –
The query was:
And the two responses were:
The Smith Document are pages 464 and 465 from Item 7 of the microfilm FHL [1563328] of the Grenada Register of Records, 1797-1817 (v.G2-R2).
And my transcription –
And this completes Item 7. Now on to Item 8, which seems to contain three Records referencing the surname Smith.464ExaminedEntered May 13, 1812Know all Men by these presents that We John Cameron? and
Samuel Barrett of Billiter Lane in the City of London Ship Brokers have made ordained
constituted and appointed and by these Presents do make ordain constitute and appoint
Andrew Smith Merchant at present in London and intending shortly to proceed to
the Island of Grenada in the West Indies our and each of our true and lawful Attorney
to whom we and each of us do hereby give full Power and Authority for us in our Names
and our own behalf or for in the Names and on the behalf of any or either of us or in any
or any Persons or Person whom it doth shall or may concern in the West Indies aforesaid all
and every the Sum and Sums of Money both principal and Interest Costs Wares
Merchandize Effects and Things whatsoever that now is or are or hereafter shall or
maybe any ways due owing payable or belonging to us or either of us either by Bond
Note Bill Book Debt Account Consignment garranty Contract Agreement Decree
Sentence Judgment Mortgage Execution or Extent or upon any other Account whatsoever
and without any Exception or Reserve Also for us in our Names and on our Behalfes?
of for in the Name and on behalf of any or either of us to view examine settle adjust and
balance all accounts with any person or persons whom the same doth shall or may con-
cern and to compound compromise arbitrate conclude and agree all Differences and
what shall be agreed on to receive and of every thing that shall be recovered and _____
received by Virtue of these presents for us in our Names and on our Behalf of for in the
Name and our Behalf of either of us to give good or valid Receipts Releases and
Discharges Also for us and in our Names and on our Behalf or for in the Name
and on Behalf of either of us to sue commence and prosecute any Action or Actions
Suit or Suits at Law or in Equity appear in any Court or Courts and before all Lords
Judges and Justices these to answer defend and reply to all Matters and Causes
touching or concerning these Premises and to ^do say pursue implead seize requester _____
imprison and _____ _____ _____ and Out of Prison again to deliver? Also for us in our Names
of for and in the Names of either of us and in our Acts and Deeds or as the Act and
Deed of either of us to sign seal and deliver all such Deeds ______ Documents
and maybe need _____ in the performance of the premises And Generally for effecting the premises? to do whatever shall
and writings as shall ^ be requisite and neceʃsary ad fully amply? and effectually to
all Interests and purposes whatsoever as we ourselves or either of us might or could do
if personally present and we do hereby authorize and empower our said Attorney to
Substitute one or more Attorney or Attorneys under him with all or any of the
foregoing powers and the same at pleasure to revoke or? hereby ratifying all andWhatsoever465Whatsoever our said Attorney his Substitute or Substitutes shall lawfully
do or cause to be done in the premises by Virtue of these presents In Witneʃs whereof
we have hereunto set our Hands and Seals the thirteenth day of September One
thousand eight hundred and eleven. John Cameron? LS Saml Barrett LS
Sealed and delivered (being first duly stamped) in the presence of G.L> Farmer
George Lester Farmer Clerk to Abraham Pall of the City of London Notary
Public Maketh Oath and Saith that he was present and did see John Cameron?
and Samuel Barrett of Billiter Lane in the City of London Ship Brokers sign
Seal and as their Act and Deed duly execute and deliver the Procuration or
Letter of Attorney hereunto annexed and that the Name “G L Farmer” set
and subscribed at foot of the said Procuration or Letter of Attorney as Witneʃs
to the due Execution thereof is of the own proper hand writing of him this DeponentG. L. FarmerSworn at the Mansion House London this {
30th day of September 1811 Before me JJ Smith Major.
To all to whom these Presents shall come I Joshua Jonathan Smith
Lord Mayor of the City of London In Pursuance of an Act of Parliament made and
paʃsed in the fifth Year of the Reign of his late Majesty King George the second
Instituted an Act for the more easy recovery of Debts in his Majesty’s Plantations
and Colonies in America Do hereby Certify that on the day of the date hereof
personally came and appeared before me George Lester Farmer the Deponent here said
in the Affidavit hereunto annexed being a person well Known and worthy of good
Credit and by solemn Oath which the said deponent then took before me upon
the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God Did solemnly and sincerely declare
testify and depose to be true the several matter and things mentioned and contained
in the said annexed Affidavit.
LSIn Faith and Testimony whereof I the said Lord
Mayor have caused the Seal of the Office of Mayoralty of the
said City of London to be hereunto put and affixed and the
Procuration or Letter of Attorney mentioned and referred to in
and by the said Affidavit to be hereunto also annexed Dated
in London the Thirtieth day of September in the Year of our
Lord One thousand eight hundred and eleven.Windale
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