The inserted image is Jackson Pollock’s Number 7, 1951, found at the National Gallery of Art.
This Record concerns one John Charles Smith and to date this is my first encounter, in my work of this individual. I do not have any entry or any cross-reference in my genealogy to this name. There is also no apparent hint or clue as to a relationship to ggg-grandfather James Smith.
The copies of pages 581 and 582 –
My transcription -
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My transcription -
And now the work moves up to Item 8. At first glance I see five Smith-related Records.(581)Examined
Entered 1st July 1831Grenada To all to whom these presents shall come John Charles
Smith of the town of Saint George and Island of Grenada Carpenter Sends Greet
-ing Know ye that the said John Charles Smith for divers good causes and consi-
derations thereunto moving and for and in consideration of the Sum of nine Shillings
Current money of the Island aforesaid well and truly paid to him the said John
Charles Smith by his slave Sally hath Manumitted enfranchised renounced and redeemed
from Slavery and forever set free and by these presents doth Manumit enfranchise and forever
set free his certain Female slave named Sally and her future issue and increase To
have and To hold to the said Slave named Sally full free Manumission Enfran-
chisement Emancipation and freedom from the day of the date hereof fully freely and
absolutely for her own proper use and behoof and benefit forever subject to no labour service
or Servitude in or for the benefit of him the said John Charles Smith his heirs Executors
and administrators or any or either of them at any time hereafter so that neither he the said
John(582)John Charles Smith nor his heirs Executors or administrators or either of them or
any other person or persons whomsoever claiming or to claim by from or under ______ any
of them can or shall have any right to title interest or property of in or to the said Slave named
Sally or to her Servitude or any benefit advantage _____ therefrom but from
thenceforth the said John Charles Smith and his heirs Executors and administra-
tors shall and will be therefrom barred and excluded forever In witness whereof the
said John Charles Smith hath hereunto set his hand and Seal in Grenada this Eigh-
tenth day of June in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight hundred and thirty
John Charles Smith (LS)Signed Sealed and delivered }
In the presence of } James McLiesh – Jos Thos Comissiong Jr
Before the Honorable John Hoyes Senior Assistant JusticePersonally appeared John Thomas Comissiong Junior of the town of
of the Supreme Court of Judicature of and for this Island
and its Dependencies Established
St. George and Island aforesaid one of the Subscribing Witnesses to the foregoing Deed of
Mannumiʃsion who being duly sworn on the the holy Evangelists of Almighty God
Maketh Oath and Saith that he together with James McLiesh the other Subscribing
Witneʃs were present and did See John Charles Smith party to the said Deed of Manu-
mission Sign Seal Execute and deliver the same as and for his free and Voluntary
Act and Deed.
Joh Thos Comiʃsiong JrSworn to before me this }
30th Day of June 1831 }
Jno Hoyes
Senr Assist Judge
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