Today’s a good day to start off with a new microfilm of another Register of the Grenada Registers of Records. This morning I go back 10 years from my last Posting, Part 256s, and I do believe this Record, dated 14 August 1826 relates to ggg-grandfather James Smith.
The copy of the Register is found in the Grenada Registers of Records, 1825-1834 (v. H5-O5) and FHL [1563380]
The Record is the recording of a Bill of Sale of a parcel of land including buildings, etc., in the Town of Saint George for the exorbitant price of five shillings and one peppercorn. There does not appear to be any hint or clue as to the genealogy or ancestry of ggg-grandfather James, but my research into the yearly rent of “one peppercorn” certainly is an eye-opener into the legal wranglings of contract law.
From Item 1 of the microfilm of the Register, here are pages 393 and 394.
My transcription -
The inserted map is an overhead picture of the Carenage at St. George’s. As the photo, from Bing is dated 2010 I cannot be certain, of course of the exact location of the plot or parcel of land referred to in this 1825 Record. Comparing this photo to a map provided at the website of Travellers Guide Grenada you can see the approximate location of Young Street.
Favor to ask. Please notify me if I may make an error in spelling. Please note that I try to transcribe what I see, and sometimes I may not get it exactly as the document, record, or website may have committed. It is the English teacher in me.
More to come.
From Item 1 of the microfilm of the Register, here are pages 393 and 394.
My transcription -
Entered 13 October 1826This Indenture made the Fourteenth day of August
in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and twenty six
Between Victor La Barrie of the Island of Grenada
Esquire of the one part and James Smith of the Island of Grenada
Esquire of the other part Witnesseth that in consideration of
Five shillings a piece of Current Money of Grenada to him the said
Victor La Barrie in hand paid by the said James Smith at or before
the enscaling and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is
hereby acknowledged hath bargained and sold by these presents
doth bargain and sell unto the said James Smith his Executors
Administrators and Assigns all that lot piece or parcel of land
situate lying and being in Young Street in the Carenage in the Town
of Saint George in the Island aforesaid with the House
or Houses or Buildings and Erections thereon erected built standing
or being containing Eighteen feet in front and Eighty seven in depth
abutted and bounded as follows that is to say on the South West by
Young Street aforesaid North West by lands of Tayman? Augustine
and Wilkinson and South East by the share and portion of Judith
Philip in and to the said Lot of Land or howsoever otherwise the
same is abutted and bounded distinguished known or described
and also to al Messuages Tenements rights Members Privileges
profits Commodities Emoluments Advantages Hereditaments
and Appurtenances whatsoever to the said Lot piece or parcel of
Land Meʃsuages Tenements Buildings and premises thereon of his
or any part thereof belonging or in anywise appertaining or there
with or with any part or parcel thereof now most commonly or
usually(394)Usually held let occupied used poʃseʃsed or enjoyed accept-
ed reputed deemed taken or known as part parcel or member thereof
or any part thereof and the reversion and reversions remainder
and remainders rents iʃsues and profits of the said premises and
of every part thereof To Have and To Hold the said Lot piece
or parcel of Land Messuages Tenements Hereditaments and all
and singular other the premises hereinbefore mentioned or in-
tended to be hereby bargained and sold and every part and parcel
with his Rights Members and appurtenances unto the said
James Smith his Executors Administrators and Aʃssigns from the
day next before the day of the date of these presents for and during
and unto the full end and term of one whole year from thence
next ensuing and fully to be complete and ended yielding and
paying therefor the yearly rent of one pepper Corn at expiration
of the said term if the same shall be lawfully demanded to the
intent or purpose that by virtue of these presents and of the statute
for transferring uses into poʃseʃsion of the hereby bargained premises
with the Appurtenances and thereby be enabled to accept and take
a Grant or release of the freehold and reversion of the same unto
and to the use of the said James Smith his heirs and aʃsigns in
such manner as in and by a certain Indenture of release intend-
ed to bear date the day next after the day of the date hereof and
made between the said Victor La Barrie of the one part and the
said James Smith of the other part shall be mentioned expreʃsed
of and concerning the same In Witness whereof the said party
had hereunto set his hand and affixed his Seal the day and year
first within written
Victor (LS) La BarrieSigned sealed and delivered in the presence of
J.B. Gagg, R. H. ThomasGrenada Acknowledge before me by Victor La Barrie
the party executing the within Indenture of Bargain and Sale or
Lease for a year as and for his free and voluntary Act and Deed
this twelfth day of September one thousand eight hundred and twenty six
Owsley Rowley

Favor to ask. Please notify me if I may make an error in spelling. Please note that I try to transcribe what I see, and sometimes I may not get it exactly as the document, record, or website may have committed. It is the English teacher in me.
More to come.
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