Okay, okay… I’m not an expert in the word of Contract Law, but it certainly is like learning another language. That is, the Legal English of 1816. But I do, or I thought I did have an education in Organizational Management, but I am somewhat perplexed at the order of entry of this and of the next Indenture from the Grenada Registers of Records.
This next Record, beginning on Page 303 of the Registers is related to the one that follows beginning on Page 305. It, the one on Page 303, was made on 7 October 1810 and entered to the Registers 28 February 1816. The one beginning on Page 305 was made 8 October 1810 but entered seven days early to the Registers on 17 February 1816. From this layman’s miniscule comprehension, the timing and entering makes no sense... and this man is certainly confused.
And this is just another part of the mysteries of the search and research for the origins and the ancestry of my ggg-grandfather James Smith. There is no Smith recorded in this Indenture but in the one following, which is related to this one, includes a James Smith in the annexed schedule.
Here are the images of Pages 303, 304, and 305 as downloaded from Item 4 of the microfilm FHL [1563379]
My transcription –
Next, the Indenture that is entered after this one, but was written before this one.
My transcription –
Entered 28th February 1816.
This Indenture made this seventh day of October in
the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ten Between Francis
Peter Renaud of the Parish of Saint Andrew in the Island of Grenada planter of
the one part and Ferdinand De Creeft of the same parish and Island Planter of the
other part Witne∫seth that for and in Consideration of ten shillings of Current
Money of Grenada to him in hand paid at or before the Sealing and delivery
of these presents (the Receipt whereof is hereby Acknowledged) He the said
Francis Peter Renaud Hath bargained and Sold and by these presents Doth
bargain and Sell unto the said Ferdinand De Creeft his executors administrators
And a∫signs all that Sugar plantation or estate of him the said Francis
Peter Renaud called Columbia situate lying and being in the parish of Saint
Andrew in the Island of Grenada aforesaid containing by admeasurement forty
eight Quarres of land French admeasurement or thereabouts be the same
more or le∫s and abutted and bounded as follows that is to Say on the east by
Balthazar Estate on the West by Mount Zomlin? Estate on the North by
Mirabeau and Retreat Estates and on the South by LaForce Estate over?
howsoever otherwise the same may be abutted or bounded And also all those
fifty Negro and other Slaves now being upon or belonging to the said plantation
or Estate and whose names are as follows (that is to say) Augustine Prosper
Gabriel, Ibibin Jacques Joachim Josaphine, Regis Bernabé Charles Jean
Louis Barthelemi Dominique Raine or Henry, Eustace, Jean Charles,
David being Males Agathe Margrite Angelique Jeanette Venus Judith
Franchine Rosette, Timonne, Marinette Eglie Jeanne Rose Marie
Catherine Mary Felicité Nancy being Females. Edward Joseph Louis
Charles Louis Pierre, Paul Jean Phillip Pierre Jacques Jean Baptiste
Janel Louis Francois being boys. Reine Marthe Francoise Louise
Suzanne Celanie being girls and all the progeny and increase of the
Females of the said Slaves and all and every the live and dead Stock utensils
and implements of plantership now being in and upon the or belonging to
the said plantation or Estate and all houses out houses Sugar works edifices
and buildings thereon or thereto belonging and also all the other Cocoa and
Coffee plantation or Estate of his the said Peter Francis Renaud called Pyrhennes?
situate lying and being in the parish and Island aforesaid containing by
admeasurement twenty quarres French Admeasurement or thereabouts by
the same more or le∫s and abutted and bounded as follows that is Say, on the East
by the plantation called Mont Zomlin on the West by Chadeaus and ungranted
lands on the North by lands of Preudhomme and Molenier? and on the south
by Lands formerly Rochards or howsoever otherwise the Same may be abutted
and bounded and all ways paths pa∫sages waters watercourses profits commodities
hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever to each of the said plantations or
Estates and premises belonging or in any wise appertaining or therewith or with
either of them now or at any time thereto fore held used occupied or enjoyed or
accepted reputed deemed taken or known as part parcel or member of them or either
of them or of any part thereof and the Reversion and Reversions Remainder and
Remainders yearly and other rents fees? and profits of each and every of them
and of every part parcel and member thereof To have and to hold the said
two plantation and Estates Negroes and other slaves plantations utensils
implements hereditaments and premises and each of them hereby bargained and
sold or mentioned and intended So to be with their each and every of the appurtenances
unto the said Ferdinand De Creeft his executors administrators and a∫signs
until the full end and time of one whole year from thence _____ _____ and
Fully to be Complete and ended Yielding and paying therefore one pepper
Corn at the end of the said term of lawfully demanded to the intent that _____ by virtue of
these presents and by force of the Statute made for transferring uses unto po∫se∫sion
the said Ferdinand De Creeft may be in the actual po∫se∫sion of all and Singular
the said _____ uses hereby bargains and Sold with their appurtenances and may
or thereby enabled to receipt and to _____ Grant and Release of the _____ and
Inheritance thereof unto and to the use of him his heirs and a∫signs for ever
In witne∫s whereof the said Francis Peter Renaud hath hereunto set
his hand and Affixed his Deal the Day and year first within written.
Renaud (LS)Signed Sealed and delivered in the presence of John Doyle & Lae VonWeiller
Next, the Indenture that is entered after this one, but was written before this one.
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