It is amazing what the sum of five shillings and one pepper corn would have got you in 1816… Good Hope Estate, in the Parish of Saint George in the Island of Grenada.
(The inserted image is of the Town of Saint George, circa 1790.)
In my research and as a part of my Indenture Research Project, and my search for the origins and genealogy of my ggg-grandfather James Smith, it is amazing, at times, what I have been able to chance upon. This Indenture, Pages 309 to 311, of the Grenada Registers of Records, is the 1816 contract between ggg-grandfather James and a Julien Lussan regarding the property and plantation known as Good Hope Estate.
Although this Document does not provide any ancestral origin of ggg-grandfather James it does provide some correlating information regarding his life and being. Three key pieces of information and data are revealed and corroborated by this documentation. GGG-grandfather James
And my transcription -
The next Indenture is an additional contract confirming the purchasing of Good Hope Estate.
Stay tuned, and enjoy,
- Is confirmed, once again, of the occupation of “Mill Carpenter”.
- Prior to moving to Good Hope Estate in Saint George, it appears that he was from and may have lived in the Parish of Saint David. (This does not preclude the possibility that before the date of this Indenture, that he may have lived elsewhere, as for example in the Town of St. George.)
- Lived at the Estate called Good Hope in the Parish of Saint George in Grenada.
And my transcription -
Entered 4th March 1816.This Indenture made the twenty ninth day of
February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixteen
Between Julien Lussan of the Town of Saint George in the Island of
Grenada Esquire of the one part and James Smith of the parish of
Saint David in the Island aforesaid Mill Carpenter of the other part
Witne∫seth that for and in Consideration of the Sum of five shillings
Current money of Grenada to him the said Julien Lu∫san well and truly
paid by the said James Smith at or before the Sealing and delivery of these
presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged He the said Julien
Lu∫san hath granted bargained and Sold and by these presents Doth
grant bargain and Sell unto the said James Smith his heirs and a∫signs
All that Estate plantation price or parcel of Land commonly called or Known
by the name of Goodhope lying and being in the parish of Saint George in the
said Island of Grenada containing forty four Acres two Roods and thirty
perches (be the same more or le∫s) English Statue measure abutting &
bonded as is next hereafter mentioned That is to Day To the South by the
present Public High Road leading from Saint Georges to the parish of Saint
David in all its present winding To the North partly by Lands of Mount
Parna∫sus Estate and partly by the old public Road which formerly
lead from Saint David's to Saint George to the East by the aforesaid public
High Road from Saint George to St. David untill the same Communicates
with the said old Road joining from the North and to the West by lands of
Mount Parna∫sus Estate as the whole thereof is laid down by a Plan of
William Burke Sworn Surveyor in this Island Grenada in September
one thousand eight hundred and twelve or howsoever otherwise the
said plantation or parcel of land or any part thereof is abutted or bounded
and by whatsoever other name or names description or descriptions the
same is or has been heretofore called Known by distinguished or described
And also all Me∫suages tenements edifices erections and buildings
erected built standing or being or to be erected built standing or being on the
same plantation or parcel of Land And also all ways paths pa∫sages lights
Easements waters watercourses Woods underwoods privileges profits
commodities emoluments advantages hereditaments Rights Members
Appurtenances whatsoever to the same plantation or parcel of Land Me∫suages
tenements and premises belonging or in any wise appertaining or therewith now
commonly held used occupied po∫se∫sed or enjoyed or Accepted reputed deemed
taken or Known as part parcel or member of the same premises And the Reversion
and Reversions Remainder and Remainders yearly and other Rents i∫sues and profits
thereof And also all the Estate Right Title interest use Trust po∫se∫sion property claim
challenge and demand whatsosever of the said Julien Lu∫san either of at Law
or in Equity of in to or out of the said plantation or parcel of land Me∫suages
tenements hereditaments and premises mentioned or intended to be
hereby bargained and Sold and also all deeds evidences writings muniments
Escrips & plans in anywise Relating to the Same plantation or parcel of
land which now are in the Custody of the said Julien Lu∫san or which
he can or may come by without Suit either at Law or in Equity To have
And to hold the said plantation or parcel of Land Me∫suages
tenements and all and Singular the premises mentioned or intended to
be hereby bargained and Sold with their and every of their appurtenances
unto the said James Smith his heirs executors administrators and
a∫signs from the day next before the day of the date hereof for and during
and unto the dull end and term of one whole year from thence next
ensuring and fully to be complete and ended Yielding and paying
therefor unto the said Julien Lu∫san or his heirs and a∫signs the
rent of one pepper Corn only at the expiration of the said term of the same
shall be lawfully demanded to the intent and purpose that by virtue
of these presents and by force of the Statute for transferring uses unto po∫se∫sion
made and provided the said James Smith may be in the Actual
po∫se∫sion of the said plantation or parcel of land Me∫suages and all and
Singular the other hereditaments and premises mentioned or intended
to be hereby bargained and Sold and thereby be enable to accept and
take a grant and release of the freehold reversion and inheritance of
the said premises unto and to the use only proper use and behoof of the
said James Smith his heirs and a∫signs in and by a certain
Indenture of Release already prepared intended to bear date the
day next before the day of the date hereof and made or intended
to be made between the same parties as are to these presents In
Witne∫s whereof the party first above named his hand and
Seal to these presents had Set the day and year first above written
Jn: (LS) Lussan
Sealed and delivered in the presence of us Lous Bouget & Lea VonWeiller
Acknowledged before me Julien Lu∫san
Esquire the party executing ^the within Indenture as and for his free and
voluntary Act and Deed this fourth day of March in the year one thousand
eight hundred and Sixteen.
Owsley Rowley D Reg.
The next Indenture is an additional contract confirming the purchasing of Good Hope Estate.
Stay tuned, and enjoy,
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