(Insert The Prospect of Grays Inn, London, c. 1755.)
This next Record from the Grenada Registers of Records appears to be a preliminary one dated 4 July 1817 and entered 12 January 1818. The contract appears to be between Richard Oliver Smith and William Manning, Frederick Manning, and John Lavicount Anderdon, once once again it is concerning the plantation and estate of Revolution Hall in the Parish of Saint John in Grenada.
Richard Oliver Smith is now of “Grays Inn” in the County of Middlesex. His late father William Smith is referred to in the contract. To my present understanding there is no direct or indirect mention of ggg-grandfather James Smith.
Here are the images of the Pages 320 and 321 of the Register as downloaded from Item 5 of the microfilm FHL [1563379].
My transcription –
This entry appears to be a preamble and introductory Record to the next Record… All-things-being-equal, that Record will be my next work.
My transcription –
Entered 12th January 1818This Indenture made the fourth day of July in the fifty seventh Year
of the Reign of out Sovereign Lord George the Third in the Grace of God of the
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland King Defender of the Faith and in
the Year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and seventeen Between Richard
Oliver Smith late of Stewarts Grove Brompton but now of Grays Inn in the County
of Middlesex Esquire of the one Part and William Manning Frederick Manning
and John Lavicount Anderdon of New Bank Buildings in the City of London Merchants
and Partners of the other Part Witne∫seth That for and in consideration of the Sum
of ten Shillings of lawful Money of Great Britain to the said Richard Oliver Smith
in hand paid by the said William Manning Frederick Manning and John Lavicount
Anderdon at and before the sealing and delivery of these Presents the receipt whereof is
hereby acknowledge Be the said Richard Oliver Smith hath bargained and sold and by
these Presents Doth bargain and sell unto the said Willing Manning Frederick
Manning and John Lavicount Anderdon their Executors Administrators and A∫signs
All such Part and Parts of the Hereditaments and Premises hereinafter mentioned
and described as are Freehold (that is to say All that Plantation or Estate called
Revolution Hall Estate situate lying and being in the Parish of Saint John in the
Island of Grenada late of or belonging to William Smith deceased And also all that
Piece or Parcel of Land bought by the said William Smith of and from the Me∫s Herbert
And also all that Coffee Plantation and Hereditaments bought by the said William
Smith of and from Madam Bertrand situate lying and being in the Parish of Saint
John in the said Island of Grenada And also all Me∫suages Lands Outhouses Boiling
Houses Edifices and Buildings standing and being upon the said Plantations and
Hereditaments respectively And also all Stills Cisterns Furnaces Worms Worm Tubs
Boilers and other Plantation Utensils and Implements And all the Negroes And other
Slaves and the Offspring I∫sue and Increase of the Families of such Negroes and
Slaves and all Horses Mules and other Cattle And all Ways Paths Pa∫sages Wells
Waters and Watercourse Trees Woods Underwoods and the ground and Soil thereof
Liberties Privileges Profits Commodities Emoluments Advantages Hereditaments and
Appurtenances whatsoever to the said Plantations Hereditaments and Premises hereby
bargained and sold respectively or _____ and intended so to be or any Part or
Parcel thereof belonging or in any wise appertaining or with the same used occupied
or enjoyed or accepted reputed deemed taken or Known as Part or Parcel thereof or
Rents I∫sues and Profits thereof and of every part thereof To have and To hold such
Part and Part of the said Plantation Lands Negroes Slaves Stock Utensils Hereditaments
and all and singular other the Premises hereinbefore mentioned and intended to be
hereby bargained and sold respectively as are of the nature of Freehold and every part
thereof with the appurtenances unto the said William Manning Frederick Manning
and John Lavicount Anderdon their Executors Administrators and A∫signs from the day
next before the day of the date of these Presents for and during and unto the full end and
term of one whole year from thence next ensuring? and fully to be complete and ended
Yielding and paying therefore at the end and expiration of the said term unto the
said Richard Oliver Smith his Heirs or A∫signs the Rent of one Pepper Corn if the
Same shall be lawfully demanded To the Intent that by virtue of these Presents
and by force of the Statute for transferring uses into po∫se∫sion they the said William
Manning Frederick Manning and John Lavicount Anderdon may be in the
actual po∫se∫sion of all and singular the said Hereditaments and Premises with
their Appurtenances and may thereby be enabled to take and accept a Grant
and Release of the Reversion and Inheritance thereof to them and their Heirs To
such time? and upon such Trusts as shall be thereof declared in and by a certain
Indenture intended to bear date the day next after the day of the date of these
Presents and to be made between the same Parties In Witne∫s whereof the said
Parties to these Presents have hereunto set their hands and Seals the day and Year
first above written –
R. O. (LS) Smith
Sealed and Delivered by the within named Richard Oliver Smith in the presence
of –
Richd Crauch – Union Co Broad St.Geo J Nicholson – Lincoln Inn Gentm
This entry appears to be a preamble and introductory Record to the next Record… All-things-being-equal, that Record will be my next work.
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