Following on the heels of my previous Posting, Part 408s, this Indenture appears to be the contract in which ggg-grandfather James acquires the lot of land from Judith Dunn, the lot of land to the west of land owned by ggg-grandmother Mary Ann Doret.
In my search and research, I am crossing my fingers, and sometimes my eyes, hoping that I will be able to find that hint or shred of evidence which will lead me to the genealogy and ancestral origins of ggg-grandfather James. This Indenture does not.
This Record does provide another piece of information of ggg-grandfather James’ real estate acquisitions in Grenada. In this case, from one Judith Dunn, ggg-grandfather has acquired the 810 square feet of land in the Town of St. George for the 1818 sum of £165.0.0 Sterling. And this translates to, give-or-take, in today’s US values, approximately $14,267.55… I think?
The following images of the Pages 450 through and including 452 are downloaded from Item 5 of the microfilm FHL [1563379] of the Grenada Registers of Records.
And my transcription –
Three Postings today… quite a bit of work. I won’t stop until I find the suggestion of a link to the origins of ggg-grandfather James Smith.
And my transcription –
This Indenture made the Twenty Eighth Day of February One thousand Eight
hundred and Eighteen Between Judique Dunn of the Town of Saint George in the said Island of
Grenada free Black woman of the one part and James Smith of ^the parish of Saint George in the
Same Island Mill Carpenter of the other part witne∫seth that the said Judique Dunn for
and in consideration of the sum of One hundred and Sixty five pounds Current money of Grenada
taken in hand well and truly paid at or before the sealing and delivery of these presents by the
said James Smith (the Receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged) hat bargained granted sold
released and confirmed and by these presents Doth Grant bargain Sell release and confirm unto
the said James Smith (In his actual Po∫se∫sion now being by virtue of a Bargain and Sale to him
thereof made by an Indenture bearing date the day next before the Day of the dare of these presents
and by force of the Statute for the transferring uses into Po∫se∫sion) and to his Heirs and A∫signs All
that Lot Piece or Parcel of Land Situate and being in the Town of Saint George in the said Island
of Grenada containing in from Twenty Seven feet and in depth Thirty feet bounded on he North by
Gore Street on the West by Halifax Street on the South by lands lately of Robert Napier and on
the East by Lands of Mary Ann Doret or howsoever otherwise bounded and being and all erections
thereon and all ways waters Liberties Easements and Priviledges thereto belong or usually enjoyed
therewith and the Reversion and Reversions Remainder and Remainders Rents I∫sues and Profits
thereof with their and every of their Appurtenances and all the Estate Right Title Interest Trust
Property claim and demand whatsoever both at Law and in Equity of her the said Juidique Dunn
of in and to the same or any part thereof To have and To hold the said Lot Piece or Parcel of Land
and all and singular other the Premises above mentioned with these Appurtenances unto the said
James Smith his Heirs and A∫signs to his and them only proper use and behoof for Ever And the said
Judique Dunn for herself her Heirs Executors and Administrators doth hereby covenant and agree
to and with the said James Smith his Heirs and A∫signs in manner following that is to say that
for and notwithstanding any Act matter of thing done committed or wittingly sufficient to the contrary
by her the said Judith Dunn or any of her Predece∫sors She the said Judique Dunn is now law-
fully seized of the said Lot piece or Parcel of Land and Premises mentioned to be hereby granted
and released with the Appurtenances of and in a pure absolute and indefeasible Estate of Inheritance
in fee simple with any condition Matter or Thing whatsoever to alter change le∫sen defeat or make void
the same and further that he the said James Smith and his heirs and A∫signs shall at all
Times hereafter peaceably and quietly have po∫se∫s and occupy and enjoy the said lot Piece or
Parcel of Land and Premises hereby granted bargained and sold and receive and take the Rents
I∫sues and profits thereof to his and their own use without the Let Suit hindrance Interruption
or denial of the said Judique Dunn her Heirs and A∫signs or any other person or Persons
claiming under her them or any Predece∫sor of her the said Judique Dunn And that
free and clear and freely and clearly acquitted exonerated and discharged or otherwise by the
Said Judique Dunn and her Heirs well and sufficiently Saved and ^kept indemnified from and
against all and all manner of former and other Gifts Grants Bargains Sales Leases Mortgages
forfeitures Rents Dowers or any of her Predece∫sors. And moreover that she the said Judique
Dunn will at all times hereafter at the request of the said James Smith his Heirs and A∫signs
but at his and their proper Costs make and execute such further conveyances and A∫surances
for the more perfectly and absolutely granting releasing an a∫suring the said Lot Piece or parcel
of Land hereby granted and released and the Premises unto and to the use of the said James
Smith his Heirs and A∫signs as by the said James Smith his Heirs and A∫signs or his or their
Counsel shall be reasonably devised and required In Witne∫s whereof the Party first above
named hath hereto set her hand and Seal the Day and Year first above written
Ordri? Markof Judith + (LS) + DunnSigned Sealed and delivered }
in the presence of us
Lee. Vonweiller – Anthony Lompris.Received on the Day of the Date of the within written Indentures of and from the within
named James Smith the sum of One hundred and Sixty five pounds Current money of Grenada
being the full consideration money within mentioned to be by him paid to me I say received £165 Cy.
Ordri? Markof Judith + (LS) + DunnWitne∫ses L. Vonweiller – Anthony Lumpris
Before the Honorable Richard Ottley Esquire Chief Justice of his Majesty’sSupreme Court of Judicature for the Island of Grenada and its Dependencies didPersonally appeared Laurence Vonweiller of the Town of St. George Writing Clerk one of the subscribing
Witne∫s to the annexed Indentures of Lease and Release who being duly sworn on the Holy Evangelists
of Almighty God deposeth and Saith that he was present together with Anthony Lumpris the other
subscribing witne∫s thereto and did see the therein named Judith Dunn Sign by making her
ordinary Mark not knowing to write opposite to the Seals of the Said Indentures of Lease and Release
and also sign by the same Mark the Receipt for the consideration money thereof and also saw her
Seal acknowledge and deliver the same as and for her free and voluntary Act and Deed And in
Testimony thereof this Deponent and the said Anthony Lompres respectively subscribed their names
As Witne∫ses thereto at the Request and in the presence of the said Judith Dunn and in the
presence of each other.
Laurence VonweillerSworn to Before me this }
thirteenth day of October 1818 }
Richd Ottley
Three Postings today… quite a bit of work. I won’t stop until I find the suggestion of a link to the origins of ggg-grandfather James Smith.
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