I have not given up my research or the trek of my search for the origins and genealogical ancestry of ggg-grandfather James Smith. I have just spent this past week working with a gentleman who contacted me, out of the blue, and thought that we may be connected on the Robertson side of my Family Tree. And that story will keep to the very short future.
But for the respite, I have returned to my Indenture Research project. I have just renewed and received my new tri-focals but I can honestly say that the scribe of this detailed Indenture must have used a series of quills from a genus of miniature chickens… Per David A. Fryxell in his article History Matters: The Write Stuff published in the May 2010 of Family Tree Magazine, “In 1809, Peregrin Williamson, a Baltimore shoemaker, received the first American patent for a steel pen, and Englishman John Scheffer attempted to manufacture a half-quill, half-metal pen in 1819.” And the scribe of this Indenture was trying to conserve paper. His writing is so small, I thought my new glasses were on the fritz.
The next Indenture does not appear to have any direct connection to ggg-grandfather James. There are three Smiths included in the Document: Archibald, James, and James, Junior Smith of the Jordan Hill Smiths of Grenada and Scotland.
This first part of the Indenture was written 26 June 1818 and entered to the Grenada Registers of Records 6 August 1819. The following Pages 720 and 721 are downloaded from Item 5 of the microfilm FHL [1563379].
My transcription –
And now I continue on to the next part of this Indenture.
My transcription –
Entered 6th August 1819
This Indenture made the Twenty six day of June in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and Eighteen between Archibald
Smith of Jordan Hill Adam Crooks John Guthrie John Ryburn James Smith Andrew Ranken and James Smith
Junior of the City of Glasgow in that part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland called Scotland Merchants Copartners
Carrying on Trade under the Firm and Designation of Leitch and Smith and Jean Pierre Marreaud of the Island of Grenada Planter
of the one part and Owsley Rowley of the said Island Esquire of the other Part Witnesseth that in Consideration of ten Shillings to them
the said Parties of the one part in hand paid by the said Owsley Rowley at or before the sealing and delivery of these Presents the receipt whereof
whereby acknowledged they the said Archibald Smith Adam Crooks John Guthrie John Ryburn James Smith Andrew Ranken and James
Smith Junior and the said Jean Pierre Marreaud have and each of them hath granted bargained and sold and by these Presents do and make
And every of these doth grant bargain and sell unto the said Owsley Rowley his Executors Administrators and Assigns all that Plantation
Estate commonly Called concord situate and being in the Parish of St. John in the said Island of Grenada containing by admeasurement
Seven hundred and twenty five Acres and thirty two perches of Land or thereabouts (be the same more or less) abutted and bounded as follows
to _____ on the East by Lands now or late of James Campbell Esquire and some un_____ Lands On the West by Lands now or late of James
Mays partly by the Estate Called Woodford and partly by Estate of Madme De Colongne on the North partly by a Precipice partly by Land
of Madme? Marchian? and partly by the River Brack Bay and on the South partly by Lands late of John Stephen Blache and partly by
Lands of the heirs of Banchamon? Valenciennes Estate and some ungranted Lands or howsoever otherwise the same may be situate bounded
described or Known and all these Two hundred and _ _ Negro and other Slaves now being upon or belonging to the said Plantation
or Estate whose names & Sexes are set forth and Contained in the Schedule annexed to or written under a certain Indenture of Release
bearing date the say next after the day of the day hereof and to be made between the said Archibald Smith Adam Crooks John Guthrie
John Ryburn James Smith Andrew Rankin and James Smith Junior of the first part the said Jean Pierre Marreaud? of the second
part and the said Owsley Rowley of the third part and also all the Issue future Progeny and increase of the females thereof and all and
every the Live and Dead Stock plantation implements and utensils edifices buildings Ways Paths Passages Waters Watercourses Profits Commodities ad-
vantages improvements conveniences hereditaments and all & singular other the appurtenances to the said Plantation or Estate belonging or
in any wise appertaining or therewith now or at anytime heretofore held used occupied or enjoyed or Accepted reputed deemed or taken as parcel
or number thereof or of any part of the same and the remainder & remainders reversion and reversions of and in the same and every of the
same and the Rents Issues and Profits to arise and become payable for or in respect of the premises or any part thereof with the appurtenances
to have and hold all and singular the same Plantation or Estate Lands Tenements buildings Slaves Stocks Hereditaments and other the
premises hereby bargained and sold with the appurtenances unto and for the said Owsley Rowley his Executors Administrators and Assigns
from the day next before the day of the date of these Presents for and during and unto the dull end of the Term of one Year thence next ensuing
and fully to the Compleat Yielding therefore unto them the said Parties hereto of the one part the Rent of a peppercorn at the expiration of
the paid sum (if demanded) to the intent and purpose that by virtue of these Presents and of the Statute made for transferring Uses into
Possession the said Owsley Rowley may be in the actual possession of the said Plantation Slaves and Premises herein above described
and Comprised and intended to be hereby bargained & sold with their and every of the members and appurtenances and thereby be enabled
to take or Grant? & Release of the reversion & Inheritance thereof rents and for the use of him his Heirs and assigns by the Indenture intended to
bear date the day next after the dates hereof & which is the same Indenture of Release herein to fore referred to In witness whereof the
said Parties to these Presents have hereto set their hands and seals the day and Year first above written Archd (LS) Smith by
his Atty W Kirkland Adam (LS) Crooks by his Atty W Kirkland John (LS) Guthrie by his Atty W Kirkland John (LS) Ryburn
by his Atty W Kirkland James (LS) Smith by his Atty W Kirkland Andrew (LS) Ranken by his Atty W Kirkland James (LS) Smith Jnur.
by his Atty W Kirkland J P. (LS) Marreaud
Signed Sealed and delivered by the with named Hy Bridgwater Lewis Hayes
And now I continue on to the next part of this Indenture.
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