The weather is beginning to warm up… but as our “esteem” prime-time weather people have so aptly forecasted, we are due for another “Arctic Cold Front”. And as always they blame Canada. I’m planting a plastic garden this coming year… It will eliminate the neuroses of living in a Hardiness Zone which borders on the line of two; 9 and 10.
Since 1960 there has been a change. Accordingly, the Tampa Bay area has moved from being squarely in the middle of Zone 9 in 1990, to now being well within Zone 10. I think someone is looking at the maps sideways.
And today I begin to attack my list of genealogy things to do. The first one, from the list in My Tangent, is number 5, my Robertson Family Descendant Chart. In my research and report writing I am using the genealogy software, GenoPro.
Here is my most current update of my Robertson Descendant Chart. I will be working on the inclusion of notation of cross-references to my Postings in my Blog. This Chart is and will always be “Under Construction”.
If you have any questions, comments, or thoughts please feel free to contact me, either directly through this Blog or via email.
If you have any questions, comments, or thoughts please feel free to contact me, either directly through this Blog or via email.
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