I introduced an organizational component of my research and work early on in my Indenture Transcription Project; the Research Matrix. The purpose of the Research Matrix is to provide an immediate cross-referenced Index, of sorts that I can refer back to those Blog Postings that are particular and specific to a Smith ancestor or possibility.
I am a visual person when it comes to the organization of information, which of course could mean “Don’t move that pile cause I know exactly where that piece of paper with that bit of data is hidden in that stack.” And my organization on line at times can be somewhat prodigious…(a diplomatic way of saying “overwhelming”.)
I have created related Smith Indenture Study Matrixes. The data and Smith names provided on each Matrix, is relevant information which provides an immediate cross-reference table to each and every individual FHL microfilm that I have worked with or am working on, as associated with the Grenada Registers of Records. These Matrixes are filed under my menu tab labeled “Analyses”. The major thrust of this Study is the search and research for the origins and ancestry of my ggg-grandfather James Smith.
This new Smith Indenture Study Matrix is an update, mapping my work in progress, is associated with the microfilm FHL [1563379]. These Records are of the Grenada Registers of Records 1811-1825 (v. W4-H5). The previous update is at Part 406s.
If you are new to reading A Genealogy Hunt, the purpose of an Indenture Study Matrix is to present a visual and consolidated summary of those Postings of transcriptions of Records associated with specific Smiths. To view the Matrix, click on the image and increase the viewing aspect per your viewing software or application. Please note that I have not segregated the Posting numbers by unique individuals only by unique names, as encountered in each Record.
I have only listed the singular Smith names. In other words, there may be more than one individual with the same name, for example, James Smith. I have only recorded those names as single entries if and only if there is a unique prefix or suffix added to the name. For example, James Smith and James Smith, Junior each are represented on separate, single lines of the Matrix. The listed Smith may or may not be the same individual but the transcribed Record(s) may not have any clues or hints as to that fact.
In order to see a specific Part, please enter the Part number, e.g. Part 441s, into the “Search This Blog” box. You can also see a copy of this Matrix by clicking the Analyses tab at the top of the page under the header and choosing the corresponding title on the pull-down menu.
I'm using SmartDraw VP to create the Matrix and hopefully, sometime soon, I hope to provide immediate links to relevant Posting as indicated within the Matrix. At some point, I hope to present the Matrix with working links. The nice thing about SmartDraw VP, it has the link capability in a SmartDraw form. This is a definite goal when I attack the creation of the A Genealogy Hunt website.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.
This new Smith Indenture Study Matrix is an update, mapping my work in progress, is associated with the microfilm FHL [1563379]. These Records are of the Grenada Registers of Records 1811-1825 (v. W4-H5). The previous update is at Part 406s.
If you are new to reading A Genealogy Hunt, the purpose of an Indenture Study Matrix is to present a visual and consolidated summary of those Postings of transcriptions of Records associated with specific Smiths. To view the Matrix, click on the image and increase the viewing aspect per your viewing software or application. Please note that I have not segregated the Posting numbers by unique individuals only by unique names, as encountered in each Record.
I have only listed the singular Smith names. In other words, there may be more than one individual with the same name, for example, James Smith. I have only recorded those names as single entries if and only if there is a unique prefix or suffix added to the name. For example, James Smith and James Smith, Junior each are represented on separate, single lines of the Matrix. The listed Smith may or may not be the same individual but the transcribed Record(s) may not have any clues or hints as to that fact.
In order to see a specific Part, please enter the Part number, e.g. Part 441s, into the “Search This Blog” box. You can also see a copy of this Matrix by clicking the Analyses tab at the top of the page under the header and choosing the corresponding title on the pull-down menu.
I'm using SmartDraw VP to create the Matrix and hopefully, sometime soon, I hope to provide immediate links to relevant Posting as indicated within the Matrix. At some point, I hope to present the Matrix with working links. The nice thing about SmartDraw VP, it has the link capability in a SmartDraw form. This is a definite goal when I attack the creation of the A Genealogy Hunt website.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.
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