And now we are almost at the end of the first three months of 2011. Apart from the fact that there are 274 days and about 15 hours until next Christmas and just about 636 days until the end of the Mayan Calendar, I thought that it may be a good idea to review those resolutions of my genealogy work that I made.
Here they are and where I am…
- Search and research the origins of my ggg-grandfather James Smith from/to Grenada. I’m still transcribing Indentures from the Grenada Registers of Records. I’ve discovered that the alphabetic Indexes provided with each Register typically are the surnames of only the first and the second parties of a contract. In some cases there are more parties involved which means that their surnames will never appear in the prepared Index. My Transcription Project in the search for Smith-related entries just got a whole lot bigger.
- Populate a database of microfilms and microfiche that I have reviewed. The database has been completed in MS Access 2010 and populated… and believe it, it is up-to-date.
- Find an iPad Application which will provide an extract of the data included in Number 2. Completed. I discovered a good Application, iTeleport. This app will allow my iPad to connect remotely to my desktop. The issue of course is server connections.
- Update my Legacy Family database. Legacy software has been updated to Version I have mucho work to do with respect to my own database.
- Update my Robertson Family Descendancy Chart to include cross-references to related A Genealogy Hunt Postings. In progress.
- Gather and organize my Robertson Family details and documentation. Same status as Numbers 4 and 5.
- Research and discover definitive ancestral lines of my ggg-grandmother Elizabeth (née Kendal) Parker. The parish records microfilms for the Downham area have arrived.
- Try to learn and understand the theory and pathing to my mtDNA results of H1a1: Smith to Robertson to Goodey to Crossley to Parker to Kendal to ? In progress. Completed new DNA Ancestry Chart. Am currently awaiting results of the new Family Tree DNA Family Finder Testing.
- Understand the scope of y-search.org which results in two 64-to-67 YDNA marker matches. My User ID is CJY7M. I have been accepted to the new Family Tree DNA Walk Through the Y test.
- Continue and organize my research of my July Family line, into Sarlat, Dordogne, France. In progress. I have found a possible series of new birth and death registrations which could take this family line to about 1588.
- Solve the mystery of gggg-grandparents Joseph and Sarah (née Pudney) Goodey. I haven’t even opened the paper files in this area as yet.
- Resolve the Robertson/Raymond conundrum. Almost all Robertson YDNA 67 Marker test results have been returned and it appears that there may be a resulting answer to the Robertson/Raymond question. I should know in the next couple of weeks.
- Commit myself to the development of the viable A Genealogy Hunt website. I keep thinking about this one… but you can see this is number 13.
- Commit myself to complete at least 5 of my 22 remaining National Institute For Genealogical Studies courses. I have already completed 32. I keep postponing my start and pick-up date.
- Plus… See the new DNA Ancestry Chart and check the past Postings in the last three months.
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