When the lawn-people arrive to take care of the yard, Tinker, the 12-pound Rat has a hey-day. She darts around the house yapping and growling from window, to window, to door, to patio, to back door, to front door… She is actually related to the Tasmanian Devil. Think about it… a 12-pound Rat who thinks she a fierce protector of her domain. We just move out of her way… that is the humans and the other quadrupeds.
And a new Smith arrives on the scene. In the next Indenture of my Transcription Project, the last Smith-related Indenture of Item 2 of the Grenada Registers of Records, microfilm FHL [1563378] was written 26 January 1801, sworn in on 11 April 1801 entered 13 April 1801. There is no instantaneous nor obvious indication that there is any connection between one witness, Andrew Smith to ggg-grandfather James Smith.
As it appears that the contract takes place solely in Grenada, all-things-being-equal one may consider that there may be some knowledge of or interaction between ggg-grandfather James Smith and the signing witness Andrew Smith. Examining the mentioned occupations of the chief parties concerned with this contract; Blacksmith and Drapers, it may be possible that there could be some association with ggg-grandfather James as he was a Carpenter. Just a thought.
Here are the three images as downloaded from Item 2 of the microfilm FHL [1563378].
My transcription -
Oh and thank you Ashley, for finding and identifying some of my errors in my transcription work in Part 531s. It certainly pays to have other sets of eyes review this work.
And now on to Item 3.
Here are the three images as downloaded from Item 2 of the microfilm FHL [1563378].
My transcription -
(591)ExamdEntered 13th April 1801This Indenture made the Twenty sixth day of January in the year of Our Lord
One thousand eight hundred and one Between John Thom of the Island of Grenada Black-
smith of the one Part and George Garry and Alexander Reach of the said Island Drapers
and Copartners in Trade of the other Part witne∫eth that the said John Thom for and
in Consideration of the Sum of Two hundred and twenty two Pounds eighteen Shillings
Current money to him in hand paid by the said George Garry and Alexander Reach the
Receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge he the said John Thom hath granted bargained
and sold and by these Presents Doth grant bargain unto the said George Garry and
Alexander Reach all those four male Negro Slaves named Frankline Frederic Sandy and
Matilda and the Reversion and Reversions Remainder and Remainders Rents and Service
of the said Slaves To have and To hold the said Slaves above mentioned unto the said
George Garry and Alexander Reach their Executors Administrators and A∫signs for and
during the term of five hundred Years next and immediately insuring and fully to be com
pleat and voided Yielding and paying therefore yearly during the said Term One
Pepper Corm at the end thereof if demanded Provided always and upon Condition
That is the said John Thom his heirs or A∫signs do or shall well and truly pay or cause to be
apid unto the said George Garry and Alexander Reach or either of their executors administrators
or a∫signs the full Sum of Two hundred and Twenty two Pounds eighteen shillings Current money
of the said Island on or before the first day of March 1802 ensuing with lawful Interest for
the same that then and from thenceforth these Presents and every Thing herein contained
shall cease determine and be void any Thing herein contained --- --- --- --- ---
--- --- --- --- --- into the contrary notwithstanding and the said John Thom for him
self his heirs and a∫signs doth covenant and grant to and with the said George Garry and
Alexander Reach or either of their executors administrators and a∫signs that he the said
John Thom his heirs or A∫signs shall and will well and truly pay or cause to be paid
unto the said George Garry and Alexander Reach or either of their executors and administrators
or A∫signs the said full Sum of Two hundred and Twenty Two Pounds eighteen Shillings
on or before the said first day of March in the said Year One Thousand eight hundred
and two without any deduction as aforesaid according to the time Intent and Meaning
of these Presents and also That they the said George Garry and Alexander Reach or either of
their executors administrators and A∫signs shall and may at all Times after Default in
shall be made in Performance of the Proviso or Condition herein contained peaceably and
quietly enter into have hold occupy po∫se∫s and enjoy all and singular the said Slaves
above mentioned for and during the Residue and Remainder of the said term of five hun
dred yeast hereby granted which shall be then to come and unexpired without the
let trouble hindrance molestation Interruption and Denial of him the said John Thom his
heirs and a∫signs and of all and every other Person and Persons whatsoever And further that
he the said John Thom and his heirs and all and every other Person and Persons and his
and their heirs and Thing having or claiming in the said Slaves above mentioned or any part
thereby shall and will at any time or Times after default shall be made in Performance of
the Proviso or Condition herein contained make do and execute or cause or procure to be
done made and executed all and every such further and other lawful and reasonable
Grants Acts and A∫surances in the law whatsoever for the further better and more perfect
granting and a∫suring of all and singular the said Slaves above mentioned unto the said
George Garry and Alexander Reach or either of their executors administrators and a∫signs
for and during all the Rest and Residue of the said Term of five hundred Years above gran
ted which shall be them to come and unexpired as by the said George Garry and Alexander
Reach either of their executors administrators or a∫signs or his or their Counsel learned in
the law shall be reasonably devised or advised and required and lastly it is
covenanted granted concluded and agreed upon by and between the said Parties to these
Presents and the true meaning hereof also is and it is hereby so declared that until
Default shall be made in Performance of the Proviso and Condition herein contained he
the said John Thom his heirs and A∫signs shall and may hold and enjoy all and singu
lar the said Slaves above mentioned and receive and take the Rents I∫sues and Profits thereof
to his and their own proper use and Benefit any Thing herein contained to the contrary thereof
notwithstanding In witne∫s whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day
and Year first above written.
John (LS) ThomReceived the day and Year first with written of and from the within named George
James McDonald Witne∫s hereto Andw Smith Witne∫s hereto
Garry and alexander Reach the sum of Two hundred and twenty two Pounds eighteen
Shillings Current money being the Consideration within mentioned to be paid by them
to me
John ThomWitne∫s hereto
James McDonald Andw SmithGrenada
Before the honorable Thomas Bridgwater Esquire Chief Justice of the
Supreme court of Judicature for the said Island & its dependencies established
Personally appeared Andrew Smith one of the subscribing witne∫es to the within
Instrument of writing who being duly sworn on the holy Evangelists of Almighty God
saith that he was present together with James McDonald and did see John Thom the
Part executing the within Indenture sign seal execute and deliver the same as and
for his free and voluntary act and deed and that in testimony of the due execution thereof the
said James McDonald and this deponent severally and respectively set and subscribed
their names as witne∫sed thereto
Andw SmithSworn to before this }
11 April 1801 }
T. Bridgwater
Oh and thank you Ashley, for finding and identifying some of my errors in my transcription work in Part 531s. It certainly pays to have other sets of eyes review this work.
And now on to Item 3.
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