Who was it that coined some sort of phrase that states that “things happen in threes”? Well, I swear that that soul must have dropped out of school when they began the numbers-that-come-after-three lessons.
Let’s see – (1) Heart; (2) Lightning Hit; (3) Upside down security; (4) Death of an icebox; (5) Late life paternity; (6) A Vicious Vespula vulgaris visitor in the shower… And now Number 7 – My mainstay genealogy software, GenoPro, refuses to save my work.
I’m not sure if it is GenoPro or something to do with the most recent Windows Security Pak update. This of course, I tend to believe has something to do with the Windows update and of it causing some sort of conflict.
The crash of GenoPro and not saving my updates sort of puts an immediate crimp in my Parker Project. I have been using GenoPro in my genealogy work and research since just about the introduction of the software. I use it to create my charts and visual analyses. I like the freedom it proffers me to create pictorial family relationships and the fact that I am not limited to the parameters of the dictates of a specific format.
Last night I downloaded the A’s and B’s of the Indexes of the Grenada Registers of Records for the years 1764 through 1871. All-things-being-equal I have a thought of creating a database to upload the information from the Indexes. The idea is nice, and the question is, when will I get to it?
I discovered an 1768 Will and Last Testament of a James Smith in the Grenada Registers of Records. There are three names associated in the document that bear investigation; his wife – Johanna; his witness – Hamilton Steele; and a friend and associate – Thomas Bennett.
After I spent some time on the 1768 Will, I then discovered a 1767 Indenture between James Smith and Thomas Bennett. Obviously I will be pursuing this tangent.
And now back to try and get my GenoPro application working.
Last night I downloaded the A’s and B’s of the Indexes of the Grenada Registers of Records for the years 1764 through 1871. All-things-being-equal I have a thought of creating a database to upload the information from the Indexes. The idea is nice, and the question is, when will I get to it?
I discovered an 1768 Will and Last Testament of a James Smith in the Grenada Registers of Records. There are three names associated in the document that bear investigation; his wife – Johanna; his witness – Hamilton Steele; and a friend and associate – Thomas Bennett.
After I spent some time on the 1768 Will, I then discovered a 1767 Indenture between James Smith and Thomas Bennett. Obviously I will be pursuing this tangent.
And now back to try and get my GenoPro application working.
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