It is that time again to organize my genealogy research and work. Without a specific list of my things-I’ve-got-to-get-done; things-I’m-working-on; things-I-want-get-done; etc., I become lost in a black-hole of paper and information, ancestors and data. You get the picture.
Here is the newly updated list. It is by all means not conclusive, nor is it “set-in-stone”… but it is my organization and guideline.
1. Transcription Project the search for ggg-grandfather James Smith – I am currently transcribing a 29-page from the Grenada Registers of Records dated 2 April 1801.YD I have discovered two Smiths so far – William and Robert.
2. Parker Project – Based on the collected data I believe I need to follow the William Parker, circa 1670s, identified in the Parish Registers of Linton-in-Craven, Yorkshire to Griston in Norfolk.
3. Smith Robertson Genealogy - Respond to and develop cohesive work research regarding gg-granduncle Solomon Abraham information received from Australia.
4. YDNA Update - Determine the possible matching of YDNA 111-marker test results between Smith and Wahl.
5. YDNA Update - Correspondence concerning Brebner/Bremner YDNA issues and project.
6. mtDNA Update - Correspondence regarding my own mtDNA (referencing back to Tasker in Lancashire) with similar H1a1 Haplogroup match from Gloucestershire.
7. Brunhammer Genealogy - Review, update, and corroborate Biddle/Brunhammer information and genealogy data.
8. Brunhammer Genealogy – Get a picture and images of the final resting place in Arlington Cemetery, Pennsylvania of gg-grandmother Mary (née Marie Katz) Brunhammer.
9. Buccino Genealogy - Follow up correspondence regarding Buccini/Buccino.
10. Genealogy Tools - Investigate RestingSpot.com.
11. Genealogy Tools - Possible use of genealogy photobook from AdoramaPix.com
And by all means this is not a complete or unending list. It is just those things and those emails that I need to get done... with some sort of semblance of order.
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