As I just mentioned it is time once again for me to grab the proverbial “bull by the horns” and dive deep into my Transcription Project in the search for clues, hints, jots, notes which may open a door to the origins and genealogy of my great-great-great-grandfather James Smith.
This first Indenture, follows similarly along the lines of the Indenture introduced in Part 535s. From the Grenada Registers of Records, this Document is dated 5 February 1800. It includes three, possibly four Smiths: James, Robert, and maybe two Williams. And as I know that the forenames James and William are repeated names of descendants of ggg-grandfather James Smith it is almost an impossibility not to investigate opportunities.
I will be presenting this Document from the Grenada Registers of Records, preliminarily in five Parts. These Parts will include Pages 3 through 31. The annexed Schedules A and B will be my next task and will be transcribed. They include Pages 32 through and including 72.
In Part 535s I introduced a number of the persons included in this Document… and there are more. I will summarize all persons, by name when I complete the full Transcription.
From Item 3 of the microfilm FHL [1563378] here are the first six pages: 3 through 8.
And my transcription –
Continued on Page 9.
From Item 3 of the microfilm FHL [1563378] here are the first six pages: 3 through 8.
And my transcription –
Entered 2nd April 1801.
This Indenture of ten Parts made the twenty fourth day of July in the Fortieth Year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord George the Third by the Grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith And in the Year of our Lord One thousand Eight hundred Between Sir Charles Kent of Chandos Street Cavendish Square in the County of Middlesex Baronet and Dame Mary his Wife and Ann Verelst of Aston in the County of York Widow (which said Dame Mary the Wife of the said Sir Charles Kent and Ann Verelst are the Coheire∫ses at law of Josias Wordsworth late of the City of London Merchant deceased) of the first Part Ann Wordsworth of Wadworth aforesaid Widow Administratrix with the Will annexed of the Goods Chattels Rights and Credits of the said Samuel Wordsworth unadministered by the said Josias Wordsworth who was the only Executor of the Will of the said Samuel Wordsworth of the second Part the said Sir Charles Kent and Dame Mary his Wife and Ann Verelst (which said Dame Mary and Verelst are also the Coheire∫ses at Law of Ann Algehr Sister of the said Samuel Wordsworth formerly the Wife and afterwards the Widow of Peter Christopher Algehr of Lagtonstone in the County of E∫sex Esquire deceased of the third Part The Reverend William Smith late of Camberswell in the County of Surry but now Maxton near Dover in the County of Kent Clerk (sole Executor of the last Will and Testament of the said Ann Algehr and which said Ann was the sole Executrix of the last Will and Testament of the said Peter Christopher Algehr) of the fourth Part Alexander Scott Son Heir at Law and Devisee named in the last Will and Testament of Michael Scott late of the Island of Grenada in the West Indies Esquire deceased of the fifth part Marthé Cornette Victoire De St. Cyr Scott of Wolfenbuttel in the Duchy of Brunswick in Lower Saxiny Widow of thesaid Michael Scott of the sixth Part Mary Ann Scott of Wolfenbuttel aforesaid Spinster Emma Scott of the same Place Spinster and Joseph Pierre Alexander Quarré De Chilers of ______________ Esquire and Frances his Wife late Frances Scott Spinster which said Mary Ann Scott Emma Scott and Frances the Wife of the said Joseph Pierre Alexandre Quarré de Chilers are the Daughters of the said Michael Scott Robert Bygoe Scott the Youngest Son of the said Michael Scott _________ by Robert Ingram of the City of London Merchant his Attorney thereunto duly authorized of the sever Part William
Lushington of the City of London Merchant of the Eighth Part James Law of the same City Merchant of the ninth Part and Townley Ward of Henrietta Street in the Parish of Saint Paul Covent Garden in the said County of Middlesex Gentleman of the tenth Part Whereas by virtue of divers good Conveyances and A∫surances in the Law and particularly by Indentures of Lease and Release bearing date respectively the sixth and seventh days of November One thousand seven hundred and sixty six the Release being made between the said Michael Scott and the said Marthé Cornette Victoire de St. Cyr then wife of the said Michael Scott of the one Part and the∫aid Samuel Wordsworth of the other Part and by Indentures of Lease and Release bearing date respectively the fourteenth and fifteenth days of May One thousand seven hundred and sixty nine the Release being made between the said Michael Scott and Marthé Cornette Victoire De St Cyr his Wife of the one Part and the said Samuel Wordsworth of the other Part and by Indentures of Lease and Release bearing date respectively the twenty eighth and twenty ninth days of January One thousand and seven hundred and seventy two the Release being made between William Gines and Ebenezer Atkinson of Lombard Street London Bankers of the first part the said Michael Scott of the second Part and the said Samuel Wordsworth of the third Part a Plantation or Estate situate in the Island of Grenada called Madeys Plantation hereinafter mentioned and intended to be hereby granted and released with the Negroes Slaves and live and dead Stock thereon amongst other Hereditaments (were conveyed a∫signed and a∫sured unto and to the use of the said Samuel Wordsworth his ^Heirs Executors Admors and A∫signs respectively subject to redemption by the said Michael Scott and Marthé Cornette Victoire du St. Cyr his Wife their or either of their Heirs Executors Administrator or A∫signs on payment unto the said Samuel Wordsworth his Executors Administrators or A∫signs of divers considerable Sums of Money which he had advanced unto or for the use of the said Michael Scott all which Suns were afterwards duly satisfied and discharged by the said Michael Scott but no conveyances of the said Madey’s Plantation and Premises was ever executed by the said Samuel Wordsworth or his representative And Whereas the said Samuel Wordsworth duly made and published his last Will and Testament in Writing bearing the date the ninth day of December one thousand seven hundred and seventy two but the same was not so executed as to pa∫s real Estates and thereof appointed the said Josias Wordsworth and William Henry Chauncey sale Executor and the said Testator also made the said Josias Wordsworth his residuary Legatee And Whereas the said Josias Wordsworth alone proved thesaid Will and took upon himself the execution thereof the said William henry Chauncey have renounced such Executorship and upon the death of the said Josias Wordsworth Letters of Administration of the Goods Chattles rights and Credits of the said Samuel Wordsworth unadministered by the said Josias Wordsworth were on the seventh day of October ^in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty granted by the Prerogative Court of the Archbishop of Canterbury unto the said Ann Wordsworth the Widow Relict and Sole Executrix of the Will of the said Josias Wordsworth And Whereas the said will of the said Josias Wordsworth contained no disposition to prevent the Fee Simple of the said Mortgage Premises from descending to the said Dame Mary Kent and Ann Verelst as his Coheire∫ses at Law And Whereas by Indentures of Lease and Release and A∫signment bearing date respectively the ∫eventeenth and eighteenth days of June in the Year of Our Lord One thousand seven hundred and seventy six and made or expre∫sed to be made between thesaid Michael Scott and the said Marthé Cornette Victorie De St. Cyr his Wife of the one Part and thesaid Peter Christopher Algehr and Anne his Wife of the other Part the said Plantation or Estate called Madey’s Plantation hereinafter mentioned and intended to be hereby granted and released with the Negroes Slaves and live and dead Stock thereon (amongst other Hereditaments) were conveyed a∫signed and a∫sured unto and to the use of the said Peter Christopher Algehr and Ann his Wife and the Heirs Executors Administrators and A∫signs of the said Ann for ever Subject to redemption on payment by the said Michael Scott and Marthé Cornette Victoire de St. Cyr his Wife or either of them their or either of their Heirs
Executors Administrators A∫signs to the said Peter Christopher Algehr and Ann his wife or the Survivor of them or the Executors Administrators or A∫signs of the said Ann of the sum o eight thousand pounds of lawful money of Great Britain with Interest for the same after the rate of six Pounds for one hundred Pounds for a Year at the times therein particularly mentioned and which are long since pa∫sed And Whereas the said Ann Algehr survived her said Husband and is since dead having duly made and published her Will and thereof appointed the said William Smith her sole Executor who duly proved the same Will on the eighteenth day of December one thousand seven hundred and ninety four in the Prerogative Court of the Archbishop of Canterbury and took upon himself the burthen of the execution thereof whereby he is become the Personal representative as well of the said Ann Algehr as of the said Peter Christopher Algehr And the said Will did not contain any disposition to prevent the fee of the said Mortgaged Premises from descending to the Heirs of the said Ann Algehr And Whereas the said James Law hath out of his own proper monies advanced to the said William Smith since the decease of the said Ann Algehr the said Principal sum of Eight thousand Pounds together with all Interest due in respect thereof and the said James Law hath debitted the said Alexander Scott in account with six thousand Pounds part of the said Principal of Eight thousand Pounds together with the interest on the said sum of six thousand Pounds And Whereas by Indentures of Lease and Release bearing date respectively the fifth and sixth days of July one thousand seven hundred and seventy six the Release being made or mentioned to be made between the said Michael Scott and Marthé Cornette Victoire De St. Cyr Scott his Wife of the one part and James Bogle French then late of the City of London Merchant of the other Part Reciting that upon an account stated and settled the thirty first day of May then last between the said Michael Scott and James Bogle French the said Michael Scott was indebted to the said James Bogle French in the sum of Twenty four thousand eight hundred and thirteen Pounds twelve shillings and four pence Sterling It is by the said Indenture of Release Witne∫seth that in consideration of the said Debt and for other the considerations therein mentioned they the said Michael Scott and Marthé Cornette Victoire de St. Cyr Scott his Wife Did grant bargain sell release a∫sign and confirm unto the said James Bogle French the said Plantation commonly known by the name of Madey’s situate in the said Island of Grenada and hereinafter more particularly mentioned and de∫cribed and intended to be hereby released with the Appurtenances and also two other Plantations or Parcels of Land called Boulogne and Union lying together and situate in the Quarter of St. Andrew in the said Island of Grenada by the description therein contained and also all other the Plantations Me∫suages Lands Tenements and Hereditaments whatsoever of him the said Michael Scott situate and being in the said Island of Grenada together with all Houses Outhouses Edifices Buildings Boiling houses Curinghouses Stillhouses Mills Coppers Furnaces and other Improvements whatsoever to the said Plantations and Premises belonging with their and every of their Appurtenances And all those three hundred and forty Negroes and Slaves whose Names were mentioned ^in the Schedule or Inventory thereof written on the back of the said Indenture of Release And all other Negroes and Slaves that then were or at any time or times thereafter might be in upon or belonging to the said Plantations or Sugar Works or any or either of them together with the future Progeny I∫sue and Increase of all such of the Negroes and Slaves as were Females and likewise all and every the Mules horses Sheep Goats Horned Cattle Plantation Tools Utensils and Implements whatsoever upon or belonging to the said Plantations or Sugar Works or any or either of them or therewith used To hold the same unto and to the
Use of the James Boyle French his Heirs Executor Administrators and A∫signs forever according to the nature of the said Estates and Premises respectively Subject neverthele∫s to a proviso in the said Indenture of Release now in recital contained for redemption of the said Hereditaments and Premises upon Payment by the said Michael Scott and Marthé Cornette Victoire de St. Cyr Scott his Wife or either of them their or either of their Heirs Executors or Admõrs unto the said James Bogle French his Executors Administrators or A∫signs of the said Sum of twenty four thousand eight hundred and thirteen Pounds twelve ∫shillings and four pence with Interest for the same after the rate and in manner therein mentioned And Whereas by Articles of Agreement bearing date the first day of April one thousand seven hundred and eighty six and made or mentioned to be made between the said Michael Scott of the one Part and the said James Bogle French (Acting therein by Nathaniel Bogle French and Robert Smith Esquires his Attornies thereto lawfully constituted) of the other Part After reciting the said Indentures of Lease and Release of the fifth and sixth days of July one thousand seven hundred and seventy six as or to the effect herein before recited And also reciting that by an Account rendered to the said Michael Scott there was justly due and owing from him the said Michael Scott to him the said James Bogle French on the Security of the said Mortgaged Premises on the thirty first day of May one thousand seven hundred and eighty five the Sum of forty six thousand sic hundred and seventy two Pounds seventeen shillings and three pence And also reciting that over and above such amount of actual debt the said James Bogle French stood bound as a Surety of the said Michael Scott for monies due by him to other Persons and particu larly in a Bond dated the eighteenth day of June one thousand seven hundred and seventy six granted to the before named Peter Christopher Algehr and Ann his Wife in the Penal Sum of sixteen thousand Pounds Sterling conditioned for the Payment of eight thousand Pounds like Money and Interest It is Witne∫sed and the said Michael Scott for himself his Heirs Executors and Administrators did thereby Covenant with the said James Bogle French his Executors Administrators and Afsigns (among other things) in manner following (that is to say) that all and singular ^The Provisoes comprised in the said Indentures of the fifth and sixth days of July One Thousand seven hundred and seventy six with the Appurtenances should from thenceforth stand charged with and be a Security for the Payment of the said sum of forty six thousand six hundred and seventy two Pounds seventeen shillings and three pence Sterling so due as aforesaid together with Interest thereon at the rate of six Pounds per Cent per Annum from the thirty first day of May one thousand seven hundred and eighty five and that he the said Michael Scott would when thereto required execute a good and sufficient Mortgage of his the said Michael Scott’s other Plantation then since purchased and called Belveder hereinafter also particularly mentioned and described and intended to be hereby released with the Buildings thereon and the Salves and Stock thereto belonging together with a proper a∫signment of all sum and sums of Money due and owing to the said Michael Scott from the Estate of Joanna Victoire Adelaide Herbert either on account of her Guardianship or by virtue of the Marriage Contract made between her Father and Mother then the Wife of the said Michael Scott or otherwise howsoever and also an A∫signment of all Sums of Money due to him from Nicholas Herbert and Charles Herbert Brother of the said Joanna Victoire Adelaide Herbert which said Mortgage of Belvedere and A∫signments of the Moneys due from the Herberts as aforesaid it was thereby declared should stand and be as a further Security for and be applied as the same ∫hould be received towards the due Payment of the
Monies therein covenanted to be paid And the said Michael Scott thereby for himself his Heirs Executors and Administrators covenanted and agreed to and with the said James Bogle French his Executors Administrators and A∫signs that he the said Michael Scott his Heirs Executors Administrators should and would pay and cause to be paid as well the sums due to the said James Bogle French as the several debts which he stood bound on behalf of the said Michael Scott as aforesaid at the times and in the several Proportions thereinafter specified and also should and would on or before the thirtieth day of November one thousand seven hundred and eighty eight pay off and full discharge all Principal monies and Interest due or to grow due to Mrs. Wordsworth on a Mortgage made by him to Samuel Wordsworth Esquire deceased of the several Plantations or Estate thereinbefore mentioned or some of them and should and would as soon as conveniently might be cause and procure a good and sufficient Release and discharge of the said Mortgage to be made and executed and the same to be duly recorded in the Register’s Office of the said Island of Grenada And the said James Bogle French did thereby for himself his Heirs Executors and Administrators covenant with the said Michael Scott his Heirs Executors Administrators and A∫signs (among other things) that the Bond bearing even date wherewith granted by the said Michael Scott to the said James Bogle French in the Penal Sum of One hundred thousand Pounds Sterling and the Judgement to be entered up thereon (which was afterwards entered up) given as an additional security for the due performance of the several clauses of that agreement should not be further or otherwise executed or put in force until some such default misappropriation breach or deviation as thereinbefore mentioned should have been made by the said Michael Scott his Heirs Executors Administrators or A∫signs And Whereas by Indentures of Lease and Release bearing date respectively the twenty first and twenty second days of April in the Year of Our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eight six the Release being made or mentioned to be made between the said Michael Scott of the first part the said the said James Bogle French of the second part and James Stewart, Thomas Alexander Vanderdu∫sen and Ninian Home therein severally named of the third part It is Witne∫sed that in compliance with the said last in part recited Articles and for the considerations therein mentioned he the said Michael Scott (by the direction of the said James Bogel French testified as therein mentioned) did grant bargain sell alien release and confirm unto the said James Stewart Thomas Alexander VanDerde∫sen and Ninian Home and to their Heirs all and singular the said Plantations Lands Tenements Hereditaments and Premises comprised in the said before in part recited Indentures of Mortgage of the fifth and sixth days of July One thousand seven hundred and seventy six and also the said Plantation called Belividere by the description therein and hereinafter mentioned To hold the same unto and to the use of the said James Stewart Thomas Alexander VanDerdu∫sen and Ninian Home their Heirs and A∫signs In Trust for the said James Bogle French his Heirs and A∫signs forever Subject to the Proviso or Condition for redemption of the same Premises thereinafter mentioned upon Payment by the said Michael Scott his Heirs Executors or Administrators unto the said James Bogle French his Executors Administrators or A∫signs of the sum of forty six thousand six hundred and seventy two Pounds seventeen shillings and three pence together with Interest for the same after the rate and in manner therein mentioned And also on Payment by the said Michael Scott his Heirs
Executors or Administrators, (amongst other debts which were afterwards discharged of unto the said Ann Algehr (Widow of the said Peter Christopher Algehr then deceased of her Executors Administrators or A∫signs of the Principal money and interest due and then to become due on the therein (And also herein) before in part Recited Bond in manner therein mentioned And Whereas by Indentures of Lease and Release bearing date respectively on or about the twenty eighth and twenty-ninth days of July which was in the year of our Lord one thousand and seven hundred and ninety one the Release being made or expre∫sed to be made between thesaid Thomas Alexander Van derdu∫sen and Ninian Home of the first part thesaid James Boyle French of the second part David Sill then of Drapers Hall London Esquire (and since deceased) of the third part and the said William Lushington and James Law of the fourth part After reciting as or to the affect hereinbefore recited And Reciting (amongst other things) that according to and in account made out by the said James Boyle French there was then due and owing by the said Michael Scott to him for Principal monies and interest the sum of forty seven thousand two hundred and ninety six Pounds ten shillings and six pence And reciting that the said James Stewart had departed this Life And reciting that the said William Lushington and James Law had agreed to take up the said debt of forty seven thousand two hundred and ninety six Pounds ten shillings and six pence and to pay and discharge and the mean time to indemnify the said James Bogle French his Heirs Executors and Administrators from and against the Payment of the said Bond Debt of Eight thousand Pounds and the Interest to accrue due thereon secured to the said Peter Christopher Algehr and Ann his Wife as aforesaid It is by the said Indenture of Release now in recital witne∫sed that in consideration of the sum of thirty thousand Pounds part of the said Debt of Forty seven thousand two hundred and ninety six Pounds ten shillings ten shillings and six pence by the said William Lushington and James Law to the said James Bogle French in hand paid and of the further Sum of seventeen thousand two hundred and ninety six Pounds ten ∫hillings and six pence residue of the said Debt by the said William Lushington and James Law secured to be paid to the said James Bogle French in and by two Bills of Exchange each for the sum of Eight thousand six hundred and forty eight Pounds five shillings and three pence and for other the considerations therein mentioned thesaid James Bogle French bargained sold a∫signed transferred and set over unto the said William Lushington and James law their Executors Administrators and A∫signs thesaid Debt or sum of forty seven thousand two hundred and ninety six Pounds ten shillings and six pence so due and owing by the said Michael Scott to him the said James Bogle French as aforesaid together with all such interest after the rate aforesaid as should from thenceforth accrue and become due and payable thereon To hold the same unto the said William Lushington and James Law their Executors administrators and A∫signs absolutely and It is by the said Indenture of Release now in Recital Witne∫sed that in further pursuance of the said Agreement the said Thomas Alexander Van derdu∫son and Ninian Home at the request and by the direction and appointment of the said James Bogle French and with the consent and at the nomination of the said William Lushington and James Law granted bargained sold released and confirmed and the said James Bogle French granted bargained sold released and confirmed unto the said Daniel Sill his Heirs and A∫signs All and singular the said several Plantations Pieces or Parcels of Land Me∫suages Buildings Fixtures Negro and other Slaves live and dead Stock Plantation Utensils Heredits and all and singular other the Premises comprised in the said Indentures of the fifth and sixth days of July One thousand seven
Continued on Page 9.
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