And we have returned home from the MQX Show in Providence, Rhode Island and it is now time to get back into my genealogy hunt and search.
So here goes…
Following up from Part 661d my search for the Doherty Family has resulted in more documentation.
From the Delaware Vital Records at the Delaware Public Archives in Dover, and data collected via Ancestry.com, I chanced upon the 28 May 1897 Death Registration of Andy’s great-great-grandfather Philip Doherty. His age, at his death is entered at 65 years which gives an approximate birth year of 1832, and it is recorded that he was born in Ireland.
Here is the image of the 1897 Death Registration –
My transcription –
It is a shame that gg-grandfather Philip’s parents’ names were not entered in the Registration. This just means that the search continues, and deepens.
I also discovered the Death Register containing the listed entry of the recording of gg-grandfather Philip’s passing. From Ancestry.com here is the downloaded image –
Stay tuned more to come.
Here is the image of the 1897 Death Registration –
My transcription –
Doherty, Philip
RETURN OF A DEATH in the City of Wilmington
1. Name of deceased, Philip Doherty
2. Color, White
3. Sex, Male
4. Age, 65 yrs
5.Widowed, Married orSingle,
6. Date of death May 28th [1897]
7. Cause of Death, Paralysis
Dr. Howard Og__ Physician.
8. Occupation
9. Place of Birth Ireland
10.When a minor, { Name of Father,
{ Name of Mother,
11.Ward, 5
12.Street and number, 731 Madison St
13.Date of burial, June 1
14.Place of Burial, Cathedral
Daniel T Killroy Un____
It is a shame that gg-grandfather Philip’s parents’ names were not entered in the Registration. This just means that the search continues, and deepens.
I also discovered the Death Register containing the listed entry of the recording of gg-grandfather Philip’s passing. From Ancestry.com here is the downloaded image –
Stay tuned more to come.
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