And is our summer here? It appears so, and the sure-fire way I can tell, the tile floor is sticky all day, and the papers on my desk and tables begin to look like they been soaked and dried. You know that dry-but-wet look, sort of a damp buckling. Yup, that's it, for the next five to six months.
A little while ago I was surfing the Internet for the name of my three-times great-grandfather Victor ABRAHAM.

He and his wife, ggg-grandmother Rebecca (nee LEVY) were the parents of my gg-grandfather Benjamin Victor ABRAHAM. GGG-grandfather Victor is of my father's mother's line. Thanks to cousin Bernard and others a classic compendium of relevant data and information has been and is still being collected. The portrait, to the left, is of ggg-grandfather Victor and can be found in Arthur Barnett's 1961 book
The Western Synagogue Through Two Centuries (1761-1961).

at the Jewish Museum Collection, in London is one of two of ggg-grandfather Victor's Trading Cards. In today's vernacular that would be a business card. And I was particularly interested in the phrase on the Trading Card "
Embroiderer To The Queen". The key words I used in my Internet search were "
Victor ABRAHAM and Embroiderer".
The search did not take too long and I chanced upon a link from Kentucky that caught me eye. The link was to a
publication from the 27th Annual Kentucky Book Fair held on the 15th of November, 2008 at the Frankfort Convention Center. On page 25 of the publication I was introduced to an author, Linda Leopold Strauss and of her new book,
The Princess Gown.

To my amazement the children's book is "
based loosely on the family of the author's husband. His great-great-grandfather, Victor Abraham, was Embroiderer to Queen Victoria..."
It was a Eureka moment! Here it is:
- I, Jim, living in Tampa, Florida in the United States, am looking for information,
- Of the father Victor, my ggg-grandfather, who lived in London, England,
- Of my gg-grandfather Benjamin, who lived in Georgetown, British Guiana, (now Guyana),
- From information received from a cousin, Bernard, living in Stockholm, Sweden,
- And found an author, Linda Leopold Strauss, listed at a Book Fair, in Kentucky in the United States, who has penned a book, who lives in Ohio,
- Of her husband's, my cousin's family, and
- Whose gg-grandfather Victor and family lived in London, England.
And this just continues to amaze me... how global-encompassing this search has been, and it doesn't end here. Four-times great-grandparents Victor and Rebecca (nee Levy) ABRAHAM had, based on various recordings somewhere between 16 and 22 children. That's quite a bit of researching, but I found it written that gggg-grandmother may have been one of 26 sisters!
So I continue, and hope you enjoy,
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