And on the Table Décennales, the 10-Year Table, as I mentioned in Part 133b the name Catherine Brunhammer stands out. The source was the Registres de l’état civil, 1793-1882, Officier de l’état civil, Dornach (Mulhouse, Haut-Rhin), microfilm FHL [732713].
This is Andy’s gg-grandaunt Catherine, his gg-grandfather Jacques (aka Jacob) Brunhammer’s elder sister.
Transcribed –

The Index from the Register lists her as a daughter of Joseph Brunhamer and Catherine Ganzer. Her 1835 birthdate is noted as 21 April and her Registration is the 22nd. The Acte de Naissance, Birth Certificate is number 30. The source was the Registres de l’état civil, 1793-1882, Officier de l’état civil, Dornach (Mulhouse, Haut-Rhin), microfilm FHL [732717].
My transcription –
And then there is the Acte de Naissance, the Birth Certificate. This insert is a clipping of the Birth Entry from the page of the Register.
The source was the Registres de l’état civil, 1793-1882, Officier de l’état civil, Dornach (Mulhouse, Haut-Rhin), microfilm FHL [732717].
My transcription of the clipped image from the page –
Nom – BrunhammerTranslation –
Prénom Naiʃsaience – Catherine
Dates du actes – 22 avril 1835
Name – Brunhammer
Birth name – Catherine
Date of Acts – 22 April 1835

The Index from the Register lists her as a daughter of Joseph Brunhamer and Catherine Ganzer. Her 1835 birthdate is noted as 21 April and her Registration is the 22nd. The Acte de Naissance, Birth Certificate is number 30. The source was the Registres de l’état civil, 1793-1882, Officier de l’état civil, Dornach (Mulhouse, Haut-Rhin), microfilm FHL [732717].
My transcription –
No du Acte – 30And my translation –
Dates des –
Actes – 22 avril
Naiʃsances – 21 avril
Noms et Prenoms des –
Enfant – Brunhamer, Catherine
Pères – Brunhamer, Joseph
Mères – Ganzer, Catherine
Nombre de –
Garçons –
Fille – 1
_____ - ‘’ (légitime)
No of Certificate – 30
Dates of –
Certificates – 22 April
Births – 21 April
Surnames and Names of –
Child – Brunhamer, Catherine
Fathers – Brunhamer, Joseph
Mothers – Ganzer, Catherine
Number of –
Boys –
Girl – 1
_____ - ‘’ (legitimate)
And then there is the Acte de Naissance, the Birth Certificate. This insert is a clipping of the Birth Entry from the page of the Register.
The source was the Registres de l’état civil, 1793-1882, Officier de l’état civil, Dornach (Mulhouse, Haut-Rhin), microfilm FHL [732717].
My transcription of the clipped image from the page –
30And my attempt at translating –
L’an mil huit cent trente-cinq, le vingt-deux du mois d’Avril à onze heures et demie du matin, par-devant nous soussigné Antoine Baur, Maire et Officier de l’État civil de la Commune de Dornach, Canton de Mulhausen, département du Haut Rhin, est comparu Joseph Brunhammer _____ de fabrique, âgé de vingt-neuf ans, domicilié en cette Commune lequel nous a présenté un enfant du sexe féminine née hier le vingt-un de ce mois à trois heures et demie du soir dans la maiʃon du veuve Ganzer aise? derrière le village à Dornach, de lui déclarant, et du Catherine Ganzer son épouse âgée du vingt-six ans, et auquel il a déclaré vouloir ? _____ le présence de Catherine. Les dites déclaration et présentation faites en présence de Antoine Flary journalier âgé de trente-un ans, et François Eiehart ? _____ âgé de vingt-huit ans, les deux domicilient en cette Commune, et _____ le père et les témoins signée avec nous le présentant ? de Naiʃsance, après qu’il _____ _____ a été fait lécture et _____ _____.
Brunhammer Flaury Eiehart ? Baur
30Any assistance in the transcription and translation of the Acte de Naissance, the Birth Certificate is certainly welcomed.
In the year 1835, on the 22nd of April at 11:30 am, before us by Antoine Baur undersigned, Mayor and Officer of Vital Statistics of the Municipality Dornach District of Mulhouse, Haut Rhin Department, testified Joseph Brunhammer, _____ of fabric, 29 years old, residing in this City where we introduced a female child born yesterday the 21st this month at half past three in the evening in the house of the widow Ganzer _____ _____ the village in Dornach, he declared, and of Catherine Ganzer his wife, 26 years old, and which he said _____ _____ the presence of Catherine. The said statement and presentation made in the presence of Antoine Flary _____ 31 years old, and François Eiehart? _____ 28 years old, both domiciled in the City, and _____ the father and witnesses signed on with us the presentation of births after the _____ had been read _____ _____.
Brunhammer Flaury Eiehart? Baur
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