DMC Mulhouse-Dornach 1874; Histoire de D.M.C.
Based on all the information that we have gathered to date, we can almost step out and state that we think that the genealogy of every Brunhammer and Brunhamer in the United States is linked to Jacques (aka Jacob) Brunhammer.
And as there appears to be no available documentary proof, we have deduced that gg-grandfather Jacques (aka Jacob) Brunhammer immigrated to the United States sometime during the last four months of 1875… We definitely know that the rest of the family, his wife, gg-grandmother Marie and six of his children arrived in Pennsylvania on the 17th of May 1876, as outlined in Part 92b.
GG-grandfather Jacques, using the name Jacob, became an American citizen in 1883. See Part 96b.
For more information of the Brunhammer Family, see Parts 93b and 95b. This is by no mean the totality of the Brunhammer ancestry and genealogy… it is only a beginning.
What of his earlier life? What of his birth and boyhood? Where exactly in France was he from?
As far as we can tell from the documentation and data that we have discovered, gg-grandfather Jacques Brunhammer was born the 22nd of October, 1837. We have been able to locate three sources of information.
The first is Le Table Décennales or the 10-Year Table. This was discovered on the microfilm FHL[732713], Registres de l’état civil, 1793-1882, Tables décennales - Naissances 1823-1853; Officier de l’état civil, Dornach (Mulhouse, Haut-Rhin).
Transcription -
The next page is the Index Page from the microfilm FHL[732717], Registres de l’état civil, 1793-1882, Tables décennales - Naissances 1823-1853 ; Officier de l’état civil, Dornach (Mulhouse, Haut-Rhin.)

Transcription –
My attempted Transcription -
I can extract the following from the actual Acte: Jacques Brunhamer was born the 22nd of October, 1837 in Dornach in the Canton of Mulhouse and Department of Haut Rhin. He was born to Joseph Brunhamer, who was 31 years old, and to Catherine Ganzer, his wife who was 28 years old. The registration of birth was presented by a midwife named Françoise, and I can’t make out her last name. From that point I am having a bit of difficulty trying to make out the remainder of information. Please send your thoughts and ideas by either commenting to this Posting or to me by email.
And of course, if you noticed on the Table Décennales, the 10-Year Table above, there are three more Brunhammers listed: Henri Laurent, Jean, and Catherine. Stay-tuned and find out if they are related.
The first is Le Table Décennales or the 10-Year Table. This was discovered on the microfilm FHL[732713], Registres de l’état civil, 1793-1882, Tables décennales - Naissances 1823-1853; Officier de l’état civil, Dornach (Mulhouse, Haut-Rhin).
Transcription -
Nom – BrunhammerMy translation -
Prénom Naiʃsaience – Jacques
Dates du actes – 22 8eme 1837
Name – BrunhammerIn this case the month written as “8eme” is literally translated as the 8th. But the 8th month is October from the old Roman calendar, from the Latin “octo” meaning “eight”. It does not represent August, which in the majority of French documents is spelled out as “aout.”
Birth name – Jacques
Date of Acts – 22 October 1837
The next page is the Index Page from the microfilm FHL[732717], Registres de l’état civil, 1793-1882, Tables décennales - Naissances 1823-1853 ; Officier de l’état civil, Dornach (Mulhouse, Haut-Rhin.)

Transcription –
Nombres Des Actes – 68My translation –
Dates des Actes Naiʃsances – 22 – 22 ‘’ (Octobre)
Noms et Prénoms Des Enfants – Brunhamer, Jacques
Nombre –
Garçon – 1
Fille –
Naturer de Naiʃsance – ‘’ (légitime)
Number of Certificate – 68And from the Index I was able to locate the actual Acte de Naissance – Birth Certificate, or Registration, on the same microfilm FHL[732717]. The document is extremely hard to read. I have attempted a fair transcription. The enclosed image is pieced together from facing pages from the same Register.
Date of Birth Certificate – 22 – 22 ‘’ (October)
Surname and Name of the Children – Brunhamer, Jacques
Number –
Boy – 1
Girl –
Nature of Birth – ‘’ (legitimate)
My attempted Transcription -
68As there are a number of blanks in my transcription I have not attempted any translation. I would like to challenge any one reading this Post, especially Brunhammers, to attempt a chance at transcribing that which I seem not to be able to read. My visual acuity could change when I get my new glasses next week... Maybe?
L’an mil huit Cent trente-sept, le vingt-deux du mois d’octobre à dix heures du matin, par-devant nous soussigné ? Antoine Baur ?, premièr adjoint, remplissant par délégation du Maire en date du vingt –neuf Aout dernier les fonctions d’officier de l’État Civil de la commune de Dornach, canton du Mulhausen Département dans Haut Rien, est comparu Françoise _____ sage-femme âgé de vingt-trois ans demeurant _____ cette commune, la quelle _____ _____ _____ présenté un enfant du sex Masculine né hier le Vingt-deux de ce mois à deux heures après midi dans la maison du Chictant? Enz? _____ derrière du village en cette Commune, et _____ Joseph Brunhamer _____ _____ âgé de trente un ans et Catherine Ganzer son Épouse sans profession, âgé du vingt-huit ans, les conjoint domicilié en cette Commune _____ _____ _____ _____ ils ont déclaré vouloir donner le prenons du Jacques, les dites déclaration et présentation faites en présence d’Antoine _____ garde de _____ âgé de soixante ans, et Louis _____ _____ âgé du vingt-huit ans, les deux domiciliés en cette les _____ témoins _____ à la _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
et _____ _____ _____ _____ a déclaré _____ _____ _____ les _____ _____ _____ de Georges _____ les dites _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ âgé de cinquante et cinq ans _____ _____ _____ âgé de soixante ans _____ _____ _____ _____ domiciliés _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ et les ______ _____ _____ _____ de _____ après qu’il _____ _____ _____ fait ______ et interprétation.
_____ _____ _____ Baur?
I can extract the following from the actual Acte: Jacques Brunhamer was born the 22nd of October, 1837 in Dornach in the Canton of Mulhouse and Department of Haut Rhin. He was born to Joseph Brunhamer, who was 31 years old, and to Catherine Ganzer, his wife who was 28 years old. The registration of birth was presented by a midwife named Françoise, and I can’t make out her last name. From that point I am having a bit of difficulty trying to make out the remainder of information. Please send your thoughts and ideas by either commenting to this Posting or to me by email.
And of course, if you noticed on the Table Décennales, the 10-Year Table above, there are three more Brunhammers listed: Henri Laurent, Jean, and Catherine. Stay-tuned and find out if they are related.
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