I’m on a roll right now. I’ve located the Table, Index, and Acte de Naissance for gg-granduncle Henry Laurent Brunhammer. He is the fourth child of ggg-grandparents Joseph and Catherine (née Ganzer) Brunhammer. One major thing to note is the way the name is entered into the documents; not the surname but the forename. It is entered as both “Henry” and “Henri”. This is a new bit of learning for me… I always thought “Henry” with a “y” was the Anglicized version of the French “Henri” with an “i”. The issue is not what the name is entered in on the Registration Entry or the Acte de Naissance, but that all three entries; the Table, the Index; and the Acte were entered, I would presume by a Francophone.
The Table Décennales; the 10-Year Table’s entry reads – as transcribed:
The Index for summarizing the births for that year, 1841, found on microfilm FHL [732717] of the Registres de l’état civil, 1793-1882, Officier de l’état civil, Dornach (Mulhouse, Haut-Rhin) follows. You’ll notice that there has been a change in the 1841 Index. The names of the parents are not included as they were in the 1835 and 1835 Indexes. The names were also not included in the 1837 Index.
My transcription –
And here I go with the transcription –
Three observations –
Nom – BrunhammerTranslation –
Prénom Naiʃsaience – Henri Laurent
Dates du actes – 15 Juillet 1841
Name – BrunhammerMy source was the Registres de l’état civil, 1793-1882, Officier de l’état civil, Dornach (Mulhouse, Haut-Rhin), microfilm FHL [732713].
Birth name – Henri Laurent
Date of Acts – 15 July 1841
The Index for summarizing the births for that year, 1841, found on microfilm FHL [732717] of the Registres de l’état civil, 1793-1882, Officier de l’état civil, Dornach (Mulhouse, Haut-Rhin) follows. You’ll notice that there has been a change in the 1841 Index. The names of the parents are not included as they were in the 1835 and 1835 Indexes. The names were also not included in the 1837 Index.
My transcription –
No. des Actes – 76And my translation –
Noms et Prénoms – Brunhammer Henry Laurent
Date des actes – 15 Juillet
Garçon – 1
Fille –
Nature de la naissance – ‘’ (légitime)
No. of Certificate – 76And of course, I found the actual Acte de Naissance, the Birth entry to the 1841 Register. My source was the Registres de l’état civil, 1793-1882, Officier de l’état civil, Dornach (Mulhouse, Haut-Rhin), microfilm FHL [732717].
Surnames and Names – Brunhammer Henry Laurent
Date of Certificates – 15 Juillet
Boy – 1
Girl –
Nature of the birth – ‘’ (legitimate)
And here I go with the transcription –
76My attempt at translating –
Henry Laurent
Le 15 Juillet 1841
L’an mil huit cent quarante-un le quinze du mois de Juillet à huit heures du soir par-devant nous soussigné Antoine Baur, premier adjoint, remplissant par délégation de Maire en date du vingt-neuf Aout mil huit trente-sept les fonctions d’officier de l’état civil de la commune de Dornach, canton de Mulhausen Département de Haut Rhin, est comparu : Joseph Brunhammer, contre-maître, âgé de trente-cinq ans, domicilié en cette commune lequel nous a présente un enfant du sexe masculin qu’il déclare être né ci jourd’hui á sept heures du matin dans la maison du sieur Ofhiêbant Entz, _____ ______ ______ en cette commune, de lui déclarant et de Catherine Ganzer, sans état âgée de trente-trois ans et auquel il a déclaré vouloir donner les prénoms de Henry Laurent. Les quelles présentation et déclaration faites en présence de Nicòlas Ganzer, graveur sur bois, âgé de vingt-quatre ans, et Louis Ignace Diehly, instituteur agé de vingt-un ans, les deux domiciliés en cette commune, les quels témoins ont été _____ par le père de l’enfant et ont le père et les témoins signé avec nous le presentante de naissance après lecture et interprétation.
Brunhammer Ganzer _____ Baur
Henry Laurent
15 July 1841
In the year 1841, the 15th of the month of July at 8:00 o’clock in the evening, before us the undersigned Antoine Bauer, First Deputy, filling in for the Mayor by delegation dated the 29th of August, 1837, as officer of the civil state of the town of Dornach, in the Canton of Mulhouse, Department of Haut Rhin, appeared Joseph Brunhammer, foreman, 35 years old, residing in this city who presented to us a male child born today at 7:00 o’clock this morning in the house of Mr. _____ _____, _____ _____ _____ in this city, declaring him, and of Catherine Ganzer, stateless, 33 years old, and which he said he wanted to give the names of Henry Laurent. The presentation and what statement made in the presence of Nicolas Ganzer, wood engraver, twenty-four, and Louis Ignace Diehly, teacher, 21 years old, both domiciled in this city, and that the witnesses were _____ by the father of the child, and the father and witnesses signed with us the presentation of birth after reading and interpretation.
Brunhammer Ganzer _____ Baur
Three observations –
- This time the ggg-grandfather Joseph signed his name Brunhammer with two “ms”.
- Nicholas Ganzer could possibly be related to ggg-grandmother Catherine Ganzer, and
- GGG-Grandfather Joseph’s occupation is legible to read “contre-maitre” which by definition and translation is that of “foreman”. Foreman of what? That’s next to find out.
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