And where ever you are, reading my Blog, all the joy for this 2nd day of Christmas, and all the best wishes to Todd and Dorana (née Hernandez) Brunhammer today, their wedding day.
I decided to present the 1880 birth of great-granduncle Joseph Michael Brunhammer. As far as the records that I have, he was the youngest son of gg-grandparents Jacob (Jacques) and Mary (née Marie Katz) Brunhammer. He was born in Gloucester City, New Jersey the 18th of January, 1880.
As you can see from the Birth Return there is no name written on the Certificate. A copy was obtained via VitalChek for Joseph Brunhammer and the other corresponding information cross-references to all other documents that we have been able to collect.
The following is the document received –
And transcribed –
I’ve included a new Descendant Chart which follows the family line to great-granduncle Joseph Michael Brunhammer, his wife Sarah (née Gallagher) and their four children; Joseph A.; Mary (aka Marie); Grace; and Helen.
This is food for thought and the discussion will continue, so stay tuned.
And transcribed –
JUNE ’79. STATE OF NEW JERSEY. B19Based on the information extracted from the Birth Return, gg-grandparents Jacob and Mary had had 10 children born before Joseph’s birth in January 1880. And as it is written seven were still living. It is possible that the other three children were born and died in either France or the United States. The seven other children are: Charles; Eugène, Geies (aka Jules and Julius); Jacques A. (aka Jacob); Maria (aka Mary); Thomas (aka Camille); and Harry.
Full name of Child (if any) – . Color – White
Date of Birth – January 18th, 1880. Sex – Male
Place of Birth – Ridgway St., Gloucester City, N.J.
Name of Father – Jacob Brunhammer
Maiden name of Mother – Mary Katz
County of Father’s Birth – France. Age – 42. Occupation – Engraver.
Country of Mother’s Birth – France. Age – 37.
Number of Previous Children – Ten (10). How many of them living – Seven (7).
Name and P.O. address of Medical Attendant, in his own handwriting, with date, _____ _____ _____ _____ _____, Gloucester City, N.J.
I’ve included a new Descendant Chart which follows the family line to great-granduncle Joseph Michael Brunhammer, his wife Sarah (née Gallagher) and their four children; Joseph A.; Mary (aka Marie); Grace; and Helen.
This is food for thought and the discussion will continue, so stay tuned.
I have reason to believe my father and I are related to Jaques and/or Marie. My father has 2 4th-cousin matches on AncestryDNA who are 3rd cousins to each other by virtue of Jaques and Marie being their mutual great great grandparents, based on the family trees associated with their DNA tests.
My dad's family had been in Gloucester City for at least 3 generations, and my best guess is that my great grandmother, May Verfaillie (nee Mathews by adoption), is the one we are related to the Brunhammer/Katz family. Her husband Richard's mother came over from London and his father from Belgium. Some documents list his father Augustus Verfaillie as being from France, so there is some chance he was the Brunhammer/Katz relation, but I still think my great grandmother May to be more likely. I was told her birth name was Custer, but can't verify that. According to the records I've found, she was born in 1897 in Pennsylvania.
The 2 matches on AncestryDNA are Michael Hill and biddle213. There are 2 other common matches, one of which has no family tree and the other whose tree is private. They are Kevin Smith (a known relation to you?) and treborsa45.
I'd appreciate any insights you might have based on the above.
Wayne Quesada
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