And I go to sleep dreaming of large, dusty register books, and I wake up and immediately my fingers are typing a new transcription.
I hit an “Aha!” moment this morning. No, I haven’t discovered a connection in my search of the genealogy of my ggg-grandfather James Smith, but I did realize that after all the practice that I have had these past couple of weeks in transcribing the script and legalese of the records from the Grenada Register of Records that I am able to anticipate the construction and wording of a document. I’m able to ascertain what may have been faded or overcome by years of grime and age on the page.
This morning’s first transcription does not necessarily bring me any closer to discovering the ancestry of ggg-grandfather James Smith but I am able to find a new Smith entry. This Smith is one Danl Smith who is a witness to the document. The other witness is a George Toppin. And just a quick note, I think I remember that my father, who was born in Grenada, had an acquaintance whose surname was Toppin.
It was mentioned to me yesterday that the name George Wilson, as found in Part 178s was also a name from Grenada connected to my father. The take home message – there may be any type of clue and or some associated connection in the body of these documents that may point to a possibility in the genealogy hunt.
This record is an image from the microfilm FHL [1563328] in Item 4 – Grenada Register of Records 1797-1817 (v. G2-R2).
The one page numbered 91 follows:
My transcription:
This record is an image from the microfilm FHL [1563328] in Item 4 – Grenada Register of Records 1797-1817 (v. G2-R2).
The one page numbered 91 follows:
My transcription:
Enjoy your cup of coffee,91
Entered 25th January 1804Grenada
Know all Men by these presents that I George Burn of the Island
aforesaid for and in consideration of the Sum of One hundred and fifteen Pounds ten
Shillings currency of the said Island of Grenada to me in hand paid by Anne Madelaine
McDonald free coloured woman of the said Island at or before the sealing and delivery
of these presents the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge have granted bargained
sold and released and by these Presents do Grant bargain Sell and Release unto the said
Ann Madelaine McDonald a Negro Girl Slave named Madelaine with her future iʃsue and
increase to Have and to Hold the said Negro Girl Slave named Madelaine unto the
said Ann Madelaine McDonald her Heirs Executors Administrators and Aʃsigns forever
And the said George Burn do for my Heirs Executors Administrators and Aʃsigns covenant
and agree to and with the said Ann Madelaine McDonald her Executors Administrators
and Aʃsigns to warrant and defend the sale of the aforementioned Negro Girl Slave
named Madelaine against the Claim or Claims of any persons or persons whatsoever
In Witneʃs whereof I have sett my hand and Seal this twenty third day of February
in the Year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and four. George Burn LS
Sealed and delivered In the presences of George Toppin # Danl Smith
Received on the day of the date of the above Bill of Sale of and from the therein names
Ann Madelaine McDonald the sum of one hundred and fifteen Pounds ten Shillings
Current Money of Grenada being the full consideration Money therein mentioned to be paid
to me I say received George Burn
Witneʃs George Toppin # Danl. Smith
Be it Remembered that on the day of the date of the within Deed Poll quiet and
peaceable Poʃseʃsion Livery and Seizo not the Negro Girl named Madelaine therein mentioned
by the ______ ______ said George Burn to the also within named Ann Madelaine McDonald in and
herein whose Names are hereunto subscribed Geo Toppin # Danl Smith
Grenada Acknowledged before me and by George Burn Esquire the party Executing the
within Bill of Sale as and for his ______ and Voluntary Act and Deed the twenty fourth day
of February One thousand eight hundred and four . _____ _____ Dep Register.
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