Supper tonight, stir-fried beef with carrots, broccoli, and straw mushrooms and ginger strips and green onion tossed in a Sherry, Soya and Hoisin sauce on brown rice. Not bad. I’ve decided to follow the recipes in a number of my Asian cookbooks and sources for a while. Last night was chicken and cashews over white rice. I’m amazed how such a small amount of the ingredients make some very good and filling dishes. The price is right and there’s no MSG.
And I continued with the next two records entered 3rd and 4th of February 1804 from Item 4 of the microfilm FHL [1563328], the Grenada Register of Records 1797-1817 (v.G2-R2). The William Smith mentioned in these two February 1804 entries is one of the two attorneys appointed. And this William Smith it appears is recognized as being from Grenada.
If you note, excluding this one, in at least nine postings this may be the third William Smith that I have transcribed from the records.
You can do a search of my Blog for William Smith. The locations, that I can make out as quoted as for the William Smiths are Martinique, Grenada, and Scotland. They have two definitive types of occupations: Attorney and Merchant. Also the one William Smith, a Merchant from Grenada and possibly originally from Logie, Scotland died prior to 26 December 1797. (See Part 178s.) I cannot guarantee at this point that the two other William Smiths, the Attornies, may be one and the same person. Check it out.
Here are the records found in Item 4 of the microfilm and numbered pages 81, 82, and 83.
My transcription –
Here are the records found in Item 4 of the microfilm and numbered pages 81, 82, and 83.
My transcription –
And thanks to you that have been providing me with comments and asking questions.81
Entered 3d February 1804Grenada
Know all Men by these presents That I John Simons Fredrickson
Junior of the Town of Saint George in the Island aforesaid Gentleman being about to
depart the said it is neceʃsary that I should nominate and appoint some Persons
resident in the said Island as my Attornies to transact my affairs and Concerns in the
said Island and I having trust and confidence in William Smith and Edward
Hogan both of the men and Island aforesaid Gentlemen Hath made ordained authorized
constituted and appointed and by these presents Doth execute Ordain authorize constitute
and appoint and in my place and Hand put and depute the said William Smith and
Edward Hogan my true lawful Attornies for one and in my Name and on my
Behalf to settle and finally adjust all and all manner of Accounts reckonings
Claims Demands Disputes Differences Matters and things whatsoever now subsisting
or that may hereafter subsist between me and any person or Persons in the said Island
of Grenada and to compound Accept and agree for the same and on receipt Composition
or agreement Acquisitions releases or other _____ discharges for the same for me and in my Name
to make sign seal and Execute and deliver and if neceʃsary to sue for lease and recover
the same by all lawful ways and means whatsoever be it on refusal non payment
or non-delivery of what is or shall appear to be due or owing or belonging unto me as
aforesaid on or by Virtue of any Bond Bill Note Book Debt Account Rent Arrears of Rent
Mortgage or for or upon what other account or means whatsoever such person or persons so
82Refusing to sue Arrest Imprison implead and prosecute for the same
in any Court or Courts of Law or equity and to proceed to Judgment and disposition and
again out of prison to discharge and free and if need be for me and in my Name to
defend and plead to any Action or Actions to be brought or prosecuted against me by
and Person or persons in any Court or Courts of Record or elsewhere Also for me the said
John Simon Frederickson Junior and in my Name and on my behalf to sell and
dispose of all Lands Tenements Slaves Hereditaments and other personal property
which do now or at any time hereafter may belong to me in the said Island for the
best price that may be got for the same with full Power and Authority also to my said
Attornies duty to execute (by signing the Name and affixing the Seal of me the said John
Simon Frederickson Junior to and and? delivering in due from Law) all such
Deeds of Conveyance or other Instruments as shall be found requisite for the purposes
aforesaid And I do hereby Authorize and empower the said William Smith and
Edward Hogan to nominate substitute and appoint one or more Attorney or Attornies
under them I at their pleasure again to revoke the same And Generally to do
execute and perform all and every such further and other lawful and reasonable
Acts Deeds Matters and things whatsoever needful and requisite for the purposes herein:
before mentioned as fully and Effectually to all Intents and purposes as I might could
do if personally present And I do hereby ratify ratify and confirm all and what-
soever my said Attornies or their Substitute or Substitutes shall legally do or Procure
to be done in and touching the premises by Virtue of these presents In Witneʃs whereof
I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal this Eleventh day of January in the Year of our
Lord One thousand eight hundred and four. J. L. Frederickson Jr. LS
Sealed and delivered In the presence of Charles R. Arthur.
Grenada. Before the Honorable Thomas Bridgwater Esquire Chief Justice of the
Supreme Court of Judicature for said Island and its Dependencies Established
Personally appeared Charles Rudder Arthur of the said Island the subscribing
Witneʃs to the foregoing Letter of Attorney who being duly sworn on the Holy Evangelists
of Almighty God mad Oath that he was present and did see John Simon Frederickson
Junior the party executing the said Letter of Attorney sign seal execute and deliver
the same as and for his free and voluntary Act and Deed and that in Testimony of the
due Execution thereof the Deponent subscribed his name thereto.
Charles R. ArthurSworn to before me this }
third day of February 1804 }
T. Bridgwater
Entered 4th February 1804Grenada
Know all Men by these Presents that I John Simon
Frederickson Junr. late of the said Island of Grenada but at present of the Island of
Trinidad acting herein by my Attorney William Smith and Edward Hogan of the
said Island of Grenada for and in Consideration of the sum of One hundred and twenty-
five pounds eight shillings Current Money of the said Island to me in Laws? paid by
James Lair of the Town of Saint George and Island aforesaid Gentleman the Receipt
whereof I do hereby acknowledge and myself to be therewith fully satisfied is contented?
83And paid Have granted bargained sold and released and by these presents
do fully and clearly Bargain and sell and release unto the said James Lair
one Negro Man Slave named Chance unto him the said James Lair his Heirs
Executors Administrators and Asʃsigns forever and to other use interest or purpose
whatsoever and the Reversion or Reversions Remainder and remainders rents and
Profits of the said Slave Chance To Have and to Hold the said Slave Chance
unto the said James Lair His Heirs Executors Administrators and Asʃsigns forever, And
I the said John Simon Frederickson Junr. do for myself my Heirs Executors and
Administrators Covenant and agree to and with the said Lair his Heirs,
Executors, Administrators and Aʃsigns to warrant and forever defend the sale of the
sale of the said Negro Man Slave named Chance against the Claim or Claims of
all persons whatsoever. In Witneʃs whereof I the said John Simon Frederickson Junr.
have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this _____ day of February in the
Year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred & four. J.S. Frederickson Jr. (LS)
By His AttorniesSealed Signed and Delivered }
Will. Smith
Edwd Hagan
In the presence of }
Owsley Rowley # Charles R. Arthur
Received on the day of the Date of the within Bill of sale from the therein named James
Lair the sum of one hundred & twenty-five Pounds eight shillings Currency beign the
_____ Consideration Money therein mentioned to Be pass to me I say received
J.S. Frederickson Junr by His attornies
Will: Smith # Edwd HoganWitneʃs Owsley Rowley # Charles R. Arthur
Bill remembered that on the day of the date hereof ______ Bill Poll peaceable
and quiet poʃseʃsion Livery and _____ of the Negro Man Slave named Chance within
mentioned was delivered by the within named John Simon Frederickson Junior (by his
Attorney the said William Smith and Edward Hogan to the within mentioned James
Lair according to the true Intent and meaning of the within written Deed of ______
in the presence of us whose Names are hereunto Subscribed
Owsley Rowley # Charles R. ArthurGrenada Acknowledged before me by William Smith and Edward Hogan
as the Attornies In the Name of and as and for the free and voluntary Act and of John
Simon Frederickson Junior this fourth day of February One thousand eight hundred
and four.
GH Hornley? Dep Register.
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