Tampa is the only city that I know that annually celebrates the outright raping, murdering, and pillaging of its citizens. And it’s all for the damn beads!
Avast, it is José Gaspar, and all-things-being equal, it is a pretty damn good possibility that this was all a creation of the Tampa Tourist Board beginning beginning in about 1904 to bring visitors to the City… and to provide the “equivalent” celebratory parties and parades of Mardi Gras and New Orleans. Who knows?
I spent some considerable time on the next document, an assignment of power of attorney, dated 8 October 1807 and entered into the Grenada Register of Records on 19 April 1808. And I mean this one has Smiths. Unless I missed one, I count six Smiths – Archibald, John, James, James Jr., Robert, and Hector. I just have to determine if one or more of these Smith gentlemen are part of my genealogy and ancestry.
This Document was found on pages 489 through and including 493 in the Grenada Register of Records 1797 to 1817 (v. G2-R2). Images were downloaded from FHL [1563328].
The pages are as follows:
My transcription -
Check back shortly as I hope to analyze at least the James Smiths I’ve come across in my
Transcription work.
The pages are as follows:
My transcription -
If you review my transcription and can provide any assistance with those words or phrases that I am not quite sure of, please feel free to contact me.489Entd 19th April 1808Know all Men by these Presents that We Archibald Smith John
Smith James Smith Adam Crooks John Guthrie John Ryburn James Smith
Junior and Andrew Rankin all of the City of Glasgow in that Part of GreatBritain490Britain called Scotland Merchants the Copartners resident in Britain of
the House of Trade and Copartnership and carried on in Glasgow under the firm and designation of
Leitch and Smith and also of the House of Trade and Copartnership carried on in
St. George’s Grenada under the firm and designation of Guthrie and Ryburn for
Crossbee? and Robert Smith and Thomas Huie of Kingston Jamaica as Copartners
in the said House of Trade Have made ordained nominated constituted and appointed
and hereby Do make Ordain nominate constitute and appoint and in the Place
and stead of Us and our said Partners and of the said House of Trade
and Copartnership put and depute John Lindsay of the said Island of Grenada
Merchant and failing him Hector Smith at present residing in Glasgow and
about embarking for Grenada and William Mitchell and Daniel Brady Esquire
of the said Island jointly or any two of them or any one of them separately our
true and lawful Attorney or Attornies for Us and in Our Name or for and in
Name of Our said Houses of Trade and Copartnership and for the Use and behoof
of the said Houses of Trade To lease or demise all and sundry Lands Tenements
Hereditaments Meʃsuages and ʃlaves or any Part or Number of them at present
belonging or which may hereafter belong to us or any or either of us as Copartners
aforesaid or to the said Robert Smith and Thomas Huie or any or either of them
as Copartners aforesaid or the said Houses of Trade and Copartnerships and situ-
ated in the Island of Grenada or elsewhere in the West Indies to such Person
or Persons and for such Term or Terms or Number of Years and under such yearly
and other Rents as the said Attorney or the said Attornies or any or either of
them shall think fit or to sell grant or convey the same in fee simple or for
such other Estate as the said John Lindsay whom failing the said other attornies
or any or either of the said other Attornies shall think fit for such Price or Sum
or Sums of Money or other valuable Consideration and to such Person or Persons
as the said John Lindsay whom failing the said other Attornies shall judge expedite?
and for Us and in our Names and for and in Name of our said Copartners
or of the said House of Trade to seal deliver make and execute such Deed and
Deeds Aʃsurance Aʃsurances or Conveyances for the Sale and disposal thereof or any
Part or Number of the same with such Clauses Covenants Provisions Conditions and
Agreements therein to be contained as the said John Lindsay whom failing the said other
Attornies or either of them shall think proper And also in our Names or in
Name of the said House of Trade and Copartnerships to aʃsign transfer make over-
_____ and extinguish all Right Title and Demand which we or any or other of us
or the said Robert Smith and Thomas Huie or any of either of them as Copartners
foresaid or our said Copartnerships now have or may or shall hereafter have in
in any Lands in the said Island of Grenada or elsewhere in the West Indies
by or in Virtue of any Mortgage Judgement or Decreet? already poʃsed? or which
may hereafter paʃs or in the Event of Non Payment or Satisfaction to obtain
due for and follow forth Decrees or Judgments foreclosing the said mortgages and to recuse
_____ and follow forth all legal Execution competent upon the said Judgements491or Decrees and also to ratify approve and confirm all or any Deed at any time
heretofore granted and made by any Attorney or Attornies for us or the said Robert
Smith and Thomas Huie or any of us or them or the said Houses of Trade and Copart-
nerships in the said Island of Grenada or elsewhere in the West Indies hereby
Ratifying allowing and conforming all such Leases Demises Deeds Aʃsurances
Conveyances Covenants Provision Agreements Aʃsignments Releases Decrees Judgments
and Executions as shall at any time be made acknowledged sealed delivered executed
or procured by the said John Lindsay whom failing the said other Attornies or any or
either of the said other Attornies in touching? or concerning the Premises And further
also We the said Archibald Smith John Smith James Smith Adam Crooks John
Guthrie John Ryburn James Smith Junior and Andrew Rankin for Ourselves and
the said Robert Smith and Thomas Huie as Copartners foresaid Have made or claimed
nominated constituted and appointed And by these Presents do make ordain nominate
constitute and appoint and in the Place and stead of Us and our said Partners and
of the said houses of Trade and Copartnerships put and depute the said John Lindsay
and _____ failing him the said Hector Smith William Mitchell and Daniel Brady or any
two of them or any one of them separately our true and lawful Attorney and Attornies
for and in our Name or for and in Names of our said House of Trade and Copartner-
ships and for the Use and Behoof of the said Houses of trade and Copartnerships
to sell aʃsign and dispose of all such Goods Wares and Merchandizes and Effects
as are and shall hereafter be belonging to us and our said Partners or to the
said House of Trade and Copartnerships and to ask demand sue for and recourse
and receive? of and from all and every Person or Persons in the said Island of
Grenada or elsewhere in the West Indies all such Sum and Sums of Money
Sugar Rum Debts Claims and Demands whatsoever which now are or shall
be hereafter due owing and appertaining unto us and our said Copartners upon
our joint Account or to any or either of them and in with the whole Interest
due and to grow due thereon and to use and take all lawful Ways and Means? by
Adjustments? Attachments Suits at Law or on Equity in the Name of us and of our said
Copartners or in same? Name of the said houses of Trade and Copartnerships or of any
or either of us or otherwise for obtaining and procuring the Recovery Receipt as Satisfaction
thereof and to compound and agree for any of the said Debts and others said to settle
the same by Compromise Arbitration or otherwise and to take Part for the whole
thereof of our said Attorney whom failing our said other Attornies shall judge? such
Manners? expedient and to give execute and make and to do all other lawful
Acts and Things whatsoever concerning the Premises as fully and effectually in every
Respect and to all Intents and Purposes as we ourselves or any of us or any of
our said Copartners might or could do if personally present and Attornies or an Attorney
under him the said John Lindsay whom failing under them the said other Attornies
or Attorney for the Purposes aforesaid with the above or more limited Powers to make
and at their or his Pleasure to revoke And We specially empower the said John Lindsay
if he shall think fit in so far as concerns all or any of the said other Attornies torevoke492revoke these Presents and to appoint another or others in their Place hereby
Ratifying allowing and confirming and obliging ourselves and our said
Copartners to ratify allow and confirm all and whatsoever the said John Lindsay
whom failing the said other Attornies or any two or one of the said other Attornies
or his or their Substitutes or Substitute shall lawfully do or cause to be done
executed and performed in about and touching the Premises In Witneʃs
whereof We have hereunto set our hands and Seals this Eighth day of October
in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight hundred and Seven.John Guthrie LS Archd Smith LSSigned sealed and delivered being first duly stamped In the Presence of
John Ryburn LS John Smith LS
Jas Smith Jr LS James Smith LS
Andrew Rankin LS Adam Crooks LSRobert Brown James SmithJames Smith of the City of Glasgow in the County of Lanark in that in that
Part of Great Britain called Scotland Gentleman one of the subscribing Wit-
neʃses to the Execution of the Letter of Attorney hereunto annexed Maketh Oath
and saith That he was present along with Robert Browne of the said City Gentle-
man the other subscribing Witneʃs to the said Executor when Archibald Smith
John Smith James Smith Adam Crooke John Guthrie James
Smith Junior and Andrew Rankin the execution of the said Letter of Attorney did sign seal
and deliver the same for and as their and each of these true and genuine
Act and Deed and that the said Robert Browne and the Deponent subscribed
their Names to the same as Witneʃses to the Execution thereof in the Presence of
each other That the Names “Archd Smith” John Smith” James Smith “
“Adam Crooke” “John Guthrie” “John Ryburn” “Jas Smith Jr” “Andrew Rankin”
appearing set and subscribed opposite the Seals of the said Letter of Attorney as
of the Parties executing the same and the Names “Robert Brown” “James Smith”
appearing set and subscribed below the Attestation of the said Letter of Attorney as
of the Persons witneʃsing the Execution thereof are of the true and genuine hands
writing and subscriptions of the said Archibald Smith John Smith James Smith
Adam Crooke John Guthrie John Ryburn James Smith Junior Andrew Rankin
Robert Brown and the Deponent respectively – So help him GodJames SmithSworn at Glasgow aforesaid this thirty first day }
of October 1807 Before me Lord Provost and Chief Magistrate }
of the said City James Mackenzie
To all to whom these Presents shall come
I James MacKenzie Esquire Lord Provost and Chief Magistrate of the City
of Glasgow Do hereby Certify and attest that upon the day of the date hereof
Personally came and appeared before me James Smith the Person named in and
subscriber of the Affidavit hereunto annexed being well known and of good favour?
and to whom Testimony Faith is and right to be given and by solemn Oathwhich493which he took before me on the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God Did testify
and depose to be true the several Matters and Things contained in the said Affidavit
LSIn Faith and Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my
hand and have caused the Corporation Seal of the said City
to be hereunto affixed this thirty first day of October in
the Year of Our Lord Eighteen hundred and ʃeven.
James MacKenzie
Check back shortly as I hope to analyze at least the James Smiths I’ve come across in my
Transcription work.
I have for some years been researching my Guthrie and other ancestors who lived in Grenada (not the Guthries mentioned in the document, but merchants as well). The LDS has microfilmed the Anglican Church records from 1783 (I looked at them here in Trinidad). Also, the American Antiquarian Society in Mass. has a collection of microfilmed Grenada newspapers from that era.
Thanks for your note. I have been transcribing all Smith-related Indentures from the Grenada Registers of Records for the time period, which are also available through the LDS microfilms.
I will definitely follow up with the American Antiquarian Society to find out availability.
Regards, Jim
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