You know sometimes this Indenture Project can really and truly just become so overwhelming, that I ask of myself, “Why bother?” But I need to know and I need to find out just where ggg-grandfather James Smith originated from. And that’s my goal in my search and research of the genealogy and ancestry of my Smith family line.
This next Document, five pages; 312 through and including 316 is really tedious and more of a mind twister. The Record was entered to the Grenada Registers of Records 29 June 1818. I downloaded the image from Item 1 the microfilm FHL [1563329] which provides the entries from 1817 to 1837 and volumes R2 through Z2.
And did I get a number of Smiths – Archibald Smith of Jordan Hill; James Smith; James Smith, Junior; Archibald Smith, Junior; Archibald Smith, Youngest, all of Glasgow, all Merchants, and operating as copartners in the firm Leitch and Smith operating in Grenada. Also, in the Document there is William Smith, of Glasgow and a Baillie acting on behalf of the Lord Provost of the City of Glasgow.
I had to look up, in Webster’s 1913 Revised Unabridged Dictionary the definition of a Baillie… and I found the following: “An officer in Scotland, whose office formerly corresponded to that of sheriff, but now corresponds to that of an English Alderman… [See Bailiff].” And my response: my surname is too, too common!
All-things-being-equal, even though I have struggled with my transcription of this Document I cannot see any possible hint that these Smiths are in any way immediately connected to ggg-grandfather James.
Here are the copies of the five pages; 312 – 316 of the Record:
And my long and laborious transcription… I certainly would invite any assistance to help with those words, represented by an underscore, or blank “_____” that I have not been able to decipher.
And now I have completed the Smith-related Reports in Item 1. On to Item 2.
I had to look up, in Webster’s 1913 Revised Unabridged Dictionary the definition of a Baillie… and I found the following: “An officer in Scotland, whose office formerly corresponded to that of sheriff, but now corresponds to that of an English Alderman… [See Bailiff].” And my response: my surname is too, too common!
All-things-being-equal, even though I have struggled with my transcription of this Document I cannot see any possible hint that these Smiths are in any way immediately connected to ggg-grandfather James.
Here are the copies of the five pages; 312 – 316 of the Record:
And my long and laborious transcription… I certainly would invite any assistance to help with those words, represented by an underscore, or blank “_____” that I have not been able to decipher.
I will be including a copy of my Smiths of Jordan Hill Descendant Chart at my Analysis Page.312ExaminedEntered 29 June 1818To all to whom these Presents shall come Archibald Smith
of Jordan Hill Adam Crooks John Guthrie, John Ryburn, James Smith, An-
drew Rankin, James Smith Junior Archibald Smith Junior and Archibald
Smith Youngest all of the City of Glasgow in that part of Great Britain called Scotland
Merchants Copartners carrying on Trade there under the firm and designation of Leitch
and Smith and also carrying on Trade in the Island of Grenada in the West Indies jointly
with John Lindsay of the said Island Merchant under the firm and designation of
Guthries and Ryburn send Greeting Whereas the said Copartners have resolved
to nominate and appoint nine? Persons as their Attornies to act in the Island of Grenada
and in all the other British and Foreign West India Islands and Colonies (except the
Island of Jamaica) for the purpose of managing all and every of their mercantile
Affairs and Busineʃs as also of collecting and receiving debts selling and conveying
_____ carrying in suits? at Law or in Equity, leasing and selling Heritages and
Meʃsuages and doing and performing the several other Matters and things thereinafter mentioned
Now therefore know ye that the said Archibald Smith Adam Crooks John Guthrie John
Ryburn James Smith Andrew Rankin, James Smith Junior Archibald Smith Junior andArchibald313Archibald Smith Youngest Copartners foresaid Have made ordained constituted
nominated and appointed by these Presents Do make ordain nominate constitute
and appoint William Kirkland of the said Island of Grenada Merchant William
Mitchell of said Island of Grenada Esquire Planter and Robert Kirk of the
same Island Esquire Merchant jointly and any or either of them separately to be the
true certain and lawful Attornies and Attorney the said Archibald Smith Adam
Crooks John Guthrie John Ryburn James Smith Andrew Rankin James Smith Junior
Archibald Smith Junior and Archibald Smith Youngest Copartners foresaid In the
places foresaid for them the said copartners and in their names and in the names
of the survivors or survivors of them as copartners foresaid or in the name of the said
Houses of Trade to manage negotiate and transact the whole affaits and
busineʃs of the said Archibald Smith Adam Crooks John Guthrie John Ryburn James
Smith Andrew Rankin James Smith Junior Archibald Smith Junior and Archi-
bald Smith Youngest as copartners foresaid of the said Houses of Trade and copartnerships
In the whole places foresaid as fully finely? and effectually in every aspect and to all
Intents and Purposes as the said Archibald Smith Adam Crooks John Guthrie John Ryburn
James Smith Andrew Rankin James Smith Junior Archibald Smith Junior and
Archibald Smith youngest or any of them could do if personally present And par-
ticularly without prejudice to or licitation? of the said general powers To ask
demand sue for recover and receive All debts and Sums of Money which now
and or hereafter may become due and payable to them or any of them either by mortgage
Bond Bill Promiʃsory Note open Accounts Account slated and balanced or otherin _____
whatsoever From all and every person or persons in any of the said places by whom they
cause? of whereafter may become due and unpaid And if needful to call to _____
bring to a reckoning and adjust and settle all and every demand whatsoever with all
and every person or persons concerned in the premises And upon receipt and recovery
of the ^said debts and cause? of recovery due and to become due as aforesaid or any part thereof
sufficient releases of mortgages Aʃsignations Conveyances Acquittances and dis-
charges To make and Give for the same And upon nonpayment thereof or any
part thereof all and any person and persons or addebted? To sue Arrest Attack, In-?
plead Imprison and Prosecute for the same by all legal ways and means _____
upon? payment thereof or any part thereof the same persons again to acquit and discharge
and out of prison to Release And inlike manner to _____ satisfaction on the _____
of all _____ dentures of Mortgage which now are or hereafter shall or may be vested _____ _____
the said Archibald Smith Adam Crooks John Guthrie John Ryburn James Smith An-
drew Rankin James Smith Junior Archibald Smith Junior and Archibald Smith,
Youngest copartners foresaid in the same manner as if the same _____ particularly
mentioned or as if _____ Power for the expreʃs purpose has been _____ have been
executed by them And inlike manner for them the said Archibald Smith Adam
Crooks John Guthrie John Ryburn James Smith Andrew Rankin James Smith Junior
Archibald Smith Junior and Archibald Smith Youngest and each of them and in these
and each of these named as copartners _____ and or for and in name of the said company
of Leitch and Smith or Guthrie and Ryburn To raise and Prosecute all Actions
or Suits at Law or in Equity and to appear for them in all such Actions or Suits which
may be raised against them and to either? satisfaction on Judgments in Law or in
Equity And inlike manner for the said Archibald Smith Adam Crooks John Guthrie
John Ryburn James Smith Andrew Rankin James Smith Junior Archibald Smith,
Junior and Archibald Smith youngest to sign seal execute and deliver any Bond
or Bonds of Arbitration requisite for the purpose of binding and obliging them and each
of them to abide by and perform the all and in order of any arbitrator or arbitrators _____,
or _____ to be nominated and chosen to act and determine in relation to the premises
And father for them the said Archibald Smith Adam Crooks John Guthrie John Ryburn
James Smith Andrew Rankin James Smith Junior Archibald Smith Junior and Archibald
Smith Youngest or for and in name of the said copartnership of Leitch & Smithor314or Guthrie & Ryburn To treat with any person or persons whatsoever for the bearing Letting
in either disposition of all in any of the Meʃsuages Houses Grounds Slaves and Hereditaments,
in the said Island of Grenada or in any of the Islands or Colonies aforesaid in any of them
belonging or which hereafter may belong to them Archibald Smith Adam Crooks John
Guthrie John Ryburn James Smith Andrew Rankin James Smith Junior Archibald Smith,
Junior and Archibald Smith Youngest or any or either of them as copartners foresaid or to the
said Leitch & Smith or Guthrie & Ryburn And after any Treaty and Agreement made
and _____ as aforesaid for and in mane of them or any of them To sign Seal and
deliver any Aʃsignment Conveyance or Aʃsurance to any person or persons that shall
purchase and lease or agree to purchase & lease the premises or any of them or any part
of them as the said Attornies or Attorney shall think fit for the sufficient aʃsigning con-
veying and aʃsuring of the same Meʃsuages Houses Grounds and Hereditaments which
shall be so purchased leased and sold as aforesaid to the person or persons who shall contract
for and but the same or any of them for the execution of every such treaty and Agreement as
aforesaid Moerover and without prejudice to but? in supplement of the aforesaid Power,
committed to the said William Kirkland William Mitchell and Robert Kirk Attornies foresaid
and these foresaid they the said Archibald Smith Adam Crooks John Guthrie John Ryburn
James Smith Andrew Rankin James Smith Junior Archibald Smith Junior and Archi-
bald Smith youngest Do hereby specially authorize and Appoint the said Attornies or
any or either of them to call and bring to account and adjust and settle all accounts between
them and the said John Lindsay either as these Attorney Copartner or otherwise and to
sue for _____ and discharge the whole debts and sums of Money which may be due addebts?
and owing by _____ to them the said Archibald Smith Adam Crooks John Guthrie John Ryburn
James Smith Andrew Rankin James Smith Junior Archibald Smith Junior and Archibald
Smith Youngest or any or either of them and to _____ and _____ _____ and to all or any Copart-
nership concerns in which he is or may _____ _____ with them the said Archibald Smith Adam
Crooks John Guthrie John Ryburn James Smith Andrew Rankin James Smith Junior
Archibald Smith Junior and Archibald Smith Youngest or any of them as Copartners and to sign
seal and _____ all or any notifications of dissolution or other Documents which may be
neceʃsary or expedient by the Laws of Grenada or the other places foresaid for intimating
the said Diʃsolution to the _____ And generally for these the said Archibald Smith Adam
Crooks John Guthrie John Ryburn James Smith Andrew Rankin James Smith Junior,
Archibald Smith Junior and Archibald Smith Youngest in their names or in name of the
said company of Leitch and Smith or Guthrie & Ryburn and as these and each and every of
these _____ land? deeds To make do sign seal execute deliver transact accom-
plish and perform all and every? matter and thing neceʃsary and requisite on or about the
premises in as full ample and beneficial a manner as they and or any of these might or could
do if formally? present And as Attorney or Attornies to act either under or along with
these in any or either of them the said William Kirkland William Mitchell and Robert Kirk
To Nominate Constitute and Appoint in the places? and Island and Colonies or any of
these for the purposes and with all and every the powers hereby to these given or such part
thereof as the said Attornies or Attorney or any of these shall think _____ and the same _____
pleasure to Revoke _____ and to make Void Ratifying and Confirming as they
the said Archibald Smith Adam Crooks John Guthrie John Ryburn James Smith Andrew Rankin
James Smith Junior Archibald Smith Junior and Archibald Smith youngest for themselves
as Copartners Foresaid and the said Companies Do by these presents Ratify Confirm and
declare valid and effectual all and whatsoever the said Attornies or Attorney or their _____
substitutes or substitute under these or any of their to be appointed as aforesaid shall lawfully
do or cause to be done by virtue hereof in relation hereto And lastly the said Archi-
bald Smith Adam Crooks John Guthrie John Ryburn James Smith Andrew Rankin
James Smith Junior Archibald Smith Junior and Archibald Smith youngest Do by these
presents Revoke and Annul all Letters of Attorney formerly granted by them? or these? or
any of their Attornies or Attorney to any _____ affairs? or for managing these affairs and
busineʃs as Copartners _____ _____ or the affairs and busineʃs of the said House of Trade ofLeitch315Leitch and Smith or Guthrie & Ryburn in all in any of the Islands or Colonies afore-
said In Witneʃs whereof the said Archibald Smith Adam Crooks John Guthrie John
Ryburn James Smith Andrew Rankin James Smith Junior Archibald Smith Junior
and Archibald Smith Youngest have hereunto set their respective hands and Seals this Tenth
day of April in the Year of Our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and EighteenArchd Smith LS. Adam Crooks LS. John Guthrie LS. JohnSigned Sealed and Delivered The Words? “or agree to purchase & lease” being precisely?
Ryburn LS. Jas Smith Ls. Andrew Rankin LS. James Smith Jr. Ls.
Archd Smith Junr LS. Archd Smith Ygt Ls.
Enterlined? betwixt the forty first & forty second Line hereof (being first duly stamped,)
By the said Archibald Smith Adam Crooks John Guthrie John Ryburn James Smith
Andrew Rankin James Smith Junior Archibald Smith Junior and Archibald Smith Youngest
In presence of Robert Grahame John Freeland Thos Struthers
Signed Sealed and delivered the Words in agree to purchase & lease being precisely?
Enterlined? betwixt the forty first & forty second line hereof being first duly stamped
by the said John Guthrie In presence of John Lloyd Lugger John M. Yard,
Philipe Kent Jr.
John Lloyd Lugger of Plymouth Dock in the County of Devon Gentleman
Maketh Oath and saith That he was present along with John Mitherell Yard and Philip
Kent Junior both of Plymouth Duck aforesaid _____ and did see John Guthrie
one of the persons named in the deed Poll annexed sign seal and _____
_____ said deed deliver the said deed Pool purporting to be a Letter of Attorney from the
_____ John Guthrie and others his Copartners to William Kirkland of the Island of
Grenada Esquire Merchant William Mitchell of the said Island of Grenada Esquire
Planter also Robert Kirk of the same Island Esquire Merchant and that the name
John Guthrie “thereto set and subscribed is the _____ hand Writing of the said John Guthrie
and that the names “John Lloyd Lugger” “John M. Yard” and “Philip Kent Jr” sub-
scribed to the said Letter of Attorney as the parties attesting the execution therefor by the
said John Guthrie are of the respective hand writing of the said John Mitcherell Yard
and Philip Kent Junior ( who with this deponent were present at the execution of the said
Power of Attorney by the said John Guthrie and of him this deponentJohn Lloyd LuggerSworn at and by them the Borough of Plymouth in the County of Devon this Eight-
tenth? day of April 1818 Before me Thos Miller Mayor
All to whom these presents shall come I Thomas Miller Esquire Mayor of
the Borough of Plymouth in the County of Devon in pursuance of An Act of Parliament
unto and paʃsed in the fifth Year of the Reign of His Late Majesty King George
the Second entitled An Act for the more easy reaʃsessing? of debts in His Majesty’s
Plantations and Colonies in America Do hereby Certify That on the day of the date
hereof personally came and appeared Before me John Lloyd Lugger and did
by _____ ____ Oath which he took? on the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God _____ claim
testify and depose to be true the several Matters and things contained within Affi-
davit hereunto annexed
LSIn faith and testimony whereof I the said Mayor haveJohn Freeland of the City of Glasgow in the County of Lanark in that
hereunto set my Hand the have caused the seal of the Office of
Mayoralty of the said Borough of Plymouth to hereunto _____
and affixed and the proper Writing mentioned in the said
Affidavit to be hereunto annexed this Eighteenth day of April
one thousand eight hundred and Eighteen
Thos Miller Mayor
part of Great Britain called Scotland _____ _____ Maketh Oath and saith That
he was present along with Robert Graham and Thomas Struthers also of the said
City _____ and did see Archibald Smith Adam Crooks John RyburnJames316James Smith Andrew Rankin James Smith Junior Archibald Smith Junior and Ar-
chibald Smith Youngest Eight of the previous names in and Grantors of the Letter of Attorney
hereunto annexed sign seal and as and for their and each of their true and genuine Act and
deed deliver the said Letter or Power of Attorney and that the Names “Archd Smith” “Adam
Crooks” “John Ryburn” “James Smith” “Andrew Rankin” “James Smith Jr.” “Archd Smith Junr”
Archd Smith Yst” set and subscribe opposite the seal of the said Letter of Attorney as of the
persons executing the same are the true and genuine handwriting and subscriptions of the
said Archibald Smith Adam Crooks John Ryburn James Smith Andrew Rankin James
Smith Junior Archibald Smith Junior and Archibald Smith Youngest respectively And this
deponent further saith that he and the said Robert Grahame & Thomas Struthers subscribed
to the said Letter of Attorney as Witneʃses to the execution thereof in the presence of each other
and that the names “John Freeland Robert Grahame and Tho. Struthers” appearing set
and subscribed to the probate of the said Letter of Attorney Witneʃses to the execution thereof
are the true and genuine hand Writing of this deponent and the said Robert Graham and
Thomas Struthers respectivelySo help him GodSworn at and within the City of Glasgow aforesaid this eleventh day of April Eighteous? hun-
John Freeland
dred and Eighteen Before me one one of the Baillie and in absence of the Lord Provost
and the said Baillie Chief Magistrate of the said City William Smith
To all to whom these presents shall come I William Smith Esq. one of the Baillies
and in absence of the Lord Provost and Sworn Baillie Chief Magistrate of the City of Glasgow
Do hereby Certify and Attest that on the day of the date hereof personally cane and
appeared Before me John Freeland the person named in and subscribed of the foregoing
Affidavit being a person well known and worth of Credit and to whose Testimony Saith
is now ought to be given and by solemn Oath which he then and there took upon the
Holy Evangelists of Almighty God he did testify and depose to be true the several matters
and things therein contained
LSIn faith and testimony whereof I have hereunto
set my hand and have ordered the common Seal of the
said City to be hereunto affixed this Eleventh day of April
Eighteen hundred and Eighteen
William Smith
And now I have completed the Smith-related Reports in Item 1. On to Item 2.
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