Was just outside with the pack and the socks are back on. This is the craziest weather ever here in Tampa, cold wind and spitting, and the bamboo is singing. It was about 68° F this afternoon and now it is about 52° F but feels like 46°F. It is slated feel like to 36° F at 5:00 am.
As I mentioned in my last Posting, Part 227s I had finished Item 3 of the microfilm FHL [1563329] and now here’s the first Smith-related Record from Item 4 of the Grenada Register of Records. And I continue the work on reviewing those documents for that hint of my genealogy and the ancestry of my ggg-grandfather James Smith.
For all intents and purposes there is no indication in this Document that this is not ggg-grandfather James Smith. There are no hints of any clues positive or negative that could lead me to state that the James Smith of this one is ggg-grandfather James. There is the coincidental mention that Thomas D. Lumsden of Saint George, Grenada is a Carpenter. And of course, there have been documented details that may cooberate that ggg-grandfather James was also a Carpenter.
And here are the first two pages of Item 4 that include a Document that mentions the surname Smith; 69 and 70.
And my transcription –
And here are the first two pages of Item 4 that include a Document that mentions the surname Smith; 69 and 70.
And my transcription –
And I away to bed.
Entered 19 May 1823Grenada
Know all Men by these Presents, That we James
Smith, George Robert Penny, and Robert Baldwin Executors and Richard
Lawson the residuary Legatee of the last Will and Testament of Richard Lawson
late of the ^said Island of Grenada Deceased, for divers good Causes and Considerations
us hereunto moving and particularly so the and and intent that the Will and
desire of the said Testator be put into execution respecting the Enfranchisement of
the Negro woman Slave of Child hereinafter named _____ they may by the enjoyment
of their freedom be enabled to become useful members of Society Have manumitted,
Enfranchised, and forever set free, and by these Presents Do manumit, Enfranchise and
forever set free, from all manner of servitude and Slavery a Certain Negro woman
Slave named Jenny and her female Child named Leah with their future Iʃsue
and Increase To have and To hold so the said Negro woman named Jenny and
her female child named Leah as aforesaid their future Iʃsue and increase and?
their full free absolute and entire Manumiʃsion Enfranchisement and
Freedom from the day of the date hereof to heir own proper made and behoof
forever, and that in as full ample and beneficial a manner as if they the said
Jenny and her female child named Leah and their future iʃsue and increase
had never been born in a state of slavery _____ so that neither one the said James Smith
George Robert Jenny and Robert Baldwin in our aforesaid capacities as Executors
and Richard Lawson as residuary Legatee, nor our Heirs Executors or administra-
-tors nor any other Person or Persons whatsoever shall or may at any time _____
hereinafter _____ Claim challenge or _____ and any Interest, Property, Right or
Title(70)Title in or to the said Negro woman Slave named Jenny and her female
child named Leah and her future Iʃsue and increase or to their Labour or _____
Employment but that we the said James Smith George Robert Penny and Robert
Bladwin in out capacities and Richard Lawson as residuary Legatee _____
Executors and administrators or any person or Person Claiming or to Claim _____
_____ the said or any of them shall be there found? wholly carried? and for _____ _____
by virtue of these Presents In Witneʃs whereof we the said James Smith George
Robert Penny and Robert Baldwin in our Capacities as Executors and aforesaid?
and Richard Lawson as residuary legatee have to these Presents set _____ _____ _____
and Seals this twenty fifth day of April in the Year of Our Lord 1821?
James Smith (LS) Geor R. Penny (LS) Robert Baldwin (LS) Richd Lawson (LS)
Signed Sealed and Delivered }
In the Presence of us }
Thos D. LumsdenGrenada
Before his Honor John Hoyes Esq Aʃsistant
Justice of His Majesty’s Supreme Court ofPersonally came and appeared Thomas D. Lumsden of the Town of Saint
Judicature for this Island and its Dependencies
George in the Island aforesaid, Carpenter, _____ being duly Sworn on the Holy Evan-
gelists of Almighty God make Oath and say that he was present and did see James
Smith, George Robert Penny and Robert Baldwin and Richard Lawson the _____ _____
writing the foregoing Deed of Manumiʃsion duly Sign, Seal and deliver over the
same as? and for these? free and Voluntary Acts and Deeds in his presence and that the
names “James Smith” “G.R. Penny” “Robert Baldwin” and “Richs Lawson” in? of the _____
and Proper hand writings of them the said James Smith, George Robert Penny, Robert
Baldwin and Richard Lawson and the name Thos D. Lumsden the attesting writing?
thereto subscribed is the proper hand writing of this Deponent.
Thomas D. LumsdenSworn to before me this }
9th Day of May 1823 }
Jno Hoyes
Aʃsist Judge
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