I completed my next genealogy transcription last night. This Record is made up of pages 163, 164, and 165 from the Grenada Registers of Records, 1817-1837 (v. R2-Z2) found in Item 6 of the microfilm FHL [1563329]. This is the only Smith-related Record that I could find in Item 6.
And is it of ggg-grandfather James Smith? There is a good possibility that it is. The only problem is that there does not appear to be any hint or clue as to his origins or ancestry.
As in Part 234s, I was able to cross-reference persons named in this Record in a number of pages from the accountings presented in the Slave Registers from former British Colonial Dependencies, 1812-1834.
All-things-being-equal this James Smith is ggg-grandfather James.
And here are the pages of the Record:
My transcription:
And I’ve been asked as to reason that I request that anyone who would like to make a comment must inadvertently sign up for access. The reason, which of course happened last night, is to avoid the onslaught of spam and un-invited garbage remarks. Last night’s epistle was in Chinese and thanks to Google’s Translator I was able to “cut it off at the pass” and report it as undesirable spam.
And thanks for all your comments and suggestions.
As in Part 234s, I was able to cross-reference persons named in this Record in a number of pages from the accountings presented in the Slave Registers from former British Colonial Dependencies, 1812-1834.
All-things-being-equal this James Smith is ggg-grandfather James.
And here are the pages of the Record:
My transcription:
Here are the copies pages 326 and 64 from the Slave Registers.(163)Entered 22d August 1828Grenada
Know all Men by these presents
that I Victor Labarrie of the Island of Grenada for and in
consideration of the Sum of Nine hundred Pounds Current Money
of the Island of Grenada, aforesaid to me in hand well and truly
paid by James Smith of the Island of Grenada at or before
the sealing and delivery of these presents / the Receipt
whereof(164)Whereof I do hereby acknowledge / have granted bargained
also enfeoffed and confirmed, and by these presents do grant
bargain, sell, enfeoff and confirm unto the said James Smith
his Heirs Assigns, Five certain Negro Male Slaves called
Liverpool, Peare, John, George, Cook and Thomas and the
Reversion and Reversions, Remainder and Remainders,
Rents, Issues and Profits thereof, and all the Estate, Title
and Interest, Use, trust, Property claim and Demand
whatsoever either at Law or Equity of I the said Victor
LaBarrie of, in , or to the said slaves Liverpool, Peare, John
George, Cook and Thomas to have and to hold the said slaves
and all and singular other the Premises to the said James Smith
his Heirs and Assigns, to the only proper use and behoof of the said
James Smith his Heirs and Assigns for ever. And I do hereby warrant
and defend the said slaves Liverpool, Peare, John, George,
Cook and Thomas unto and to the use of the said James Smith
his Heirs and Assigns for ever. In witness whereof I have
hereunto set my hand and seal this ninth day of August in
the year of our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and Twenty
Victor LaBarrie (LS)Sealed and Delivered in the presence of
Jos. Julien –Grenada
Received on the Day of the within Bill
of Sale, of and from the therein named James Smith the Sum of
Nine hundred Pounds Currency being the full consideration
Money therein mentioned to be by him to me paid I say received
£900 – Curry.
Victor LaBarrieWitnessBe it remember That on the Ninth day of August
Jos. Julien
One thousand Eight hundred and Twenty eight Livery Seizen
and(165)And peaceable possession of the slave within menteiond was made
and given by the said Victor LaBarrie the Feoffer in the foregoing Deed
named, to the said James Smith according to the force form and
effect of the same deed, in the presence of
Jos. JulienGrenada –
Acknowledged before me by Citor
LaBarrie Esquire the Party executing the foregoing Bill of
Sale this twenty second day of August One thousand Eight hun-
dred and Twenty eight.
Ousley Rowley
And I’ve been asked as to reason that I request that anyone who would like to make a comment must inadvertently sign up for access. The reason, which of course happened last night, is to avoid the onslaught of spam and un-invited garbage remarks. Last night’s epistle was in Chinese and thanks to Google’s Translator I was able to “cut it off at the pass” and report it as undesirable spam.
And thanks for all your comments and suggestions.
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