The pollen count is increasing. Bless you. And I carry a box of Kleenex with Aloe & Vitamin E & Lotion. Bless you. And I’m beginning to look like I’m auditioning for the part of Rudolf. Bless you. And I wipe the dogs and my hair down, after a walk with a damp paper towel. Bless you.
I’ve been pre-occupied with the creation of our new Blogsite, Quilts SB. Also we’ve been working on the re-creation of this Blogsite, soon to appear named – A Genealogy Hunt.
The next transcription was somewhat a strain on my blood-shot eyes. You’ll note there are many more blanks this time in the body of the document. (Another set of eyes certainly would be helpful.)
The Record appears to a Power of Attorney dated 18 February 1830 of Richard Oliver Smith. It is entered to the Grenada Registers of Records on the 25th of April of that same year. The name Smith is written 19 times in the body of the Document, and I could not find any valid cross-reference to ggg-grandfather James Smith.
Here are the pages 205 through and including 208 from Item 7 the microfilm FHL [1563329]:
And my transcription -
And my transcription -
Check out Quilts SB.(205)Entered 25th April 1830Know all Men by these presents that I Richard Oliver Smith
of Cossington in the County of Somerset in England Esquire for divers good causes and
considerations _____ thereunto in this behalf especially _____ Have made
ordained constituted authorized and appoint William Cockburn, John Colville
and William Forester all of the Island of Grenada in the West Indies
Esquires to be my true lawful Attornies and any two of them jointly to be
my true and lawful separate Attorney for me the said Richard Oliver
Smith and in my name and on my behalf to _____ into and take possession
of All that Plantation or Sugar Estate _____ _____ _____ by the name of
Revolution Hall situate lying and _____ in the Island of Grenada and all
Lands thereto belonging or held therewith And all Messuages _____ Buildings
Mills Edifices and Erections upon the said Plantation or Estate and Lands thereto
belonging And also all Negroe Mulatto and other Slaves and Servants and all
Cattle and other live and dead Stock Plantation Implements Goods and Chattels
upon or _____ claiming is? the said Plantation Lands and Hereditaments or
any part thereof and after such possession taken from time to time and at all times
to manage construct and cultivate the said Plantation Lands Slaves and
Premises and every of them and every first? thereof in such manner as
they the said William Cockburn John Colville and William Forrester forciblyor(206)Or any _____ _____ and jointly or either of them separately shall _____ ____ _____ proper?
and must _____ the Advantages of me the said Richard Oliver Smith And also
for me the said Richard Oliver Smith and in my name and? on in my behalf to
_____ settle and _____ ______ _____ and every Person and persons whomsoever and
wheresoever in the said Island of Grenada whom it doth shall or may concern?
_____ Accounts of and concerning the said Plantation Lands Slaves and Premises and
every or any part thereof and the produce and proceeds thereof and the Charges in
and about the same and the Management thereof and likewise to demand _____
_____ for? receipt? and received by all lawful ways and means whatsoever of and
_____ _____ and every persons and persons whom it doth shall or may concern all and
every debt and debts Sum and Sums of Money which now are or which hereafter shall
be come or _____ due and payable for rent and arrears of Rent or otherwise for
_____ or in respect of the said Plantation Lands Slaves Hereditaments and
Premises and upon receipt or receipts of all or any of such debts due Sum
and Sums of Money Rent and Arrears of Rent or any of _____ or of _____
first? thereof _____ and sufficient Benefits? acquittances and discharges for
_____ _____ _____ every part thereof for me the said Richard Oliver Smith
and in any _____ from time to make _____ sign seal deliver and
execute? to the persons? _____ the issue And also _____
_____ and _____ all or any of the Bailiffs Overseers _____ if? now?
the said Richard Oliver Smith in upon and for the said Plantation Lands
and Premises as the said William Cockburn John Colville and William
Forrester _____ or being _____ of them jointly or either of them separately shall
_____ _____ or perform And also to manage order and direct all and every
the _____ ______ Slaves Stock and _____ increase upon the said Plantation and
Lands or any part thereof And do perform and execute all _____ matters
and things whatsoever which to them the said William Cockburn John Colville
and William Forrester jointly or any two of them jointly or either of them
separately shall seem needful and proper for shipping and consigning all and
every part and parts of the annual Crops and produces and proceeds of the said
Plantation Lands and Premises to the House of Messrs. Evan Baillie Sons &
Company of the City of Bristol Merchants or their Assigns to be by them sold
and disposed of And also for me the said Richard Oliver Smith and in my
name to commence sue and _____ to effect in any of the Courts of Judicature
in the Island of Grenada all such Actions Suits and the? process or proceedings
as may seem to all? or the said William Cockburn, John Colville and William Forrester
jointly or any two of them jointly or either of them separately requisite and
necessary for all or any of the purposes aforesaid and to defend all or any Action
or Actions Suit or Suits at Law as in Equity which may be brought ____ _____
_____ against me the said Richard Oliver Smith for or is respect of the said Plantation
Lands Hereditament and Premises And generally for me the said Richard
Oliver Smith and in my name and on my behalf to make do perform andexecute(207)Execute allowing any other Acts Process Matters and Things in and about the Premises as
fully and effectually to all Intents and the aforesaid I the said Richard Oliver Smith
might or could do if personally present and did or executed the same my self _____
if these presents had not been made or executed I the said Richard Oliver Smith
hereby giving and granting unto my said Attornies jointly and any two of them jointly
and to each of them separately my full and whole power and authority in and about
the Premises hereby ratifying and confirming and agreeing to ratify and confirm all and
whatsoever my said Attornies jointly or any of two of them jointly or either of them
severally shall and may firstly and lawfully do or cause to be done in and about the
Premises by virtue of these presents In Witness whereof I the said Richard
Oliver Smith have hereunto set may Hand and Seal the Eighteenth day of February
in the year of our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and ThirtyR. O. Smith (LS)Signed Sealed and delivered by the above named Richard Oliver Smith in
the presence ofAlfred Jones Authr Palmer Atty at Law BristolCity of Bristol ______ Arthur Palmer of the City of Bristol
Attorney at Law Maketh oath and saith that _____ Deponent together
with Alfred Jones of the same City Gentlemen were? present and did see
Richard Oliver Smith of Coʃsington in the County of ______ England
Esquire the _____ _____ _____named in the Deed Poll or Power of Attorney hereunto
_____ ______ sign Seal and as his? it of and Deed and be form of_____ _____
_____ _____ _____ _____ Deed Poll or Power of Attorney purporting to be a Power of
Attorney from the said Richard Oliver Smith _____ William Cockburn John Colville
and William Forrester all of the Island of Grenada Esquires for certain purposes
therein aforesaid And this Deponent further saith that the name “R. O. Smith”
set or subscribed and now appearing to the said Deed Poll or Power of Attorney as the Party
executing the same is the proper handwriting for the said Richard Oliver Smith
the same purports to be And that the several names “Alfred Jones” “Arthr Palmer”” set
or subscribed and now appearing as Witnesses attesting the due execution of the
said Deed Poll or Power of Attorney by the Richard Oliver Smith are of
the several and respective proper handwriting of the said Alfred Jones and
of this Deponent whose the same respectively purport to beArthr PalmerSworn by the above named Deponent Arthur Palmer at the City of
Bristol, the Eighteenth day of February One thousand Eight hundred and Thirty
Before meJohn Savage
MajorCity(208)City of Bristol to wit I To all whom these present shall _____
I John Savage Esquire Mayor of the City of Bristol in that part of the United
Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland called England In pursuance _____ of
_____ _____ and _____ seal? in the Fifth year of the reign of His _____ Majesty
King George the Second entitled “ An Act for the more easy recovery of Debts _____ His
Majesty’s Plantation and Colonies in America” Do hereby certify that on the day of
the date _____ personally came and appeared before me Arthur Palmer of the City of
Bristol Attorney at Law which said Arthur Palmer is the deponent in the
Affidavit hereunto annexed and is a person well known and worthy of good credit
did by solemn oath which the said Deponent _____ ______ before me ______
______ Holy Evangelists of Almighty God did solemnly and sincerely declare
testify and depose to be true the several matters and therein mentioned and
contained in the said annexed Affidavit
John Savage
MayorIn Faith and Testimony whereof I the said
Mayor have caused the Seal of the Office of Mayoralty
of the said City of Bristol to be hereunto fixed and
affixed and the Deed Poll or Power of Attorney mentioned
and referred to in and by the said Affidavit to be hereunto
_____ annexed Dated in Bristol the Eighteen day
of February in the year of Our Lord One thousand Eight
hundred and Thirty
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