And my transcription work continues. This morning the Record is very short, and it includes Richard Oliver and Cecile Smith. I’m not quite sure, from reading this brief Document how the two are related, but I can be sure that I do not read any direct cross-reference that there is a connection to ggg-grandfather James Smith.
Last night my research involved examining Parish Records of Logie, County Perth in Scotland, as a follow up to my Blog Postings Parts 178s, 181s, and 191s. You can also see the beginnings of my analysis work of this Smith relationship in my Analysis Page titled “A Possible Smith Descendant Chart”.
I also began work researching the Smith surname in Caribbeana, Volume 1 as edited by Vere Langford Oliver, where I discovered a descendant chart and other writings pertaining to Richard Oliver Smith. These works were published in 1914. I will be presenting this research shortly.
The Record, pages 301 and 302 is extracted from the Grenada Registers of Records, 1817-1837 (v. R2-Z2) and downloaded from the microfilm FHL [1563329].
Here are the pages 301 and 302:
And my transcription -
Here are the pages 301 and 302:
And my transcription -
Entered 24 July 1830Grenada
Know all men by these presents that I Richard
Oliver Smith of Coʃsington in the County of Somerset in that part of Great Britain
and Ireland called England Esquire for and in Consideration of the Sum of
One hundred and fifty One pounds sixteen shillings Current Money of Grenada
to be in hand well and truly paid and also for divers other Valuable Conside-
rations me hereunto moving and to the End that the Slave Named Mary Anne
a Mulatreʃs twelve years of age and unattached to my Estate of Revolution Hall
may by the Enjoyment of her freedom become a useful member of Society Have
Manumitted enfranchised ______ and for ever set free the said Mulatress Girl Slave na-
med Mary Anne and I the said Richard Oliver Smith Have given and grant-
ed and by these Presents Do give and grant unto the said Mulatreʃs Mary Anne
her full Freedom and Manumiʃsion To Have and to Hold the same unto her the said
Mary Anne and to her Issue and Increase from the Day of the Date Hereof
to her own proper use and behoof forever Subject to no Service labour or servitude
Right Title Claim or Demand of Service or Servitude to & for any Benefit or the
Benefit of my Heirs Executors or Admors of any other person whatsoever so that Neither
the said Cecile Smith nor any of my Heirs Executors or Admors or any
person claiming under me shall can or may at any time hereafter
have Claim any Estate Right Title or Interest in or to the said Slave
Mary Anne or to her Service or Servitude or any advantage benefit
or Emolumint whatsoever from her Labour but that from Hence
forth I the said Richard Oliver Smith my Heirs Executors Admors
and Assigns shall be therefrom bared and forever utterly excluded
by these presents. In Witneʃs whereof I the said Richard Oliver
Smith acting herein by my Attorney William Cockburn Esquire
have hereunto set my Hand and seal this Twenty fourth day December
in the year of our Lord One thousand eight Hundred and twenty
R. O. Smith (LS) by his Atty. Wm. CockburnGrenada. Acknowledged before me by William Cockburn Esquires as
Sealed and delivered and signed in the presence of
John Forrester Owsley Rowley
the Attorney in the Name of and as and for the free and Voluntary act and
Deed of Richard Oliver Smith the party executing the within deed of Ma-
numiʃsion by him the said William Cockburn as such attorney as
aforesaid(302)Aforesaid this twenty fourth day of December in the year of our
Lord One thousand eight Hundred and Twenty Nine
Owlsey Rowley
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