It definitely is a continuation of the business matters of James Smith and John Sly and the Thomases et al. (See the previous Posting at Part 243s. Therefore I cannot incite any discussion as to the genealogy or ancestry of ggg-grandfather James Smith from the Record’s subject matter.
The pages 468 through and including 471 were discovered in the Grenada Registers of Records, 1817-1837 (v. R2-Z2.) and extracted from Item 8 of the microfilm FHL [1563329].
Here are the images of the pages.
My transcription… Please note that I try to get down every word and even cross-out word that I can make out from the Record.
My transcription… Please note that I try to get down every word and even cross-out word that I can make out from the Record.
Please feel free to contact me if a link does do what you think it should do or if one does not work.(468)Examined
Entered 18th December 1834To all to whom these presents shall come James Thomas of
Clements Lane in the City of London Wine Merchant Richard Thomas of Clements
Lane aforesaid Wine Merchant William Collins of Sunbury in the County of
Middlesex Gentleman William Glover of the Town of Warwick in the County of
Warwick Wheelwright Jonathan Michelburgh of Crediton Lane aforesaid
Severally Send Greeting Whereas John Thomas late of the Island of Grenada in
The West Indies departed this life in or about the year One thousand eight
hundred and twenty nine intestate leaving Jane Thomas widow his mother
since deceased and the said James Thomas Richard Thomas Jane wife of the
said William Collins Mary Ann the wife of the said William Glover and
Elizabeth the wife of the said Jonathan Michelburgh to and the said Richard
William Thomas (who was the only child of William Thomas late of the Island of
Grenada deceased another brother of the said John Thomas) her only next of kin
from surviving and leaving the said James Thomas his eldest brother and heir
at law and which said James Thomas Richard Thomas Jane Collins Mary
Anne Glover Elizabeth Michelburgh and Richard William Thomas are
also the only next of kin of the said Jane Thomas deceased and letters of
administration of the personal estate and effects of the said John Thomas
deceased were granted in the said Island of Grenada to James Smith
and John Sly of the said Island who have taken on themselves the _____
of the administration thereof but the whole of the estate and effects of the said
intestate hath not yet been collected And Whereas the said James Thomas
Richard Thomas William Collins William Glover Jonathan Michelburgh
and Richard William Thomas are desirous that William Browne of the
said Island of Grenada Merchant and Jonas Browne of the said Island
Merchant should undertake the management and winding up of the
accounts and concerns of the said intestates estates and they have requested
the said James Smith and John Sly as such administrators as aforesaid
to grant to the said William Browne and Jonas Browne full power and
authority(469)Authority to act in the concerns of the said John Thomas which they have
consented and agreed to do upon having such release and indemnity as hereinafter
contained and which release and indemnity the said James Thomas Richard
Thomas William Collins William Glover Jonathan Michelburgh and Richard
William Thomas have agreed to execute in consideration of the said James Smith
and John Sly accounting with the said William Browne for all their receipts
and payments and paying over the balance due to the intestates estate to the
said William Brown and Jonas Browne. Now Know Ye that in pursuance
of the said ^recited? agreement in this behalf and in consideration of all and singular the
premises they the said James Thomas Richard Thomas William Collins William
Glover Jonathan Michelburgh and Richard William Thomas as such next of kin
of the said John Thomas and also of the said Jane Thomas Have and each and
every of them Hath remised released and for ever quitted claim and by these
presents Do and each and every of the Doth remise release and for ever quit claim
unto the said James Smith and John Sly their heirs executors and administrators
All and all manner of actions and suit cause and causes of action and suits
difference claims and demands whatsoever both at law and in equity which
any the said James Thomas Richard Thomas William Collins and Jane his
wife William Glover and Mary Ann his wife Jonathan Michelburgh and Elizabeth
his wife and Richard William Thomas or any or either of them or their or any or
either of their executors or administrators or any other person or persons or their
or any or either of their account can shall or may or otherwise might bring
commence have claim challenge make or set up against or upon the said
James Smith and John Sly their heirs executors administrators for or by reason
or on account of their having in any way intermeddled with the affairs
or concerns of the said John Thomas deceased or otherwise howsoever relating
Hereto And they the said James Thomas Richard Thomas William Collins William
Glover Jonathan Michelburgh and Richard William Thomas for themselves
jointly and severally and for their several and respective heirs executors and
administrators Do and each and every of them Doth hereby covenant promise and
agree to and with the said James Smith and John Sly their heirs executors
and administrators that they the said James Thomas Richard Thomas William
Collins William Glover Jonathan Michelburgh and Richard William Thomas
or one of them their or some or one of their heirs executors or administrators shall
and will from time to time and at all times hereafter well and effectually
save defend keep harmleʃs and indemnified the said James Smith and John
Sly as such administrators and their respective heirs executors and administrators
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx of from and against all
actions suits and other proceedings at law and in equity claims and demands
whatsoever which can shall or may be brought had commenced or prosecuted
made or set up against or upon the said James Smith and John Sly or their
respective heirs executors or administrators and of fears? and against all _____ _____
charges(470)Charges damages and expenses which they or any or either of them can shall
or may bear ^pay sustain expend be or be put unto for or by reason or on account of
their leaving executed any power of Attorney to the said William Browne & Jonas
Browne to act in the affairs of the said John Thomas deceased or any act deed
matter or thing omiʃsion or default which may be done or occasioned by the said
William Browne and Jonas Browne under or by virtue of the said power or
otherwise howsoever relating Hereto And Know Ye also that the said James Thomas
Richard Thomas William Collins William Glover Jonathan Michelburgh and Richard
William Thomas Have and each ^and every of them Hath made ordained authorized constituted
and appointed and by these presents Do and each and every of them Doth make
ordain authorize constitute and appoint the said William Brown and Jonas
Browne to be the true and lawful attornies jointly and each of them severally
to be the true and lawful xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxx attorney of them the said James Thomas Richard Thomas
William Collins William Glover Jonathan Michelburgh and Richard William
Thomas and each and every of them for them and in their names to state
settle adjust and agree all accounts reckonings claims and demands whatsoever
with or upon the said James Smith and John Sly as such administrators as
aforesaid and the balance thereof to receive and also to ask demand sue for
recover and receive by all lawful ways and means whatsoever of and from
all other person or persons whomsoever all and every sum and sums of money
goods and effects whatsoever which now ^are or shall at any time hereafter be or
become due or payable to the said parties or any or either of them in the said
Island of Grenada and upon receipt or recovery of any such sum or sums of
money all such receipt acquittances releases and discharges for the same to
make seal and deliver as shall be neceʃsary or reasonably required And
generally to do transact and negociate all and all manner of act and acts
thing and things in or about touching or concerning the premises as fully and
effectually to all intents and purposes as they the said James Thomas Richard Thomas
William Collins William Glover Jonathan Michelburgh and Richard William Thomas
could or might have done if personally present they the said James Thomas Richard
Thomas William Collins William Glover Jonathan Michelburgh and Richard
William Thomas hereby ratifying allowing and confirming and promising to
ratify allow and confirm all and whatsoever the said William Browne and
Jonas Browne or either of them shall lawfully do or cause to be done in and
about the premises by virtue of these presents In Witneʃs whereof they the said
James Thomas Richard Thomas William Collins William Glover Jonathan
Michelburgh and Richard William Thomas have hereunto set their hands and
seals the eighth day of July in the year of our Lord One thousand eight
hundred and thirty four
James Thomas (LS) Rich Thomas (LS) William Collins (LS)
William Glover (LS) Jonathan Michelburgh (LS) R W Thomas (LS)Signed(474)Signed Sealed and Delivered by the above named James Thomas Richd Thomas William Collins
William Glover Jonathan Michelburgh & Richard William Thomas (being first duly stamped in the pre
sence of
Benjam Soper William MidwinterWilliam Midwinter at present of the Island of Grenada Master Mariner Maketh oath and
saith that he was present together with Benjamin Soper and did see James Thomas Richard Thomas
William Collins William Glover Jonathan Michelburgh and Richard William Thomas the parties sever
ally executing the within as aforegoing Release sign seal (and us an for their several and respective free and
voluntary acts and deeds) execute and deliver the same and that the names or signatures “James Thomas” “Rich
Thomas” “William Collins” “ William Glover” “ Jonathan Michelburgh” and R. W. Thomas” set and
subscribed opposite the seals at the foot of the said Release are of the several and respective proper handwritings of
them the said James Thomas, Richard Thomas William Collins William Glover Jonathan Michelburgh and
Richard William Thomas And this deponent further saith that the names or signatures “Benjamin Soper”
and “William Midwinter” thereto also set and subscribed as the witnesses attesting the due execution thereof
are of the several and respective handwritings of the said Benjamin Soper and of him this deponent And this
deponent lastly saith that in testimony of such due execution as aforesaid and he did subscribe his name as one
of the attaching witneʃses thereto.
William MidwinterSworn at the Town of Saint George }
in the Island of Grenada this 21s }
day of November 1834 - }
Before me
Jno. Hoyes Aʃsnt Judge.
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