This Record was made 30 July 1825 following the previous made 28 July 1825. I am not cognizant as to the structure or workings of the 1825 English legal profession so I do not know how 5 shillings and a peppercorn, in two days became £1121-1-0.
I cannot be sure that the James Smith in this Record is ggg-grandfather James, but he is certainly the same one as in the Record in Part 259s. I have circumspectly cross-referenced some of the names mentioned in the Document to the same listed in the Slave Schedules of former British Colonial Dependencies, 1812-1834. These are the same Schedules of which I believe accorded to ggg-grandfather James.
The images of the pages 398 through and including 400 are downloaded from Item 1 of the microfilm FHL [1563380] as filmed of the Grenada Registers of Records 1825-1834 (v. H5-O5).
And my transcription -
And my transcription -
Stay-tuned for the next Record, I believe there is a definite conclusion, of sorts.(398)Xd
This Indenture made the thirtieth day of
July in the Year of Our Lord One thousand eight hundred and twenty five
Between James Edmiston of the Town of Saint George in
the Island of Grenada Gentleman of the on part and James Smith of
the said Island of Grenada Carpenter of the other part whereas
the said James Smith hath Contracted and agree to and with the
said James Edmiston for the ^absolute purchase of the Slaves hereinafter
mentioned at and for the price or sum of One thousand One hundred
and twenty One pounds One shilling Current money of the Island of
Grenada Now therefore this Indenture witneʃseth
that for and in consideration of the said Sum of One thousand One
hundred and twenty One pounds One shilling Current money aforesaid
to him the said James Edmiston in hand well and truly paid by the said
James Smith as or before the sealing and delivery of these presents
the receipt whereof the said James Edmiston doth hereby acknowledge
and thereof and therefrom and of and from every part thereof doth
acquit release and for ever discharge the said James Smith his
heirs executors administrators and aʃsigns by these presents He
the said James Edmiston Hath granted bargained sold aliened
released and confirmed and by these presents Doth grant gar-
gain sell alien release and confirm unto the said James Smith in
______ poʃseʃsion now being by virtue of a bargain and Sale to
him thereof made for one whole Year in Consideration of ten shillings
by Indenture bearing date the day next before the day of the date of
these presents and by force of the Statute made for transferring _____
_____ poʃseʃsion and to his heirs All those thirty Negro and other
Slaves named respectively Daphnis, Modeste, John Charles Thomas
John Louis, William, John Gill, Harry John Francoise John Vier? Lecun? John
Baptiste Louis Piero? and Louis Charles being Males and Agar, Bridget
^Rosallie Jeanne Monique, Constance, Elsed?, Adelaide, Louise Marterine Mary
Jenny Martherine Marianne and Victorie being females together with
the future iʃsue and increase of the said females Slaves And the
reversion and reversions remainder and remainders rents iʃsues
services and profits of all and singular the said Slaves and
Premises with their and every of their appurtenances And also
all the estate right title interest Claim and demand whatsoever
both at Law and in Equity of him the said James Edmiston of
to(399)To the said Slaves or any of them And all deeds & evidences and writings
whatsoever touching or Concerning the same in the Custody in power of
him the said James Edmiston or which he can or may get or come by without
suit at Law or in Equity To have and To hold the said Slaves hereby
granted and released or intended to so be and all and singular other the
premises with the Appurtenances unto the said James Smith his heirs and
aʃsigns to the only proper use and behoof of the said James Smith his heirs and
aʃsigns for ever and to and for no other use trust? intent or purpose whatsoever
And the said James Edmiston for himself his heirs executors and administ-
rators doth Covenant promise and agree to and with the said James Smith his
heirs and aʃsigns by these presents in manner following that is to say that
for and notwithstanding any act deed matter or thing or willingly suffered to the
contrary he the said James Edmiston is lawfully and rightfully seized of the
said Slaves and premises hereby mentioned to be granted and released with
their Appurtenances of and in a pure perfect absolute and indefeatible
estate of inheritance in fee simple with any manner of condition consing-
ent? proviso power of limitation or revocation of any other _____ or any other
restraint matter or thing whatsoever to alter change leʃsen or
incumber the same And that for and notwithstanding such Act deed
matter or thing as aforesaid for the said James Edmiston now hat in
himself good right full power and lawful and absolute authority by these
presents to grant bargain sell release and aʃsure all and singular the
said Slaves and premises mentioned to be hereby granted and released
with their Appurtenances unto and to the sue of the said James Smith
his heirs and aʃsigns in manner aforesaid and according to the true
intent and meaning of these presents And further that he the said
James Smith and his heirs and aʃsigns shall and may from time to time
and at all times for ever hereafter peaceably and quietly have hold _____
poʃseʃs and enjoy the said Slaves and premises mentioned to be hereby
granted and released and receive and take the rents iʃsues and profits
thereof without the _____ suit trouble denial hindrance molestation or
interruption whatsoever of him the said James Edmiston his heirs or
aʃsigns or any other person or persons whatsoever Claiming or to claim
by from or under him them or any of them And that free and clear and
freely and clearly acquitted exonerated and discharged of and from all
^and all manner of former and other gifts grants bargains seals and incumbrances
whatsoever(400)Whatsoever made done committed or executed by him
by the said James Edmiston or any other person or persons whomsoever
by through or with his consent priority or procurement And moreover
that he the said James Edmiston his heirs and all and every other person
or persons whosoever having or claiming or hereafter to have or
claim any estate right title or interest of in or to the said Slaves and
premises mentioned to be hereby granted and released or any part
thereof by from or under him shall and will from time to time and at all
times hereafter at the reasonable request cost and charges in the Law?
of the said James Smith his heirs or aʃsigns make do acknowledge
levy suffer and execute or cause and procure to be made done
acknowledged levied suffered and executed all and every such
further and other lawful and reasonable acts deeds matters and
things whatsoever for the further better more perfect and absolute
conveying and aʃsuring of all and singular the said Slaves and
premises mentioned to be hereby granted and released or any part thereof
unto and to the uses of the said James Smith his heirs and aʃsigns for
ever? as by the said James Smith his heirs and aʃsigns or his or their
Counsel in the Law shall be reasonably advised devised or required
In witneʃs whereof the said parties to these presents have hereunto
set their hands and seals the day and Year first above written
Ja Edmiston (LS)(LS)Signed Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of
John Douglas Jos Julienreceived on the day of the date the foregoing Indenture
of and from the therein named James Smith the full Sum of One thousand
One hundred and twenty One pounds One shilling Current money of
Grenada being the Consideration money within mentioned to be paid
to me
I say received £1121-1-.CyWitneʃ
Ja Edmiston
John Douglas Jos JulienGrenada
Acknowledged before me by James Edmiston the party
executing the with Indenture as and for free and voluntary act and deed this
thirtieth day of July in the Year of Our Lord One thousand eight hundred and twenty five
Owsley Rowley
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