This Record, of the Grenada Registers of Records has many dates but as you can read, it was made 16 June 1827 and sworn to 10 April 1828. From the actual body of the Document it may have begun somewhere between seven and eight years earlier. The Document is long, 12 pages and was downloaded from the microfilm FHL [1563380].
All-things-being-equal the James Smith referred to in this Record is not ggg-grandfather James. There is a wealth of information and names of persons and places in this Document and may assist in the search of one family’s line and ancestry.
Here are the pages 426 through and including 437.
My transcription –
My transcription –
And now I rest my eyes,(426)
This Indenture made the sixteenth day of June in the
year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty seven
Between Susannah Henrietta Pegus of Greenwich in the County
of Kent in England Widow Peter William Pegus of Stamford in
the County of Kent in England Clerk Henrietta Margaretta
Pegus and Mary Anne Jane Pegus Spinsters and Frederick
Edward Pegus also of Greenwich in the County of Kent Esquire
of the one part and Pierre Aman Belfon of the Island of Carriacou
within the Government of the Island of Grenada of the second part
and James Smith Archibald Smith and Robert McCunn
all of the City of Glasgow Merchants there trading under the firm of
James and Archibald Smith and Company of the third part
Whereas by Indentures of Lease and Release bearing date respectively
the thirty first day of May and first day of June in the year of our
Lord(427)Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty and made between
this said Pierre Aman Belfon of the first part and the said Susannah
Henrietta Pegus, Peter William Pegus, Henrietta Margaretta Pegus,
Mary Anne Jane Pegus and Frederick Edward Pegus of the second
part Reciting amongst other things that said Pierre Aman
Belfon had lately purchased from the said Susannah Henrietta
Pegus Peter William Pegus Henrietta Margaretta Pegus Mary
Anne Jane Pegus and Frederick Edward Pegus a certain planta-
tion or a state or parcel of land negroes and premises in the Island
of Carriacou therein and hereinafter more particularly described
at and for the price or some of Nine thousand nine hundred and seventy
pounds sterling money of Great Britain but that all both whole
principle of the consideration money in the conveyance thereof was
expressed to have been paid to the grantors they are of no more was
actually paid then the sum of Three thousand and twenty five
pounds sterling and that the remainder was still due and owing
and that is said Pierre Aman Belfon being so indebted became
bound to the said Susannah Henrietta Pegus, Peter William Pegus,
Henrietta Margaretta Pegus Mary Anne Jane Pegus and Frederick
Edward Pegus in and by four several Bonds bearing even date with
the day of the date of the said Release for the payment of the sum
of one thousand seven hundred and seventy-eight pounds five shillings
sterling on the first day of June in the year of our Lord One thousand
eight hundred and twenty one, One thousand eight hundred and
twenty-two, thousand eight hundred and twenty-three, and One thou
sand eight hundred and twenty-four with interest at six percent per
annum from the first day of June and that for the further securing pay
menof the balance of Six thousand nine hundred and fifty-three
pounds sterling by installments on the days and times in the said
Bonds mentioned for payment of the same had agreed to grant a Mort
gage. It was therefore witnessed in and by the said Indenture of
Release now in recital that said Pierre Aman Belfon for the better
securing this said some of Six thousand nine hundred and fifty-three
pounds sterling and interest in manner aforesaid did grant bargain
sell release ratify and confirm unto the said Susannah Henrietta Pegus
Peter William Pegus, Henrietta Margaretta Pegus, Mary Anne Jane
Pegus, and Frederick Edward Pegus and their heirs and assigns All and
singular(428)Singular said plantation or a state or parcel of land and thirty?
five negroes therein and hereinafter particularly mentioned and described
with their and every of their appurtenances To hold onto and to the _____
of the said Susannah Henrietta Pegus, Peter William Pegus, Henrietta
Margaretta Pegus, Mary Anne Jane Pegus, and Frederick Pegus their
heirs and assigns but subject nevertheless to a proviso or condition in
this said Indenture of Release contained for making void sum on
payments by the said Pierre Aman Belfon is heirs and assigns unto
said Susannah Henrietta Pegus, Peter William Pegus, Henrietta
Margaretta Pegus and Frederick Edward Pegus their executors adminis
trators or assigns of the said sum of Six thousand nine hundred and fifty
three pounds sterling with interest for the same after the sale of and on
the days and times they are in for that purpose particularly mentioned
And whereas by Indentures of Lease and Release bearing date respect
tively the twenty fourth and twenty fifth in days of May in the year of our
Lord One thousand eight hundred and twenty-four the Release being made
between the said Pierre Aman Belfon of the first part and the said
Susannah Henrietta Pegus, Peter William Pegus Henrietta Margaretta
Pegus, Mary Anne Jane Pegus, and Frederick Edward Pegus of the second
part Reciting Indentures of Lease and Release bearing date respectively
the twelfth and thirteenth days of March in the year of our Lord One
thousand eight hundred and twenty two and between the said
Susannah Henrietta Pegus, Peter William Pegus, Henrietta Margaretta
Pegus, Mary Anne Jane Pegus, and Frederick Edward Pegus of the first
part the said Pierre Aman Belfon of the second part and John Roʃs of
the said Island of the third part Reciting the said Indentures of the
thirty past day of May and the first day of June in the year of our Lord
One thousand eight hundred and twenty and that a large sum was still due
by virtue of the said Mortgage and that the said John Roʃs had a grant with
this said Pierre Aman Belfon for the absolute purchase of Fourteen Negroes
slaves they are in particularly named with the issue and increase of the _____
there of being part of the Ninety five Negroes Slaves comprised in the said
recited Indentures of thirty first day of May and first day of June in the
year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and twenty free from incum
brances for the sum of Seven hundred and seventy pounds sterling and
that it was agreed to by and between the said parties to said reciting
Indentures that the said sum of seven hundred and seventy pounds
should(429)Should be paid by the said John Ross to the said Susannah Hen
rietta Pegus, Peter William Pegus, Henrietta Margaretta Pegus, Mary
Anne Jane Pegus and Frederick Edward Pegus in part payment and
satisfaction of the amount due on the said Mortgage It is witnessed
that said fourteen Negro slaves were for the consideration of the said
some of seven hundred and seventy pounds granted released and conveyed
unto the said John Ross his heirs and Assigns for ever And further
reciting that by Feoffment bearing date the seventh day of August in the
year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty two and made
between the said Pierre Aman Belfon of the one part and the Honorable
George Paterson of the Island and of Grenada Esquire of the other part the
equity of redemption of the said Pierre Aman Belfon of and in those fourteen
Negroe slaves therein particularly named with the issue and increase
of the females there of being part of the said 95 Negroe Slaves
comprised in the steady hereinbefore recited Indentures of thirty first day of
May and first day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
hundred and twenty were for and in consideration of the sum of Seven
hundred and seventy pounds sterling money of Great Britain granted and
conveyed to the said George Paterson his heirs and assigns for ever And
further reciting Indentures of Lease and Release bearing date respectively
the twenty eighth and twenty ninth days of August in the year of our Lord
one thousand eight hundred and twenty three and between the said
Susannah Henrietta Pegus, leader William Pegus, Henrietta Margaretta
Pegus, Mary Anne Jane Pegus and Frederick Edward Pegus of the first
part of the said Pierre Aman Belfon of the second part and Sir George Cornwall
of Moreas Court in the County of Hereford in England Baronet of the third
part Reciting the said Indentures of the thirty first day of May and
first day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
twenty and that the sum of Five thousand two hundred pounds Sixteen
shillings and eight pence sterling was due and owing on the first day of
June then last by virtue of the said mortgage and that the said Sir
George Cornwall had agreed with the said Pierre Aman Belfon for the
absolute purchase of the twelve Negroe Slaves therein particularly named
with the issue and increase of the female thereof being part of the said
Ninety five Negroe Slaves comprised in the said recited Indentures of
the thirty first day of may in first day of June in the year of our Lord
One thousand eight hundred and twenty free from encumbrances for the
sum(430)sum of six hundred pounds sterling money of Great Britain and
that it was agreed by and between the parties to the said reciting In
dentures that the said sum of Six hundred pounds sterling should be
paid by the said Sir George Cornwall to the said Susannah Henrietta
Pegus, Peter William Pegus, Henrietta Margaretta Pegus, Mary Anne
Jane Pegus and Frederick Edward Pegus in part payment and satisfaction
of the amount due on the said Mortgage the said twelve Negroe slaves
were for and in consideration of the said sum of Six hundred pounds sterling
granted released and conveyed unto the said Sir George Cornwall his heirs
and assigns forever. And it was by the said reciting Indenture further
recited that it was agreed by and between the parties thereto at the time
of the execution of the several Indentures of the twelfth and thirteenth
days of March in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and
twenty-two and twenty eighth and twenty ninth days of August in the
year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty three that in
consideration of the said Susannah Henrietta Pegus, Peter William Pegus,
Henrietta Margaretta Pegus, Mary Anne Jane Pegus, and Frederick
Edward Pegus consenting to the execution of the said recited Indentures
whereby they released their security upon the said Negroes thereby con
veyed to the said John Ross and Sir George Cornwall and inconsideration
of the said Susannah Henrietta Pegus, Peter William Pegus, Henrietta
Margaretta Pegus, Mary Anne Jane Pegus, and Frederick Edward
Pegus executing a Release of their Mortgage upon the said fourteen Negroes
so conveyed as aforesaid by the said Pierre Aman Belfon to the said George
Paterson at the costs and charges of the said Pierre Aman Belfon or the
said George Paterson if thereto required that said Pierre Aman Belfon
should execute or Mortgage of certain other Negroe slaves for the better
securing the payment of the amount due on the said consideration money
secured by virtue of the Mortgage of the thirty first day of May and
First day of June in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred
and twenty And further reciting that the amount due for principal
and interest on the said Bond payable on the first day of June in the
year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty one had been
paid And that there was due on the first day of June in the year of our
Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty three for principal and
interest on the remaining three Bonds payable in the years of our Lord
one thousand eight hundred and twenty-two One thousand eight hundred
and(431)And twenty-three and One thousand eight hundred and twenty
four the sum of Five thousand two hundred pounds sixteen shillings
and eight pence sterling And further reciting that the said Pierre
Aman Belfon had applied to George Gun Monroe constituted
Attorney of the said Susannah Henrietta Pegus, Peter William Pegus
Henrietta Margaretta Pegus to extend the time of payment of the said
remaining Bonds and had proposed to execute other Bonds in lieu thereof
which being assented to the said Pierre Aman Belfon did execute four
several Bonds bearing date the seventh day of May in the year of our Lord
one thousand eight hundred and twenty-three, the first for the amount
of one thousand three hundred pounds sixteen shillings and eight pence
sterling on the first day of June in the year of our Lord One thousand
eight hundred and twenty-three and the other three Bonds for the amount
of one thousand three hundred pounds sterling on the first day of June in
the years of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and twenty-four One
thousand eight hundred and twenty-five and One thousand eight hundred
in twenty-six with interest at the rate of six per centum per annum
from the first day of June in the years of our Lord One thousand eight
hundred and twenty-three until paid. And further reciting that the
Bond table on the first day of June in the year of our Lord One space thousand
eight space hundred and twenty-three had been satisfied and the sum of One
hundred space and eighty-nine space pounds seventeen shillings and nine pence had
been applied in payment of the second of the said Bonds payable on the
first day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
twenty-four leaving a balance of one thousand one hundred and ten pounds
two shillings and three pence sterling which would be due on the first
day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty
four. It is by the said reciting Indenture Witnessed that for the consider
ations after said and for the better securing the payment of the said sum
of one thousand one hundred and ten pounds two shillings and three pence
sterling due by virtue of the said second Bond on the first day of June in
the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty-four and the
some of One thousand three hundred pounds and One thousand three
hundred pounds due by virtue of the two other Bonds he the said Pierre
Aman Belfon did grant bargain cell release and confirm unto the said
Susannah Henrietta Pegus, Peter William Pegus, Henrietta Margaretta
Pegus, Mary Anne Jane Pegus, and Frederick Edward Pegus, their heirs
and(432)And assigns all those Twenty eight Negro Slaves therein describe
ed as attached to the Isle De Large Estate within the Government
of the Island of Grenada and hereinafter in the Schedule hereto annexed
marked B particularly mentioned together with the future issue and
increase of the females there of with their and every of their appurtenances
To hold unto and to the use of the said Susannah Henrietta Pegus
Peter William Pegus, Henrietta Margaretta Pegus, Mary Anne Jane
Pegus and Frederick Edward Pegus their heirs and assigns subject
nevertheless to a proviso or condition in the said Indenture of Release
contained for making void the same on payment by the said Pierre
Aman Belfon his heirs and assigns unto the said Susannah Henrietta
Pegus Peter William Pegus, Henrietta Margaretta Pegus, Mary Anne
Jane Pegus and Frederick Edward Pegus their executors administrators
or assigns Some of One thousand one hundred ten pounds two
shillings and three pence sterling on the first day of June in the year of our
Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty-four, the sum of One space thousand
three hundred pounds sterling on the first day of June in the year of our
Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty-five and the sum of One
thousand three hundred pounds sterling on the first day of June in the year
of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty-six with interest at
the rate of six per centum per and from the first day of June in the year
of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty-three until paid
And Whereas the amount due for principal and interest on the said
Bond payable on the first day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand
eight hundred and twenty-five hath being paid An Whereas there
now remains due on the said Bond payable on the first day of June in
the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and twenty-six, the sum
of one thousand three hundred pounds sterling Now this Indenture witness
seth that for and in consideration of the sum of one thousand three hundred
pounds sterling money of Great Britain by the said James Smith Archibald
Smith and Robert McCunn in hand well and truly paid to the said
Susannah Henrietta Pegus, Peter William Pegus, Henrietta Margaretta
Pegus, Mary Anne Jane Pegus and Frederick Edward Pegus at or immediately
before the sealing and delivery of these presents (by and with the privity and
consent of the said Pierre Aman Belfon testified by his sealing and delivering
these presents) in full of all money due and owing or payable upon the said
recited securities of the thirty first day of May and the first day of June
in(433)In the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and twenty
and twenty fourth and twenty fifth days of May in the year of our Lord
one thousand eight hundred and twenty fourth receipt of which sum
of One thousand three hundred pounds the said Susannah Henrietta
Pegus, Peter William Pegus, Henrietta Margaretta Pegus, and Frederick
Edward Pegus do hereby acknowledge and of and from the same and
every part thereof do hereby respectively acquit release and for ever
discharge the said James Smith, Archibald Smith and Robert McCunn
their heirs executors administrators and assigns they the said Susannah
Henrietta Pegus, Peter William Pegus, Henrietta Margaretta Pegus,
Mary Anne Jane Pegus and Frederick Edward Pegus (by and with
the privity and consent of the said Pierre Aman Belfon so testified
as aforesaid) Have and each them Hath bargained sold released
and confirmed and by these presents Do and each them Doth bargain
sell release and confirm unto the said James Smith Archibald Smith
and Robert McCunn (in their actual poʃseʃsion now being by virtue of
a Bargain and Sale to them thereof made by the said Susannah Hen
rietta Pegus, Peter William Pegus, Henrietta Margaretta Pegus,
Mary Anne Jane Pegus and Frederick Edward Pegus for the term of
one whole year in consideration of five shillings in and by an Indenture
of Bargain and Sale bearing date the day of the date hereof and by force
of the statute made for transferring uses into poʃseʃsion All that the
plantation estate or parcel of land situate lying and being in the said
Island of Carriacou in the Government of Grenada aforesaid called or
known by the name the Hermitage Estate and containing Two
hundred and thirty five acres of land more or less bounded on the East
by the land of the late Thomas Davidson called Harvey Vale on the North
by the Carenage and on the South and West by the sea for howsoever
otherwise known situate lying or being bounded or distinguished
and the Messuage or dwelling houses Kitchens Stables Houses Out
houses Stores Tenement Erections or Buildings and fixtures thereon
or thereto attached. And all ways waters watercourses passages
Cisterns ditches, Wood Underwoods Trees Orchard, Fences, Hedges
Plantation implements and utensils easements emoluments property
and advantages whatsoever now being on the said plantation estate
or parcel of land and premises or to any part thereof in any wise
belonging or to or with the same or any part thereof usually held
poʃseʃsed(434)Poʃseʃsed or enjoyed or accepted deemed or known as parcel or
members thereof and all those Forty eight Negroe Slaves thereto be
longing whose names are set forth in the Schedule hereto annexed
marked A and all other the Hereditaments and premises comprised
in the said Indentures of Lease and Release of the thirty first day
of May and First day of June in the year of our Lord One thousand
eight hundred and twenty save and except such of the said Slaves as
were granted and conveyed as aforesaid by the several Indentures of Lease
and Release of the twelfth and thirteenth days of March in the year
of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and twenty two and twenty
eighth and twenty ninth days of August in the year of our Lord One
thousand eight hundred and twenty three and the Feoffment of the
seventh day of August in the year of our Lord One thousand eight
hundred and twenty two And also all these thirty Negroe Slaves
whose names are set forth in the Schedule hereto annexed marked B
the same being the Negroe Slaves comprised in the said Indentures
of Lease and Release of the twenty fourth and twenty fifth days of
May in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and twenty
four and the increase thereof together with the future issue and
increase of the females thereof And the reversion and reversions remain
der and remainders of all and singular the said plantation estate or
parcel of land Messuages Hereditaments Slaves and premises and every
part thereof and all estate right title interest use trust poʃseʃsion proper
ty claim and demand whatsoever at law and in equity of them the said
Susannah Henrietta Pegus, Peter William Pegus, Henrietta Margaretta
Pegus, Mary Anne Jane Pegus and Frederick Edward Pegus and their
heirs and assigns of in and to the same premises hereby granted and
released or intended so to be with their and every of their appurtenances
To have and to hold the said plantation estate or parcel of land
slaves hereditaments and premises hereby granted sold released and
confirmed or mentioned or intended so to be with their and every of
their appurtenances unto the said James Smith Archibald Smith
and Robert McCunn their Heirs and assigns Subject never the less
to such power and equity of redemption as is now subsisting of or concern?
_____ the said plantation estate or parcel of land slaves and premises
respectively And the said Susannah Henrietta Pegus, Peter William
Pegus, Henrietta ^Margaretta Pegus, Mary Anne Jane Pegus and Frederick Edward
Pegus(435)Pegus each of then respectively and apart for himself and
herself his and their heirs executors and administrators Acts and deeds
only and not jointly one for the other of for the Heirs executors and
administrators Acts of Deeds of the other of them do severally covenant
and declare to and with the said James Smith Archibald Smith and
Robert McCunn their heirs and assigns by these presents that they
the said Susannah Henrietta Pegus, Peter William Pegus, Henrietta
Margaretta Pegus, Mary Anne Jane Pegus and Frederick Edward
Pegus respectively hath not at any time heretofore made done or com
mitted or willingly suffered to be dome or committed any Act matter
or thing whatsoever whereby or by means whereof the said plantation
estate or parcel of land slaves and premises hereby releases with the
appurtenances or any part thereof is are can shall or maybe in any wise
impeached charged or incumbered in title estate or otherwise howsoever
I witness whereof the parties to these presents have hereunto set their
hands and seals the day and year first above written
Susannah Henrietta (LS) Pegus by her Attorney Geo. Gun MunroSealed and delivered
Peter William (LS) Pegus by his Attorney Geo. Gun Munro
Henrietta Margaretta (LS) Pegus by her Attorney Geo. Gun Munro
Mary Anne (LS) Jane Pegus by her Attorney Geo. Gun Munro
Frederick (LS) Edward Pegus by his Attorney Geo. Gun Munro
P. A. (LS) Belfon James (LS) Smith by his Attorney Robert Kirk
Archibald (LS) Smith by his Attorney Robert Kirk
Robert (LS) McCunn by his Attorney Robert Kirk
R. H. ThomasReceived on the day of the date of the within written Indenture of and
from the therein named James Smith Archibald Smith and Robert
McCunn the sum of One thousand three hundred pounds sterling
money of Great Britain being the consideration money therein ______
to be by them paid to us We say received £1300 Sterling
Susannah Henrietta Pegus, Peter William Pegus, Henrietta
Margaretta Pegus, Mary Ann Jane Pegus, Frederick Edward Pegus
by their Attorney Geo. Gun Munro
Witness hereto
R. H. Thomas
Schedule A to which the foregoing Indenture refers
Males Females
David - Alexis - Adeliade - Agness
Jean Pierre - Frederick - Betsey - Felicity
Joseph - Fitzroy - Catherine - Helen
Patrice - Luke - Congo - Hortense
Peter - Matthew - Lucy - Molly
Quashy - Walter - Madelaine - Nicol
Robert - John - Mary Francoise - Tonette
Antoine - Thomas - Jannet - Christian
Benjamin - Phillip - Queen - Fanny
Johnny - Hamlet - Labeth - Judith
Rosamond - Clark - Jacolina - Charlotte
Sylvester - 24. William - Susannah - 24. Jenny
Schedule B to which the foregoing Indenture refers.
Males - Sandy - Females - Reine
James - William - Aimée - Brigete
Prince - William 2d - Labette - Comba
Nelson - Noel - Flora - Retha
Edward - Benjamin - Marianne - Agath
Jean Charle - Thomas - Sophy - Charlotte
Jasmain - Jean - Betsey - Prudence
Mathew - 15 Renée - Julie 15. - Therese
Before the Honorable Jeffry Hart Bent Chief JusticePersonally came and appeared Richard Henry Thomas of the Island
of His Majestys Supreme Court of Judicature for the
Island of Grenada and its dependencies.
of Grenada Gentleman who being duly sworn on the holy Evangelists
of Almighty God maketh Oath and saith that he was present and did
see George Gun Munro as the Attorney in the several and respective names
of and as and for the several and respective acts and deeds of Susannah
Henrietta Pegus Peter William Pegus, Henrietta Margaretta Pegus,
May Anne Jane Pegus and Frederick Edward Pegus five of the parties
executing(437)Executing the within Indenture duly sign and seal the said Inden-
ture and also the Indenture of Bargain and Sale or Lease for a Year thereto
leasing? And this deponent further saith that he was also present and
did see Pierre Aman Belfon another of the parties to the within Inden
ture and also to the Indenture of Bargain and Sale or lease for a year
sign seal and as and for his act and deed execute and deliver the same
respectively And this deponent also saith that he was present and did
see Robert Kirk as the Attorney in the several and respective names of
and as and for the respective acts and deeds of James Smith Archibald
Smith and Robert McCunn three other of the parties executing the
within Indenture duly sign seal and deliver the same And this deponent
lastly saith that in testimony of such due execution by the said parties
as aforesaid he this deponent did subscribe his name as a witness thereto
and that the name or signature R. H. Thomas appearing set and subscribed
to the several attestations to the said respective Indenture is of the
proper handwriting of this deponent
R. H. ThomasSworn to before me this tenth day of April 1828
Jeffry Hart Bent
Chief Justice
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