Just how many times can a lawyer write the word “said” on one Record? In this case, I find 383. That’s a lot of “the said” and “the aforesaid” used over and over and over again.
(The "said" image is from Visuwords, an online graphical dictionary.)
My next Record appears to be a follow-up Document and Record to the one I presented in Part 275s. Within the copy there are the appearance of the same two Smiths – James and David. And in the realm of search and research of genealogy and the discovery of ancestral lines there appears to be three main family groups: Bells, Greens, and McNairns. The Record is a treasure hit of these family relations and places of location. But sorry to say there are no leads to my own Smith search to the origin and discovery of ancestral roots of my ggg-grandfather James Smith.
The images of the Records, pages 159 through and including 170, are from the Grenada Registers of Records 1825-1834 (v. H5-O5) and found on the microfilm FHL [1563380]. Here are the images of the 12 pages.
And, based on my transcription, it can be noted that this is a long Document.
A quick note - Any one who does use and borrow any work and effort on this Blog please have the common courtesy to acknowledge from whence you obtained the material. I go out of my way to provide sources and citation. I do not levy or charge any fee. Please do the same.
And, based on my transcription, it can be noted that this is a long Document.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions, comments or thoughts.(159)Exd
This Indenture made the second day of July in the year
of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and twenty one Between
James(160)James Smith of Longbeoch in the Parish of Irongray and
Stewarty of Kirkcudbright in Scotland in right of his wife Janet
Green and the said Janet Green of the first part, Simon Simpson
of Dumfries in the Country of Dumfries in Scotland aforesaid
Corn Merchant in right of his wife Margaret Green and the said
Margaret Green of the second part William McVitie of
Dumfries in Scotland aforesaid Merchant and Samuel Graham
of Lockerby in Dumfries aforesaid Trustee and Executors under a
settlement executed by William Green bearing date the seventh
August one thousand and eight hundred and nine and recorded in the
Commisʃsary Court Books of Dumfries aforesaid of the third part
Margaret Green of Dumfries aforesaid only surviving Child
and representative of the said William Green late of Nunholm
in Scotland aforesaid of the fourth part the said Janet Green,
Margaret Green, William Green and Jean Green hereinafter
mentioned being the children of Janet Bell one of the sisters of a
John Bell late of the Island of Carriacou hereinafter mentioned)
and James Green of Douglasburn in the County of Dumfries afore
said with whom the said Janet Bell intermarried and also Devi-
sies named in the last Will and Testament of the said John Bell
Samuel Graham of Lockerby in the Parish of Drysdale in Dumfries
aforesaid Gentleman and Margaret Wilson his wife of the fifth
part William Graham of Penpont in the County of Dumfries
aforesaid Gentleman and Janet Rae his wife of the sixth part
the said Samuel Graham only surviving Trustee and Executor acting
under a deed of settlement executed by James Graham deceased
late of the said Island of Carriacou Joiner bearing date Twenty third
February one thousand eight hundred and one and recorded in the
Commiʃsary Court Books of Glasgow upon the sixteenth day of
March one thousand eight hundred and two of the seventh part
and the said Samuel Graham, William Graham, and James Graham
being the Children of Margaret Bell (another of the sisters of
the said John Bell) and of John Graham of Applegarth in the County
of Dumfries aforesaid with whom the said Margaret Bell inter
married and also Devisees of the said John Bell, John McNairn
of Dumfries Gentleman and Margaret Copland his wife of the eighth
part Samuel McNairn of Lochmaben in the County of Dumfries
aforesaid and Agnes Fade his wife of the ninth part, Archibald
McNairn of Glasgow aforesaid Bricklayer and Mary Perry or Perrie
his wife of the tenth part, James Johnstone of Glasgow aforesaid
Mason in right of his wife Janet McNairn and the said Janet
McNairn of the eleventh part John Wright of Clouden in the County
of Dumfries aforesaid in right of his wife Margaret McNairn and
the(161)The said Margaret McNairn of the twelfth part Elizabeth
or Helen McNairn of Shielhill in the County of Lanark in Scotland
Spinster of the thirteenth part William Irving of Orono in the County
of Penobscot and State of Main in the United States of America
Yeoman in right of his wife Jean McNairn and the said Jean Mc
Nairn of the fourteenth part Jephtha Tucker of the same last men
tioned place Yeoman in right of his wife Grace McNairn and the
said Grace McNair of the fifteenth part James McNairn of the
same last mentioned place Yeoman of the sixteenth part (the said
John McNairn, James McNairn, Archibald McNairn, Janet
McNairn, Margaret McNairn, Elizabeth or Helen McNairn,
Jean McNairn, Grace McNairn, James McNairn being the Chil
dren and Representatives of Janet Graham another of the Children
of the said Margaret Bell and John Graham and which said Janet
Graham intermarried with John McNairn of Killard in the
Parish of Lorn in the County of Ayr in Scotland) George Bell of
Glasgow aforesaid Gentleman and Esther Jardine his wife of the
seventeenth part David Smith of Glasgow aforesaid Gentleman
in right of his wife Janet Bell and the said Janet Bell of the
Eighteenth part Samuel Bell Doctor of Medicine and Surgeon in the
twenty fifth Regiment of Foot at present in Demerara of the nine
tenth part (which George Bell, Janet Bell and Samuel Bell are
Children and representatives of Mary Bell who had intermarried with
one Richard Bell of Applegarth in the County of Dumfries aforesaid
and also Devisees of the said John Bell deceased and Thomas Davies
of Carriacou aforesaid (who hath purchased the rights and title of Jean
Green hereinbefore mentioned and William McVitie her husband of
the twentieth part and The Honorable Andrew Houstoun of the Island
of Grenada a Member of His Majesty’s Council and Robert Houstoun
of _____ in England a Colonel in the service of The Honorable The
East India Company of the twenty first part Whereas the said John
Bell by his last will and testament in writing duly executed for paʃsing
real estate and bearing date the third day of January in the year of our
Lord one thousand eight hundred and duly recorded in the Register’s
Office in the Island of Grenada appointed first that all his just _____
_____ debts and funeral expenses be paid by his executor therein
named that all his estate both rent and personal be decided amongst
the children of his sisters Janet Margaret Henrietta and Mary so
accepting certain pecuniary Legacies and appointed debts _____ James?
McCall, Walter McInnes and John Barclay all now deceased Exe-
cutors of his said will And whereas the said Henrietta Bell having
no lawful children the residue of the said John Bell’s Estate consisting
of? Estates in the said Island of Carriacou slaves? stock and appurtenances
named(162)Named respectively Prospect __________ hath devolved
upon and as now vested in the aforesaid named conveying parties
And Whereas an agreement hath been entered into by the said
parties so interested as aforesaid and the said Andrew Houstoun
and Robert Houstoun for the purchase of the absolute estate of in
heritance in fee simple of and in all that plantation piece or parcel
of land situate lying and being in the said Island of Carriacou called
Prospect buildings slaves hereditaments and premises hereinafter
mentioned to be hereby released at and for the price or sum of Four
thousand three hundred and forty pounds sterling money of Great
Britain Now this Indenture Witneʃseth that for and in consideration
of the said sum of Four thousand three hundred and forty pounds
sterling money of Great Britain by the said Andrew Houstoun and
Robert Houston to the said James Smith, Simon Simpson, William
McVitie, Samuel Graham (Trustees of William Green, Margaret
Green, Samuel Graham in his own right, William Graham and
Samuel Graham (as Trustees of James Graham / John McNairn,
Samuel McNairn, Archibald McNairn, James Johnstone, John
Wright, Elizabeth McNairn, William Irving, Jeptha Tucker, James
McNairn, George Bell, David Smith, Samuel Bell, and Thomas
Davie in hand at and before the sealing and delivery of these presents
well and truly paid (the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged)
they the said James Smith and Janet Smith his wife, Simon Simpson
and Margaret his wife, William McVitie and Samuel Graham
(Trustees of William Green) Margaret Green, Samuel Graham and
Margaret his wife, William Graham and Janet his wife, Samuel
Graham (Trustee of James Graham) John McNairn and Margaret
his wife, Samuel McNairn and Agnes his wife, Archibald McNairn
and Mary his wife James Johnstone and Janet his wife, John Wright
and Margaret his wife Elizabeth McNairn, William Irving and
Jane his wife, Jeptha Tucker and Grace his wife, James McNairn,
George Bell and Esther his wife, David Smith and Janet his wife
and the said Samuel Bell and Thomas Davies Have and each of
them Hath granted bargained sold released and confirmed and by
these presents Do and each of them Doth grant bargain sell release
and confirm? with the said Andrew Houstoun and Robert Houstoun
(in their actions poʃseʃsion now being by virtue of a bargain and sale
to them thereof made by the said James Smith and the said Janet
his wife and the said Simon Simpson and the said Margaret his
wife and the said William McVitie and Samuel Graham / as Trustees
as aforesaid and the said Margaret Green and the said Samuel
And the said Margaret his wife and the said William Graham and the said Janet his wife the said _____ ?
Graham ^ / as Trustees as aforesaid / and the said John McNairn ?
the said Margaret his wife and the said Samuel McNairn ?
said(163)Said Agnes his wife and the said Archibald McNairn and
the said Mary his wife and the said James Johnstone and the said
Janet his wife and the said John Wright and the said Margaret
his wife and the said Elizabeth McNairn and the said William
Irving and the said Jean his wife and the said Jeptha Tucker and
the said Grace his wife and the said James McNairn and the said
George Bell and the said Ester his wife and the said David Smith
and the said Janet his wife and the said Samuel Bell and the said
Thomas Davies for five shillings consideration by Indenture bearing
date the day next before the day of the date of these presents and by
force of the statute for transferring uses into poʃseʃsion) and to their
heirs and assigns all that plantation piece or parcel of land situate
lying and being in the said Island of Carriacou known be the name
of description of Prospect containing by estimation One hundred and
fifteen English statute acres or thereabouts be the same more or less
abutted and bounded northerly by lands of Philip Wilson; Easterly
by lands now or late of Joseph De Saint Hilaire and William Urqu
hart, Southerly by lands now or late of Jacques Versepay and Westerly
by the sea or howsoever otherwise the said plantation tract or parcel
of land named Prospect as bounded distinguished known or described
and all erections buildings houses store houses erected built standing
or being thereon and every part thereof and all those Sixty two Negro
and other slaves therein being and thereto belonging named Alexander,
Billy, Baptiste, Britain, Culloden, Charlie, Donneʃs, Glasgow,
Jean, Jack, Montrose, Quashy, Sampson, Thomas, Adam, Campbell,
Daniel, Douglas, David, Hercules, Millbank, Noel, Robin, Sean,
Sandy, Rodney, William and Peter being Males and Betty (first)
Betty (second), Catharine, Dolly, Delia, Easter, Franky, Hortance,
Hannah, Kitty, Louise, Matturin, Mary Ann, Margiann, Maggy,
Mary, Nancy, Palline, Polly, Pelagey, Rebecca, Susannah, Tabette,
Angel, Betsy, Annadale, Bell, Dorothea, Christian, Louisa, Madliene,
Sarah, Sophey, and Violet being Females together with the future iʃsue
and increase of the said female slaves and all trees woods, underwoods,
ways, waters, watercourses, profits commodities emoluments advantage
hereditaments and appurtenance whatsoever to the same belonging
or in any wise appertaining or accepted reputed deemed take or provided?
as part parcel or member thereof and the reversion and reversions
remainder and remainders rents issues and profits thereof and all
the estate right title interest use trust claim and demand whatsoever
both at law and in equity of them the said James Smith and the
said Janet his wife and the said Simon Simpson and the said Mar
garet his wife and the said William McVitie and Samuel Graham
(as Trustees as aforesaid) and the said Margaret Green and the said
Samuel(164)Samuel Graham and the said Margaret his wife and
the said William Graham and the said Janet his wife and the
said Samuel Graham (as Trustee as aforesaid) and the said John
McNairn and the said Agnes his wife and the said Archibald
McNairn and the said Mary his wife and the said James John
stone and the said Janet his wife and the said John Wright and
the said Margaret his wife and the said Elizabeth McNairn and
the said William Irving and the said Jean his wife the said
Jeptha Tucker and the said Grace his wife and the said James
McNairn and the said George Bell and the said Esther his wife
and the said David Smith and the said Janet his wife and the
said Samuel Bell and the said Thomas Davies or either of them
in or to the plantation estate lands buildings slaves cattle
hereditaments and premises or any of them To have and To hold
the said plantation estate lands buildings erections slaves cattle
utensils hereditaments and premises mentioned to be here by _____
and released with the future issue and increase of the females of
the said slaves unto the said Andrew Houstoun and Robert Hous
toun their heirs and assigns to the only proper use of the said
Andrew Houstoun and Robert Houstoun their heirs and aʃsigns
forever as tenant in common and the said James Smith for
himself and for the said Janet his wife their heirs executors and
administrators and the said Simon Simpson for himself and for the
said Margaret his wife and their heirs executors and administrators
and the said William McVitie and Samuel Graham (as Trustees
aforesaid) for themselves their heirs executors and administrators
and the said Margaret Green for herself and her heirs executors
and administrators and the said Samuel Graham for himself and
the said Margaret his wife their heirs executors and administrators
and the said William Graham for himself and for the said Janet
his wife their heirs executors and administrators and the said Samuel
Graham (as Trustee aforesaid) for himself and his heirs executors and
administrators and the said John McNairn for himself and the said
Margaret his wife and their heirs executors and administrators and
the said Samuel McNairn for himself and the said Agnes his wife
and their heirs executors administrators And the said Archibald
McNairn for himself and the said Mary his wife and their heirs
executors administrators and the said James Johnstone for
himself and the said Janet his wife and their heirs executors and
administrators and the said John Wright for himself and for the
said Margaret his wife and their heirs executors and administrators
and the said Elizabeth McNairn for herself and for her heirs executors
and(165)And administrators and the said William Irving for himself
and the said Jena his wife and of their heirs executors and admini
strators and the said Jeptha Tucker for himself and for the said
Grace his wife and their heirs executors and administrators and the
said James McNairn for himself his heirs executors and administra-
tors and the said George Bell for himself and for the said Esther his
wife and their heirs executors and administrators and the said David
Smith for himself and the said Janet his wife and their heirs exe
cutors and administrators and the said Samuel Bell for himself
his heirs executors and administrators Do severally
and respectively and not the one for the other or for the heirs executors
and administrators of the other or others covenant and agree to and with ^ the said
Andrew Houstoun and Robert Houston their heirs and aʃsigns
by these presents in manner following (that is to say) that for and
notwithstanding any act matter or thing whatsoever by them or
either of them or by any of their ancestors done committed or wittingly
or willing by interfered to the contrary they the said James Smith and
the said Janet his wife and the said Simon Simpson and the said
Margaret his wife and the said William McVitie and Samuel
Graham (as Trustees as aforesaid) and the said Margaret Green and
the said Samuel Graham and the said Margaret his wife and the
said William Graham and the said Janet his wife and the said
Samuel Graham (as Trustee as aforesaid) and the said John McNairn
and the said Margaret his wife and the said Samuel McNairn
and the said Agnes his wife and the said Archibald McNairn and
the said Mary his wife and the said James Johnstone and the said
Janet his wife and the said John Wright and the said Margaret his
wife and the said Elizabeth McNairn and the said William Irving
and the said Jean his wife and the said Jeptha Tucker and the said
Grace his wife and the said James McNairn and the said George Bell
and the said Esther his wife and the said David Smith and the
said Janet his wife and the said Samuel Bell and the said Thomas
Davies are or one of them is lawfully and rightfully seized of and in
the said plantation estate lands buildings slaves utensils herefita
ments and premises mentioned to be hereby granted and released _____
and in a free perfect absolute and indefeasible estate of inheritance
in fee simple without any condition contingent proviso power of limita
tion or revocation of any use or uses or any other restraint matter or
thing whatsoever to alter change charge determine lessen incumber
defeat or make void the same And also that they the said James
Smith and the said Janet his wife and the said Simon Simpson
and the said Margaret his wife and the said William McVitie
and(166)And Samuel Graham (as Trustees aforesaid) and the said
Margaret Green and the said Samuel Graham and the said Mar-
garet his wife and the said William Graham and the said Janet his
wife and the said Samuel Graham (as Trustee as aforesaid) and the
said John McNairn and the said Agnes his wife and the said Ar
chibald McNairn and the said Mary his wife and the said James
Johnstone and the said Janet his wife and the said John Wright
and the said Margaret his wife and the said Elizabeth McNairn
and the said William Irving and the said Jean his wife and the
said Jeptha Tucker and the said Grace his wife and the said James
McNairn and the said George Bell and the said Esther his wife
and the said David Smith and the said Janet his wife and the
said Samuel Bell and the said Thomas Davies and notwith-
standing any such act matter or thing as aforesaid (now have or one
of them Hath in themselves himself or herself good right full power
and lawful authority by these presents to grant bargain sell release
and assure all and singular the said plantation estate lands build
ings slaves utensils hereditaments and premises mentioned to be
hereby granted and release unto and to the use of the said Andrew
Houstoun and Robert Houston their heirs and assigns in manner
aforesaid according to the true intent and meaning of these presents
And further that they the said Andrew Houstoun and Robert
Houstoun and their heirs shall and may from time to time and at
all times hereafter peaceable and quietly have hold occupy poʃseʃs
and enjoy the said plantation estate lands building slaves utensils
hereditaments and premises and received and take the rents iʃsues
and profits thereof to and for their own use without the _____ suit and
hindrance interruption or denial of the James Smith and the
said Janet his wife and the said Simon Simpson and the said
Margaret his wife and the said William McVitie and Samuel
Graham (as Trustee as aforesaid) and the said Margaret Green and
the said Samuel Graham and the said Margaret his wife and the
said William Graham and the said Janet his wife and the said
Samuel Graham (as Trustee as aforesaid) and the said John McNairn
and the said Margaret his wife and the said Samuel McNairn
and the said Agnes his wife and the said Archibald McNairn
and the said Mary his wife and the said James Johnstone and the
said Janet his wife and the said John Wright and the said Margaret
his wife and the said Elizabeth McNairn and the said William Ir
ving and the said Jean this wife and the said Jeptha Tucker and the
said Grace his wife and the said James McNairn and the said George
Bell and the said Esther his wife and the said David Smith and
the(167)The said Janet his wife and the said Samuel Bell and the said
Thomas Davies or either of them their or either of their heirs aʃsigns
or of any other person claiming or to claim by power or under them or any
of them And that free and clear and freely and clearly acquitted exoner-
ated and discharged or otherwise by the said James Smith and the said
Janet his wife and the said Simon Simpson and the said Margaret
his wife and the said William McVitie and Samuel Graham (as Trustees
as aforesaid) and the said Margaret Green and the said Samuel Graham
and the said Margaret his wife and the said William Graham and
the said Janet his wife and the said Samuel Graham (as Trustee as
aforesaid) and the said John McNairn and the said Margaret his wife
and the said Samuel McNairn and the said Agnes his wife and the
said Archibald McNairn and the said Mary his wife and the said
James Johnstone and the said Janet his wife and the said John Wright
and the said Margaret his wife and said Elizabeth McNairn and
the said William Irving and the said Jean his wife and the said Jep
tha Tucker and the said Grace his wife and the said James McNairn
and the said George Bell and the said Esther his wife and the said
David Smith and the said Janet his wife and the said Samuel Bell
and Thomas Davies and every of them well and sufficiently saved harm
less and kept indemnified of from and against all and all manner of
former and other gifts grants bargains sales mortgages title of dower
judgments executions estates titles charges and incumbrances whatso
ever made done committed or executed by the said James Smith and
the said Janet his wife and the said Simon Simpson and the said Mar
garet his wife and the said William McVitie and Samuel Graham
(as Trustees as aforesaid) and the said Margaret Green and the said
Samuel Graham and the said Margaret his wife and the said William
Graham and the said Janet his wife and the said Samuel Graham (as
Trustee as aforesaid) and the said John McNairn and the said Margaret
his wife and the said Samuel McNairn and the said Agnes his and
the said Archibald McNairn and the said Mary his wife and the
said James Johnstone and the said Janet his wife and the said John
Wright and the said Margaret his wife and ^said Elizabeth McNairn
and the said William Irving and the said Jean his wife and the said
Jeptha Tucker and the said Grace his wife and the said James McNairn
and the said George Bell and the said Esther his wife and the said
David Smith and the said Janet his wife and the said Samuel Bell
and Thomas Davies or either of them or any other person or per
sons by through or with their or any of their consent priority or procure-
ment And moreover that they the said James Smith and the said
Janet his wife and the said Simon Simpson and the said Margaret
his wife and the said William McVitie and Samuel Graham (as Trustees
as(168)As aforesaid) and the said Margaret Green and the said Samuel
Graham and the said Margaret his wife and the said William
Graham and the said Janet his wife and the said Samuel Graham
(as Trustee as aforesaid) and the said John McNairn and the said
Margaret his wife and the said Samuel McNairn and the said Agnes
his wife and the said Archibald McNairn and the said Mary his
wife and the said James Johnstone and the said Janet his wife and
the said John Wright and the said Margaret his wife and said
Elizabeth McNairn and the said William Irving and the said Jean
his wife and the said Jeptha Tucker and the said Grace his wife
and the said James McNairn and the said George Bell and the said
Esther his wife and the said David Smith and the said Janet his wife
and the said Samuel Bell and Thomas Davies and their
heirs and all and every other person or persons whomsoever having or
lawfully claiming or who shall or may hereafter have or claim any estate
right title trust or interest of in to or out of the said plantation estate
lands buildings slaves utensils hereditaments and premises mention
ed to be here by granted and release or any of them by from or under
them or any of them shall and will from time to time and at all times
hereafter at the reasonable request costs and charges in the law of the said
Andrew Houstoun and Robert Houstoun their heirs or assigns make
to acknowledge suffer and execute all and every such further and other
lawful and reasonable act and acts thing and things conveyances and
assurances in the law whatsoever for the further better and more perfectly
and absolutely conveying and assuring the said plantation estate lands
buildings utensils hereditaments and premises or any part thereof unto
and to the use of the said Andrew Houstoun and Robert Houston their
heirs and aʃsigns for ever as by the said Andrew Houston and Robert
Houston their heirs or aʃsigns or their counsel shall be reasonably
devised and required so as such further assurance contain in them
no further or other warranty or covenants than against the person or
persons who shall be required to make and execute the same and
against his her and their acts and deeds only In witness whereof the
parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands and seals the
day and your first above written
James (LS) Smith by his attorney Robert Kirk
Janet (LS) Green by her attorney Robert Kirk
Simon (LS) Simpson by his attorney Robert Kirk
Margaret (LS) Green by her attorney Robert Kirk
William (LS) McVitie by his attorney Robert Kirk
Samuel (LS) Graham by his attorney Robert Kirk
Margaret (LS) Green by her attorney Robert Kirk
Samuel(169)Samuel (LS) Green by his attorney Robert Kirk
Margaret (LS) Wilson by her attorney Robert Kirk
William (LS) Graham by his attorney Robert Kirk
Janet (LS) Rae by her attorney Robert Kirk
Samuel (LS) Graham by his attorney Robert Kirk
John (LS) McNairn by his attorney Robert Kirk
Margaret (LS) Copland by her attorney Robert Kirk
Samuel (LS) McNairn by his attorney Robert Kirk
Agnes (LS) Fade by her attorney Robert Kirk
Archibald (LS) McNairn by his attorney Robert Kirk
Mary (LS) Perry by her attorney Robert Kirk
James (LS) Johnston by his attorney Robert Kirk
Janet (LS) McNairn by her attorney Robert Kirk
John (LS) Wright by his attorney Robert Kirk
Margaret (LS) McNairn by her attorney Robert Kirk
Elizabeth LS McNairn by her attorney Robert Kirk
William (LS) Irving by his attorney Robert Kirk
Jean (LS) McNairn by her attorney Robert Kirk
Jeptha (LS) Tucker by his attorney Robert Kirk
Grace (LS) McNairn by her attorney Robert Kirk
James (LS) McNairn by his attorney Robert Kirk
George (LS) Bell by his attorney Robert Kirk
Esther (LS) Jardine by her attorney Robert Kirk
David (LS) Smith by his attorney Robert Kirk
Janet (LS) Bell by her attorney Robert Kirk
Samuel (LS) Bell by his attorney Robert Kirk, Thomas (LS) Davis –
Signed, sealed and delivered In the presence of
William HoustounReceived on the day of the date of the within written Indenture of and
from the within named Andrew Houstoun and Robert Houstoun the
sum of Four Thousand three hundred and forty pounds being the consider-
ation money within mentioned to be paid by them to us.
We say received £4340. –
James Smith by his attorney Robert Kirk Simon Simpson by his attorney Robert Kirk
William McVitie by his attorney Robert Kirk Samuel Graham by his attorney Robert Kirk
Margaret Green by her attorney Robert Kirk Samuel Graham by his attorney Robert Kirk
William Graham by his attorney Robert Kirk Samuel Graham by his attorney Robert Kirk
Samuel McNairn by his attorney Robert Kirk Archibald McNairn by his attorney Robert Kirk
James Johnstone by his attorney Robert Kirk John Wright by his attorney Robert Kirk
Elizabeth McNairn by her attorney Robert Kirk William Irving by his attorney Robert Kirk
Jeptha Tucker by his attorney Robert Kirk James McNairn by his attorney Robert Kirk
George Bell by his attorney Robert Kirk David Smith by his attorney Robert Kirk
Samuel Bell by his attorney Robert Kirk Thomas Davies
William Houstoun(170)Grenada Acknowledged before me by James Smith,
Margaret Green, Janet Green, Simon Simpson, William McVitie,
Margaret Green, Samuel Graham, Margaret Wilson, William
Graham, Janet Rae, John McNairn, Margaret Copland, Samuel
McNairn, Agnes Fade, Archibald McNairn, James Johnstone,
Janet McNairn, John Wright, Margaret McNairn, Elizabeth McNairn,
Jean McNairn, Jeptha Tucker, Grace McNairn, James McNairn,
George Bell, David Smith, Janet Bell, and Samuel Bell, Samuel
Graham, Samuel Graham, Mary Perry, William Irving and Esther
Jardine, thirty three of the parties to the within Indenture of release
by Robert Kirk Esquire as their attorney in their several and res
pective names and as and for their several and respective free and
voluntary acts and deeds and also by Thomas Davis the other party
executing the said within Indenture of Release as and for his free
and voluntary act and deed this fifth day of September in the year of
our Lord one thousand and eight hundred and twenty nine.
Owsley Rowley
A quick note - Any one who does use and borrow any work and effort on this Blog please have the common courtesy to acknowledge from whence you obtained the material. I go out of my way to provide sources and citation. I do not levy or charge any fee. Please do the same.
I read your document with interest our research is focused on the Houstoun element who we can tie in with ease.
If you email me on ah@houstoun.org.uk I would be happy to fill you in on the information we have.
Alick Houstoun
Alick, Thanks for your comment. As of the course of my research I have not found any direct connection with the Houstoun Family Line. My Grenada Registers work is my attempt to discover information and a direct origin of my ggg-grandfather James Smith. I am sure that I shall encounter numerous other associations in my transcription work. Please do let me know if you do have any Grenada Smith connections. Jim
My Ancestor Jean was Enslaved on Orange vale Plantation Carriacou then Sold to Mountreuil in grenada 1829. Does the name Charles Raeburn appear on any Records you may have.
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