Did you know that leftover roasted turkey and potatoes, onions, curry powder, salt and pepper, chilies and 6in1 tomatoes… and don’t forget the peanut butter make a great African Turkey Stew, of sorts? And the accompanying soda-crackers had seaweed strips baked into them instead of salt.
Yesterday afternoon playing the role of Mr. Green Jeans I harvested some green and asparagus beans, and some tomatoes. I then called the Pack to come on in. Only two Rats and one Golden Lab responded. Taylor, the Chocolate Lab, was nowhere to be seen. I called and I called and then I quickly got a glimpse of some brush shaking. When I got over to the spot, her head sticking out of the bush, she just looked at me with her doleful eyes. She was stuck. Trapped. Snarled and caught by the bloody Kudzu vine that has constantly invaded and waged an offensive onslaught against my so-called gardening prowess over the years. And Taylor weighs in at about 65 lbs.
And I continue work on my Transcription Project. The search for my family tree members, specifically my ggg-grandfather James Smith certainly is at times exasperating. This new Record from the Grenada Registers of Records, dated 1 September 1829 is another long one. It includes a number of people, actually quite a number of folks, and it includes three Smiths – James; David; and Archibald. As, what has become commonplace there are no stand-out hints or clues that there are any relative or ancestral or family ties to ggg-grandfather James.
This Document downloaded from the microfilm FHL [1563380] includes the multiple pages of 296 to and including 310. The plurality of the Record is the listing of family members who seem to be located in Carriacou, Grenada, Maine, Scotland, and England. And as I noted that the next couple of Records include the same people I will attempt to map out a sort of family relationship charting. Who knows what I may discover from a visual representation of the same.
And here are two questions to ask when you review the Record and Transcription – (1) What happened to the 11th part? and (2) Where is the Schedule marked (B)?
Here are the pages: 296 to 310 -
And my transcription -
Stay-tuned for my continued work.
And here are two questions to ask when you review the Record and Transcription – (1) What happened to the 11th part? and (2) Where is the Schedule marked (B)?
Here are the pages: 296 to 310 -
And my transcription -
Please remember that I use a “_____” when I cannot transcribe a word and I use a “?” at the end of a word if I attempt to transcribe but I’m not sure of the exact word.(296)
This Indenture made the first day of September in the year of our
Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty nine Between James Smith
of Longbeoch in the parish of Irongray and Stewarty of Kirkcudbright in
Scotland in right of his wife Janet Green of the first part Simon Simpson
of Dumfries in the county of Dumfries in Scotland aforesaid Corn Merchant
in right of his wife Margaret Green of the second part William McVitie
of Dumfries in Scotland aforesaid Merchant and Samuel Graham of Lock
erby in Dumfries aforesaid Trustees and Executors under a settlement
executed by William Green bearing date the seventh August one thousand
eight hundred and nine recorded in the Commiʃsary Court Books of Dum
fries aforesaid of the third part Margaret Green of Dumfries aforesaid only
surviving child and devisee of the said William Green late of Nunholm
in Scotland aforesaid of the fourth part (the said Janet Green Margaret
Green William Green and Jean Green hereinafter mentioned being the
children of Janet Bell (one of the sisters of John Bell late of the Island
of Carriacou hereinafter mentioned) and of James Green of Douglasburn?
in the County of Dumfries aforesaid with whom the said Janet Bell inter?
married and also devisees named in the last will and testament of the?
said John Bell Samuel Graham of Lockerby in the parish of _____
Dumfries aforesaid Gentleman and Margaret Wilson his wife of the
fifth part, William Graham of Penpont in the County of Dumfries aforesaid
Gentleman and Janet Rae his wife of the sixth part the said Samuel Gra
ham only surviving Trustee and Executor acting under a Deed of Settlement
executed by James Graham deceased late of the said Island of Carriacou Joiner
bearing date twenty third February one thousand eight hundred and one and
recorded in the Commiʃsary Court Books of Glasgow upon the sixteenth day of
March one thousand eight hundred and two of the seventh part the said
Samuel Graham William Graham and James Graham being the children of
Margaret Bell (another of the sisters of the said John Bell) and of John
Graham of Applegarth in the County of Dumfries aforesaid with whom the
said Margaret Bell intermarried and also Devisees of the said John Bell
John McNairn of Dumfries Gentleman and Margaret Copland his wife of the
eighth part Samuel McNairn of Lochmaben in the County of Dumfries aforesaid
and Agnes Fade his wife of the ninth part Archibald McNairn of Glasgow
aforesaid Bricklayer and Mary Perry or Perrie his wife of the tenth part
James Johnstone of Glasgow aforesaid Mason in right of his wife Margaret
McNairn and the said Margaret McNairn of the twelfth part Elizabeth
or Helen McNairn of Shielhill in the County of Lanark in Scotland Spinster
of the thirteenth part William Irving of Orono in the County of Penobscot
and state of Maine in the United States of America in right of his wife Jean
McNairn and the said Jean McNairn of the fourteenth part Jeptha Tucker
of the same ^last mentioned place Yeoman in right of his wife Grace McNairn and the said
Grace McNairn of the fifteenth part James McNairn of the same last
mentioned place Yeoman of the sixteenth part (the said John McNairn
Samuel McNairn Archibald McNairn Janet McNairn Margaret McNairn
Elizabeth or Helen McNairn Jean McNairn Grace McNairn James McNairn
being the children and representatives of Janet Graham deceased who was
another of the children of the said Margaret Bell and John Graham and
which said Janet Graham intermarried with one John McNairn of Hilland in
the parish of Lorn in the County of Ayr in Scotland (George Bell of Glasgow
aforesaid Gentleman and Esther Jardine his wife of the seventeenth part
David Smith of Glasgow aforesaid Gentleman in right of his wife Janet Bell
and the said Janet Bell of the eighteenth part Samuel Bell doctor of
Medicine and Surgeon in the twenty fifth regiment of Foot at present in
Demerara of the nineteenth part (which said George Bell Janet Bell and
Samuel Bell are children and representatives of Mary Bell another of the
sisters of the said John Bell and who had intermarried with one Richard
Bell of Applegarth in the County of Dumfries aforesaid (and also Devisees
of the said John Bell deceased and Thomas Davies of Carriacou aforesaid
(who hath purchased the right and title of Jean Green (one of the daughters
of the? Janet Bell and James Green (and William McVitie her husband
of the twentieth? part and Sir George Cornwall of Moccas Court in Herefordshire
In England Baronet of the twenty first part Whereas the said
John Bell deceased by his last Will and Testament in writing duly exe
cuted for paʃsing? real estate and bearing date the third of January in
the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and duly recorded in the
Registers Office in the Island of Grenada appointed first that all his just
and lawful debts and funeral expenses be paid by his executors therein
named that all his estates both real and personal be divided amongst
the children of his sisters the said Janet Margaret Henrietta and Mary
except certain pecuniary legacies and appointed John Collins James
McCall Walter McInnes and John Barclay (all now deceased) Executors
of his said Will And whereas the said Henrietta Bell having no
lawful children the residue of the said John Bell’s Estate consisting of
certain estates in the said Island of Carriacou slaves stock and appur
tenancies named respectively Prospect, Orange Vale, Black Rock and
Belle Vue and Kindeace hath devolved upon and is now vested in the
aforesaid named conveying parties And whereas by a General Disposition
and settlement in nature of a last will and testament executed by the
said William Green deceased according to the form of the Laws of Scotland
and bearing date the seventh August one thousand and eight hundred and
nine and duly recorded in the Commiʃsary Court Books of Dumfries on
the second April one thousand eight hundred and twelve the said
William Green aʃsigned and made over to the said William McVitie
Samuel Graham Simon Simpson William Graham Adam Rankin
and James Bernard (any three of whom should be a quorum or in case of
death or non-acceptance two should be a quorum (in trust ^and for the uses and
purposes thereinafter mentioned All lands heritages tenements and
heritable subjects and other property to him belonging that is to say that
out of the proceeds thereof they should make payment of the sum of Ten
pounds sterling yearly to James Green in? Mary Holm and Janet Bell his
Father and Mother and the survivor of them during their natural lives
and of four pounds eight shillings yearly and six shillings weekly for
Mary Paton his wife as long as she should remain unmarried in full of
all she can ask from his said estate and Upon trust that they should vest?
his said estate in such security and from time to time change the same?
as they should find expedient And the said William Green directed that
the whole free residue of the said heritable and moveable estates should
be equally divided between his son Robert Green and his daughter the
said Margaret Green And whereas the said William Green shortly
afterwards departed this life without having in any manner altered or
revoked the said disposition or settlement of his property and the said
Robert Green the son of the said William Green hath also some times? _____
departed this life leaving the said Margaret Green his sister _____ _____
And whereas the said William McVitie and Samuel Graham _____
Only surviving and accepting Trustees and Executors and a quorum
under the said General Disposition and settlement of the said William
Green deceased And whereas a certified Extract of the said general dispo
sition or settlement from the said Commiʃsary Court Books of Dumfries hath
been duly registered in the Office of Registry of Deeds in the Island of Grenada
as on reference thereto may more fully appear And whereas by a Deed of
settlement in nature of a last will and testament executed by the said
James Graham recording to the form of the Law of Scotland and bearing
date the twenty third day of February one thousand eight hundred and one
and duly recorded in the Court Books of the Commiʃsary of Glasgow on
the sixteenth March one thousand eight hundred and two and the said James
Graham gave and devised all his lands heritage and other estate to him
belonging to Archibald Smith Adam Crooks of the said City of Glasgow
Esquires and the said Samuel Graham and James Brand Framers in
Demiwoodie in trust and for the uses and purposes therein mentioned
that is to say that they should make payment to John Graham residing
in Demiwoodie aforesaid his Father an annuity of Eighty pounds sterling
payable therein mentioned And the said James Graham devised the
residue of his estate to the said William Graham Samuel Graham and Janet
Graham and left and bequeathed their share to their children to be equally
divided among them the children of the devisee deceasing charged with the
payment of a legacy of sixty pounds sterling to be paid out of the proceeds of his
state to William Sandiland Mason of Dumfries And the said James Gra
ham appointed the said Archibald Smith Adam Crooks Samuel Graham
and James Brand Executors of the said Deed of Settlement And whereas
the said James Graham shortly afterwards departed this life without having
in any manner altered or revoked the said Deed of settlement leaving him
surviving the said William Graham Samuel Graham and Janet Graham
And whereas the said Samuel Graham is the only surviving acting trustee
and Executor of the said Deed of settlement And whereas a certified extract
of the said Deed of Settlement from the Court Books of the said Com
miʃsary at Glasgow has been duly registered in the Office of Registry of
Deeds in the Island of Grenada as on reference thereto may more fully appear
And whereas the said Janet Graham / one of the daughters of the said Margaret
Bell and John Graham and one of the Devisees of the said John Bell and
also one of the Devisees of the said James Graham (who intermarried with one
John McNairn departed this life some time ago leaving iʃsue her surviving
the said John McNairn and Samuel McNairn and Archibald McNairn
Janet McNairn Margaret McNairn and Elizabeth or Helen McNairn And
whereas by Indenture of Feoffment bearing date the eighth day of February One
thousand eight hundred and twenty six and mad between James Boucher Esquire
_____ Marshal General of the Island of Grenada and its dependencies of the
_____ _____ and the said Thomas Davies therein described as of the Island of
Carriacou of the second part reciting that at the Supreme Court
of Judicature held in and for the said Island of Grenada on Tuesday the
seventh day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
and twenty five Judgment was obtained against the said William
McVitie and Jane Macvitie his wife at the suit of Simon Simpson for
the sum of five hundred and twenty one pounds eleven shilling Currency
with cost of suit and further reciting that at the said Court Judgment
was obtained against the said William McVitie ^and Jane McVitie his wife at the suit
of the said Simon Simpson for the sum of Three thousand six hundred
and twenty four pounds four shillings Currency with costs of suit and
reciting that Executions were iʃsued thereon and duly levied on the said
plantation piece or parcel of land slaves and premises hereby granted and
released And further reciting that after such levy proper advertisements
and publications were made pursuant to the Act of the said Island of
Grenada in such case made and provided the said plantations piece or
parcel of land slaves and premises therein and hereinafter particularly
described and hereby granted and released were put up to sale in the Town
of Saint George in the Island of Grenada aforesaid on Monday the twenty
fifth day of July in the said year one thousand eight hundred and twenty
five And that the said Thomas Davies was then and there declared to
be the highest bidder for the said plantation piece or parcel of land slaves
and premises It is by the said recited Indenture witneʃsed that the said
James Boucher for the consideration of four thousand dour hundred and
ninety two pounds current money of the said Island did bargain sell
alien and release unto the said Thomas Davies his heirs and aʃsigns
the said plantation piece or parcel of land salves and premises with the
appurtenances and all the estate right title trust property claim and de
mand either at law or in equity of them the said William McVitie and
Jane McVitie his wife of in or to the same To hold the same unto and to
the use of the said Thomas Davies his heirs and aʃsigns forever as by the
said Indenture of Feoffment duly recorded in the Office of Registry of Deeds
on reference thereto may more fully appear And whereas an Agreement
hath been entered into by the said parties so interested as aforesaid and
the said Sir George Cornwall for the purchase of the absolute estate of in
heritance in fee simple of and in all that piece or parcel of land situate
lying and being in the said Island of Carriacou being part of the plantation
or estate called Bellevue) buildings slaves hereditaments and premises
hereinafter mentioned to be hereby released at and for the price or sum of
one thousand one hundred and twenty pounds sterling money of Great
Britain Now this Indenture witnesseth that for and in consideration
of the said Sum of One thousand and one hundred and twenty pounds Sterling?
money of Great Britain by the said Sir George Cornwall to the said James?
Smith Simon Simpson William McVitie Samuel Graham (_____ _____
William Green) Margaret Green Samuel Graham in his own right
William Graham and Samuel Graham (as Trustee of James Graham)
John McNairn Samuel McNairn Archibald McNairn James Johnstone
John Wright Elizabeth McNairn William Irving Jeptha Tucker James
McNairn George Bell David Smith Samuel Bell and Thomas Davies
in hand at and before the sealing and delivery of these presents well and
truly paid (the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged) They the said
James Smith and Janet his wife Simon Simpson and Margaret his
wife William McVitie and Samuel Graham (as Trustees of William Green)
Margaret Green Samuel Graham and Margaret his wife William Graham
and Janet his wife Samuel Graham (Trustee of James Graham) John McNairn
and Margaret his wife Samuel McNairn and Agnes his wife Archibald
McNairn and Mary his wife James Johnstone and Janet his wife John
Wright and Margaret his wife Elizabeth McNairn William Irving and
Jane his wife Jeptha Tucker and Grace his wife James McNairn George
Bell and Esther his wife David Smith and Janet his wife and the said
Samuel Bell and Thomas Davies Have and each of them Hath granted
bargained sold released and confirmed and by these presents Do and each
of them Doth grant bargain sell release and confirm unto the said Sir
George Cornwall (in his actual poʃseʃsion now being by virtue of a bargain and
sale to him thereof made by the said James Smith and the said Janet
his wife and the said Simon Simpson and the said Margaret his wife and
the said William McVitie and Samuel Graham (as Trustees as aforesaid)
and the said Margaret Green and the said Samuel Graham and the said
Margaret his wife and the said William Graham and the said and Janet his
wife and the said Samuel Graham (as Trustee as aforesaid) and the said
John McNairn and the said and Margaret his wife and the said Samuel McNairn
and the said Agnes his wife and the said Archibald McNairn and the said
Mary his wife and the said James Johnstone and the said Janet his wife
and the said John Wright and the said Margaret his wife and the said
Elizabeth McNairn and the said William Irving and the said Jane his
wife and the said Jeptha Tucker and the said Grace his wife and the said
James McNairn and the said George Bell and Esther his wife
and the said David Smith and the said Janet his wife and the said
Samuel Bell and ^the said Thomas Davies for five shillings consideration by Inden
ture bearing date the day next before the day of the date of these presents
and by force of the statute for transferring uses into poʃseʃsion) and to his
heirs and aʃsigns All that piece or parcel of land situate lying and being
in the Quarter of Baye a leau in the Island of Carriacou (being part of the
plantation or estate known and distinguished by the name of Belle Vue
containing? acres and three fifth part of an Acre English statute _____
_____ or thereabouts abutting and bounded as next? hereinafter mentioned
_____ North East by part of the said plantation or Estate of Bell Vue on
The north west by lands of the late John Urquhart on the South?
East by lands now or late of Thomas Tailton on the South West by other
part of the said plantation or estate of Belle Vue or howsoever otherwise
the same or any part thereof is abutting bounded known distinguished
or described and all erections buildings houses store houses erected built
standing or being therein and even part thereof and also all those _____
slaves thereon being and thereto belonging whose names and sexes are
particularly mentioned in a Schedule hereunto annexed marked (A)
together with the future iʃsue and increase of the said female slaves and
all trees woods underwoods ways waters watercourses profits commodities
emoluments advantages hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever to
the same belonging or in anywise appertained or accepted reputed demand
taken or known as part parcel or member Thereof and the reversion and
reversions remainder and remainders rents iʃsues and profits thereof and
all the estate right title interest use trust claim and demand whatsoever
both at law and in equity of them the said James Smith and the said Janet
his wife and the said Simon Simpson and the said Margaret his wife
and the said William McVitie and Samuel Graham (as Trustees as aforesaid)
and the said Margaret Green and the said Samuel Graham and the said
Margaret his wife and the said William Graham and the said Janet his
wife and the said Samuel Graham (as Trustee as aforesaid) and the said
John McNairn and the said Margaret his wife and the said Samuel
McNairn and the said Agnes his wife and the said Archibald McNairn
and the said Mary his wife and the said James Johnstone and the said
Janet his wife and the said John Wright and the said Margaret his wife
and the said Elizabeth McNairn and the said William Irving and the said
Jean his wife and the said Jeptha Tucker and the said Grace his wife and
the said James McNairn and the said George Bell and the said Esther his
wife and the said David Smith and the said Janet his wife and the said
Samuel Bell and the said Thomas Davies or either of them in or to the said
piece or parcel of land buildings slaves utensils hereditaments and premises
or any of them To have and To hold the said piece or parcel of land buildings
slaves utensils hereditaments and premises mentioned to be hereby granted
and released with the future iʃsue and increase of the females of the said
slaves unto the said Sire George Cornwall his heirs and aʃsigns to the only
proper use of the said Sir George Cornwall his heirs and aʃsigns for ever And
the said James Smith for himself and the said Janet his wife her heirs
executors and administrators and the said Simon Simpson for himself
and the said Margaret his wife and her heirs executors and administrators
and the said William McVitie and Samuel Graham (as Trustees as aforesaid)
for themselves their heirs executors and administrators and the said Mar
garet Green for herself and her heirs executors and administrators and the
said Samuel Graham for himself and the said Margaret his wife her
Heirs executors and administrators and the said William Graham
for himself and for the said Janet his wife their heirs executors and adminis
trators and the said Samuel Graham (as Trustee as aforesaid) for himself
and his heirs executors and administrators and the said John McNairn for
himself and the said Margaret his wife and their heirs executors and admin
istrators and the said Samuel McNairn for himself and the said Agnes
his wife and their heirs executors and administrators and the said Archibald
McNairn for himself and the said Mary his wife and their heirs executors
and administrators and the said James Johnstone for himself and the said
Janet his wife and her heirs executors and administrators and the said John
Wright for himself and for the said Margaret his wife and her heirs execu
tors and administrators and the said Elizabeth McNairn for herself and for
her heirs executors and administrators and the said William Irving for himself
and the said Jean his wife and her heirs executors and administrators the
said Jeptha Tucker for himself and for the said Grace his wife and her heirs
executors and administrators and the said James McNairn for himself his
heirs executors and administrators and the said George Bell for himself and
for the said Esther his wife and their heirs executors and administrators and the
said David Smith for himself and the said Janet his wife and her heirs execu
tors and administrators and the said Samuel Bell for himself his heirs executors
and administrators and the said Thomas Davies for himself his heirs executors
and administrators Do severally and respectively and not the one for the other
or for the heirs executors or administrators of the other or others Doth covenant and
agree to and with the said Sir George Cornwall his heirs and aʃsigns by these presents
in manner following that is to say that for and notwithstanding any act matter
or thing whatsoever by them or either of them or by any of their ancestors done com
mitted or wittingly or willingly suffered to the contrary they the said James Smith
and the said Janet his wife and the said Simon Simpson and the said Mar
garet his wife and the said William McVitie and Samuel Graham (as trustees
as aforesaid) and the said Margaret Green and the said Samuel Graham
and the said Margaret his wife and the said William Graham and the said
Janet his wife and the said Samuel Graham (as Trustee as aforesaid) and the
said John McNairn and the said Margaret his wife and the said Samuel
McNairn and the said Agnes his wife and the said Archibald McNairn
and the said Mary his wife and the said James Johnstone and the said
Janet his wife and the said John Wright and the said Margaret his wife and
the said Elizabeth McNairn and the said William Irving and the said
Jean his wife and the said Jeptha Tucker and the said Grace His wife and
the said James McNairn and the said George Bell and the said Esther
his wife and the said David Smith and the said Janet his wife and the
said Samuel Bell and the said Thomas Davis are or one of them is lawfully
_____ ______ fully seized of and in the said piece or parcel of land buildings slaves
utensils? hereditaments and premises mentioned to be hereby granted and
Released of and in a free perfect absolute and indefeasible estate of
inheritance in fee simple without any condition contingent proviso power of
limitation or revocation of any use or uses or any other restraint matter or
thing whatsoever to alter change charge determine leʃsen incumber defeat or
make void the same And also that they the said James Smith and the
said Janet his wife and the said Simon Simpson and said Margaret
his wife and the said William McVitie and Samuel Graham (as Trustees
aforesaid) and the said Margaret Green and said Samuel Graham and
the said Margaret his wife and the said William Graham and the
said Janet his wife and son said Samuel Graham (as trustee aforesaid)
in the said John McNairn and the said Margaret his wife and the said
Samuel McNairn and the said Agnes as his wife and the said Archibald
McNairn and the said Mary his wife and the said James Johnstone and
the said Janet his wife and the said John Wright and the said Margaret
his wife and the said Elizabeth McNairn and the said William Irving
and the said Jean his wife and the said Jeptha Tucker and the said Grace
his wife and the said James McNairn and the said George Bell and the
said Esther his wife and the said David Smith and the said Janet his wife
and the said Samuel Bell and the said Thomas Davies for and not withstand
ing any such act matter or thing as aforesaid) now have or one of them Hath
in themselves himself or herself good right full power and lawful authority
by these presents to grant bargain sell release and aʃsure all and singular the
said piece or parcel of land buildings slaves utensils hereditaments and prem
ises mentioned to be hereby granted and released unto and to the use of the said
Sir George Cornwall his heirs and aʃsigns in manner after said according to the
true intent and meaning of these presents And further that he said
Sir George Cornwall and his heirs shall and may from time to time and at all
times hereafter peaceably and quietly have hold occupy poʃseʃs and enjoy the
said piece or parcel of land building slaves utensils hereditaments and prem
ises and receive and take the rents iʃsue and profits thereof to and from his own
use without the let suit and hindrance interruption or denial of the said
James Smith and the said Janet his wife and the said Simon Simpson
and the said Margaret his wife and the said William McVitie and Samuel
Graham (as Trustees as aforesaid) and the said Margaret Green and this said
Samuel Graham and the said Margaret his wife and the said William
Graham in the said Janet his wife and the said Samuel Graham (as Trus
tee as aforesaid) and the said John McNairn and the said Margaret his wife
and the said Samuel McNairn and the said Agnes his wife and the said
Archibald McNairn in the said Mary his wife and the said James Johnstone
in the said Janet his wife and the said John Wright and the said Margaret
his wife said Elizabeth McNairn and the said William Irving and
the said Jean his wife and the said Jeptha Tucker and the said Grace his wife
and the said James McNairn in the said George Bell and the said Esther
His wife and this said David Smith and the said Janet his wife and
said Samuel Bell and the said Thomas Davies or either of them their
or either of their heirs or aʃsigns or of any other person claiming or to claim a by
from or under them or any of them And that free and clear and freely and
clearly acquitted exonerated and discharged or otherwise by the said James
Smith and the said Janet his wife and the said Simon Simpson and the
said Margaret his wife and the said William McVitie and Samuel Gra
ham (as Trustees as aforesaid) and the said Margaret Green and the said
Samuel Graham and the said Margaret his wife and the said William
Graham and the said Janet his wife and the said Samuel Graham (as
Trustee as aforesaid) and the said John McNairn and the said Margaret his
wife and the said Samuel McNairn and the said Agnes his wife and the
said Archibald McNairn and the said Mary his wife and the said James
Johnstone and the said Janet his wife and the said John Wright and the
said Margaret his wife said Elizabeth McNairn and the said
William Irving and the said Jean his wife and the said Jeptha Tucker
and the said Grace his wife and the said James McNairn and the said George
Bell and the said Esther His wife and the said David Smith and the said
Janet his wife and said Samuel Bell and the said Thomas Davies
and every of them well and sufficiently saved harmless and kept indemnified
of from and against all and all manner of former and other gifts grants bargains
sales mortgages title of dower judgments executions estates titles charges and
incumbrances whatsoever made done committed or executed by the said James
Smith and the said Janet his wife and the said Simon Simpson and the said
Margaret his wife and the said William McVitie and Samuel Graham (as
Trustees as aforesaid) and the said Margaret Green and the said Samuel
Graham and the said Margaret his wife and the said William Graham and
said Janet his wife and the said Samuel Graham (as trustee as aforesaid)
and the said John McNairn and the said Margaret his wife and the said
Samuel McNairn and the said Agnes his wife and the said Archibald
McNairn and the said Mary his wife and the said James Johnstone and
the said Janet his wife and the said John Wright and the said Margaret
his wife and the said Elizabeth McNairn and the said William Irving and
the said Jean and his wife and the said Jeptha Tucker and the said Grace his
wife and the said James McNairn and the said George Bell and the said
Esther his wife and the said David Smith and the said Janet his wife
and the said Samuel Bell and the said Thomas Davies or either of them
or any other person or persons by through or with their or any of their consent
privity or procurement And moreover that they this said James Smith and
said Janet his wife and the said Simon Simpson and the said Margaret
his wife and the said William McVitie and Samuel Graham (as trustees as
aforesaid)? and the said Margaret Green and the said Samuel Graham and
the said? Margaret his wife and the said William Graham and the said
Janet his wife and the said Samuel Graham (as Trustee as aforesaid)
and the said John McNairn and the said Margaret his wife and the
said Samuel McNair and the said Agnes his wife and the said
Archibald McNairn and the said Mary his wife and the said James
Johnstone and the said Janet his wife and the said John Wright and
the said Margaret his wife and the said Elizabeth McNairn and the
said William Irving and the said Jean his wife and the said Jeptha
Tucker and the said Grace his wife and the said James McNairn and
the said George Bell and the said Esther his wife and the said David
Smith and the said Janet his wife and the said Samuel Bell and
said Thomas Davies and their heirs and all and every other person
or persons whom so ever having or lawfully claiming shall or may
hereafter have or claim any estate right title trust or interest of in two or
out all the said piece or parcel of land buildings slaves utensils heredita
ments and premises mentioned to be hereby granted and released or any
of them buy from or under them or any of them shall and will from time
to time and at all times hereafter at the reasonable request costs and
charges in the law of the said Samuel Newman space and Francis his wife and
Dorothea Stewart their heirs or aʃsigns make you do acknowledge suffer and
execute or cause and procure to be made done acknowledged suffered and
executed all and every such further and other lawful and reasonable act
and acts thing and things conveyances and aʃsurances in the law whatsoever
for the further better and more perfectly and absolutely conveying and aʃsuring
that said piece or parcel of land buildings utensils hereditaments and premises
or any part thereof unto and to the use of the said Sir George Cornwall is heirs
and aʃsigns forever as by the said Sir George Cornwall his heirs or aʃsigns or his
counsel shall be reasonably devised and required so as such further aʃsurance
contain in them no further or other warranty or covenants than against the
person or persons who shall be required to make and execute the same and
against his her and their acts and deeds only In witneʃs whereof the parties
to these presents have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year
first above written
James (LS) Smith by his attorney Robert Kirk
Janet (LS) Green by her attorney Robert Kirk
Simon (LS) Simpson by his attorney Robert Kirk
Margaret (LS) Green by her attorney Robert Kirk
William (LS) McVitie by his attorney Robert Kirk
Samuel (LS) Graham by his attorney Robert Kirk
Margaret (LS) Green by her attorney Robert Kirk
Samuel (LS) Graham by his attorney Robert Kirk
Margaret (LS) Wilson by her attorney Robert Kirk
William (LS) Graham by his attorney Robert Kirk
Janet (LS) Rae by her attorney Robert Kirk
Samuel (LS) Graham by his attorney Robert Kirk
John (LS) McNairn by his attorney Robert Kirk
Margaret (LS) Copeland by her attorney Robert Kirk
Samuel (LS) McNairn by his attorney Robert Kirk
Agnes (LS) Fade by her attorney Robert Kirk
Archibald (LS) McNairn by his attorney Robert Kirk
Mary (LS) Perry by her attorney Robert Kirk
James (LS) Johnstone by his attorney Robert Kirk
Janet (LS) McNairn by her attorney Robert Kirk
John (LS) Wright by his attorney Robert Kirk
Margaret (LS) McNairn by her attorney Robert Kirk
Elizabeth (LS) McNairn by her attorney Robert Kirk
William (LS) Irving by his attorney Robert Kirk
Jean (LS) McNairn by her attorney Robert Kirk
Jeptha (LS) Tucker by his attorney Robert Kirk
Grace (LS) McNairn by her attorney Robert Kirk
James (LS) McNairn by his attorney Robert Kirk
George (LS) Bell by his attorney Robert Kirk
Esther (LS) Jardine by her attorney Robert Kirk
David (LS) Smith by his attorney Robert Kirk
Janet (LS) Bell by her attorney Robert Kirk
Samuel (LS) Bell by his attorney Robert Kirk
Thomas (LS) Davis
Signed sealed and delivered In the presence of
William Houstoun
Schedule of the names of the slaves referred to by the within written Indenture.
Nos Males Age Nos Females Age 1 Billy 1 Tonnatte Age 2 Ebe 2 Jeanvieve 3 Ben 3 Labeth? 4 John Louis 4 Madelaine 5 Boy 5 Neget 6 Edmond 6 Regina 7 Carriacou 2 Leily 8 Wright 8 Nancy
Grenada (to wit) Personally came and appeared ^before me William Houstoun
_______ ______ island of Grenada Esquire who maketh oath and saith that he was
_______ ______ and did see James Smith of Longbeoch in the Parish of Irongray
And Stewarty of Kirkcudbright in Scotland in right of his wife Janet
Green by his attorney Robert Kirk and the said Janet Green by her attorney
the said Robert Kirk Simon Simpson of the Dumfries in Scotland aforesaid
Corn Merchant in right of his wife Margaret Green by his attorney the
said Robert Kirk and the said Margaret Green by her attorney the said
Robert Kirk William McVitie of Dumfries in Scotland aforesaid Merchant
by his attorney the said Robert Kirk Samuel Graham of Lockerby in Dum
fries aforesaid and Trustees and Executors under a settlement executed by William
Green by his attorney the said Robert Kirk Margaret Green of Dumfries
aforesaid by her attorney the said Robert Kirk Samuel Graham of Lockerby
in the Parish of Drysdale in Dumfries aforesaid Gentleman by his attorney
the said Robert Kirk Margaret Wilson (wife of the said Samuel Graham)
by her attorney the said Robert Kirk William Graham of Penpont in the
County of Dumfries aforesaid Gentleman by his attorney the said Robert Kirk
Janet Rae ( wife of the said William Graham) by her attorney of the said Robert
Kirk Samuel Graham (Trustee of James Graham deceased) by his attorney
the said Robert Kirk John McNairn of Dumfries Gentleman by his attorney
Robert Kirk Margaret Copland (wife of the said John McNairn) by her
attorney the said Robert Kirk Samuel McNairn of Lochmabewin in the County
of Dumfries aforesaid by his attorney said Robert Kirk Agnes Fade
(wife of the said Samuel McNairn) by her attorney the said Robert Kirk
Archibald McNairn of Glasgow aforesaid Bricklayer by his attorney the said
Robert Kirk Mary Perry or Perrie (wife of the said Archibald McNairn) by
her attorney the said Robert Kirk James Johnstone of Glasgow aforesaid
Mason in right of his wife Janet McNairn by his attorney the said Robert
Kirk and the said Janet McNairn by her attorney the said Robert Kirk
John Wright of Clouden in the County of Dumfries ^aforesaid in right of his wife Margaret
McNairn by his attorney the said Robert Kirk and the said Margaret McNairn
by her attorney the said Robert Kirk Elizabeth or Helen McNairn of Shiel
hill in the County of Lanark in Scotland Spinster by her attorney the said
Robert Kirk William Irving of Orono in the County of Penobscot and state
of Main in the United States of America Yeoman in right of his wife Jean
McNairn by his attorney the said Robert Kirk and the said Jean McNairn
by her attorney the said Robert Kirk Jeptha Tucker of the same last mention
ed place Yeoman in right of his wife Grace McNairn by his attorney the said
Robert Kirk and the said Grace McNairn by her attorney the said Robert
Kirk James McNairn all the same last mentioned place Yeoman by his
attorney the said Robert Kirk George Bell of Glasgow aforesaid Gentleman by
his attorney the said Robert Kirk Esther Jardine wife of the said George Bell
by her attorney the said Robert Kirk David Smith of Glasgow aforesaid Gen
tleman in right of his wife Janet Bell by his attorney ^** Robert Kirk ______ _____
said Janet Bell by her attorney the said Robert Kirk Samuel Bell Doctor? of?
Medicine and Surgeon in the twenty fifth Regiment of foot at _____ _____
Demerara by his attorney the said Robert Kirk and Thomas
Davies of the Island of Carriacou duly signed seal and as his her and their
and each of their act and deed deliver the paper writing hereunto annexed
marked with the letter (A) and the lease for a year marked with the letter
(B) and thereunto annexed and the names and words “James Smith by his
attorney Robert Kirk” “Janet Green by her attorney Robert Kirk” “Simon Simp
son by his attorney Robert Kirk” “Margaret Green by her attorney Robert Kirk”
“William McVitie by his attorney Robert Kirk” “Samuel Graham by his attorney
Robert Kirk” “Margaret Green by her attorney Robert Kirk” “Samuel Gra
ham by his attorney Robert Kirk” “Margaret Wilson by her attorney Robert
Kirk” “William Graham by his attorney Robert Kirk” “Janet Rae by her
attorney Robert Kirk” “Samuel Graham by his attorney Robert Kirk” “John McNairn
by his attorney Robert Kirk” “Margaret Copland by her attorney Robert Kirk”
“Samuel McNairn by his attorney Robert Kirk” “Agnes Fade by her attorney
Robert Kirk” “Archibald McNairn by his attorney Robert Kirk” “Mary Perry
by her attorney Robert Kirk” “James Johnstone by his attorney Robert Kirk”
“Janet McNairn by her attorney Robert Kirk” “John Wright by his attorney
Robert Kirk” “Margaret McNairn by her attorney Robert Kirk” “Elizabeth
McNairn by her attorney Robert Kirk” “William Irving by his attorney
Robert Kirk” “Jean McNairn by her attorney Robert Kirk” “Jeptha Tucker
by his attorney Robert Kirk” “Grace McNairn by her attorney Robert Kirk”
“James McNairn by his attorney Robert Kirk” “George Bell by his attorney
Robert Kirk” “Esther Jardine by her attorney Robert Kirk” “David Smith by
his attorney Robert Kirk” “Janet Bell by her attorney Robert Kirk” and “Samuel
Dell by his attorney Robert Kirk” to the said Release and Lease subscribed
are of the proper handwriting of the said Robert Kirk and the name “Thomas
Davis” to the said release and lease subscribed is of the proper handwriting
of the said Thomas Davies And this deponent further saith that the name
William Houstoun set and subscribed as a witneʃs to the due execution of the
said paper writing marked with the letter (A) and the lease for a year marked
with the letter (B) by the said parties thereto above named is of the proper
handwriting of this deponent
William HoustounSworn to before me this nineteenth day of December 1829
Dan Gibbs
Aʃsistant Justice
Received the day of the date of the within written Indenture of and from the
within named Sir George Cornwall the sum of one thousand one hundred
and twenty pounds sterling money of Great Britain being the consideration
money within mentioned to be paid to buy him to us – he say received £1120.0.0
James Smith by his attorney Robert Kirk, Simon Simpson by his attorney Robert Kirk
William McVitie by his attorney Robert Kirk, Samuel Graham by his attorney Robert Kirk
Margaret? Green by her attorney Robert Kirk, Samuel Graham by his attorney Robert Kirk
David Smith by his attorney Robert Kirk, William Graham by his attorney Robert Kirk
Samuel Graham by his attorney Robert Kirk, John McNairn by his attorney Robert Kirk
Samuel McNairn by his attorney Robert Kirk, Archibald McNairn by his attorney Robert Kirk
James Johnstone by his attorney Robert Kirk, Janet Bell by her attorney Robert Kirk
John Wright by his attorney Robert Kirk, Elizabeth McNairn by her attorney Robert Kirk
William Irving by his attorney Robert Kirk, Jeptha Tucker by his attorney Robert Kirk
Thomas Davis, James McNairn by his attorney Robert Kirk
George Bell by his attorney Robert Kirk
Witness – William Houston
Stay-tuned for my continued work.
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