Well the garden is working sort of… Two dozen cherry tomatoes, a pint of green beans, one summer squash, five white eggplants, two purple ones, and a bunch of those mother-long asparagus beans. And tonight’s menu included crispy-fried Ramen-type noodles with ground pork, onion, peppers, and stir-fried Chinese broccoli. Who’d have thought that fish, soya and sriracha sauces would be the regular fare.
My next work of transcription in the search and research for the origins of my ggg-grandfather James Smith was entered to the Grenada Registers of Records on 21 December 1829. The two Smiths, one James and the other David, may have some connection of relative link to ggg-grandfather James but there is no definitive indication, hint or clue in this Record.
The surnames of persons, apart from Smith included in this Record are Green, McVitie, Graham, Wilson, Rae, McNairn, Copland, Johnstone, Perry, Irving, Tucker, and Bell. One discovery I made was that the person who appears to be the focused party, Sir George Cornwall was not originally a Cornwall until he took his wife’s family name. His original surname may have been Amyand.
Here are the pages 292 to and including 296 of microfilm FHL [1563380].
My transcription –
Here are the pages 292 to and including 296 of microfilm FHL [1563380].
My transcription –
This Record also appears to be a part of a series of related documents, which will follow.(292)Examd
Entered 21st December 1829
This Indenture made the thirty first day of August in the year
of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty nine Between
James Smith of Longbeoch in the parish of Irongray and Stewarty
of Kirkcudbright in Scotland in right of his wife Janet Green and the said
Janet Green of the first part Simon Simpson of Dumfries in the Country
of Dumfries in Scotland aforesaid Corn Merchant in right of his wife
Margaret Green ^and the said Margaret Green of the second part William McVitie of Dumfries in
Scotland aforesaid Merchant and Samuel Graham of Lockerby in Dumfries
aforesaid Trustees and Executors under a settlement executed by William?
Green bearing date the seventh August one thousand Eight hundred and?
nine and recorded in the Commiʃsary Court Books of Dumfries
Of the third part Margaret Green of Dumfries aforesaid only surviving
child and Devisee of the said William Green late of Nunholm in Scotland
^aforesaid of the fourth part (the said Janet Green, Margaret Green, William Green,
and Jean Green hereinafter mentioned being the Children of Janet Bell
(one of the sisters of John Bell late of the Island of Carriacou hereinafter men
tioned and of James Green of Douglasburn in the County of Dumfries aforesaid
with whom the said Janet Bell intermarried and also Devisees named in
the last Will and testament of the said John Bell Samuel Graham of
Lockerby in the parish of Drysdale in Dumfries aforesaid Gentleman and
Margaret Wilson his wife of the fifth part William Graham of Penpont
in the County of Dumfries aforesaid Gentleman and Janet Rae his wife of
the sixth part the said Samuel Graham only surviving Trustee and Executor
acting under a Deed of Settlement executed by James Graham deceased late
of the said Island of Carriacou Joiner bearing date twenty third February one
thousand eight hundred and one and recorded in the Commiʃsary Court Books
of Glasgow upon the sixteenth day of March one thousand Eight hundred
and two of the seventh part the said Samuel Graham William Graham and
James Graham being the children of Margaret Bell (another of the sisters
of the said John Bell) and of John Graham of Applegarth in the County
of Dumfries aforesaid with whom the said Margaret Bell intermarried
and also Devisees of the said John Bell John McNairn of Dumfries Gen
tleman and Margaret Copland his wife of the eighth part Samuel McNairn
of Lochmaben in the County of Dumfries aforesaid and Agnes Tade? his
wife of the ninth part Archibald McNairn of Glasgow aforesaid Bricklayer
and Mary Perry or Perrie his wife of the tenth part James Johnstone of
Glasgow aforesaid Mason in right of his wife Janet McNairn and the said
Janet McNairn of the eleventh part John Wright of Clouden in the County
of Dumfries aforesaid in right of his wife Margaret McNairn and the said
Margaret McNairn of the twelfth part Elizabeth or Helen McNairn of
Highhill in the County of Lanark in Scotland Spinster of the thirteenth part
William Irving of Orono in the County of Penobscot and State of Maine in the
States of America Yeoman in right of his wife Jean McNairn and
the said jean McNairn of the fourteenth part Jephtha Tucker of the same
last mentioned place Yeoman in right of his wife Grace McNairn and
the said Grace McNairn of the fifteenth part James McNairn of the same
last mentioned place Yeoman of the sixteenth part the said John McNairn
Samuel McNairn Archibald McNairn Janet McNairn Margaret Mc
Nairn Elizabeth or Helen McNairn Jean McNairn Grace McNairn James
McNairn being the children and representative of Janet Graham now
deceased who was another of the children of the said Margaret Bell and
_____ Graham which said Janet Graham intermarried with one John McNairn
_____ _____ in the Parish of Lorn? in the County of Ayr in Scotland) George
_____ _____ aforesaid Gentleman and Esther Jardine his wife of the
Seventeenth part David Smith of Glasgow aforesaid Gentleman
in right of his wife Janet Bell and The said Janet Bell of the eighteenth
part Samuel Bell Doctor of Medicine and Surgeon in the twenty fifth
regiment of foot at present in Demerara of the nineteenth part (which
said George Bell Janet Bell and Samuel Bell are Children and Repre
sentatives of May Bell (another of the sisters of the said John Bell who
had intermarried with one Richard Bell of Applegarth in the County of
Dumfries aforesaid and also Devisees of the said John Bell deceased and
Thomas Davies of Carriacou aforesaid / who hath purchased the right and
title of Jean Green / one of the daughters of the said Janet Bell and James
Green hereinbefore mentioned and William McVitie her husband of the
twentieth part and Sir George Cornwall of Moccas Court in Herefordshire
in England Baronet of the twenty first part Witnesseth that the said
James Smith and the said Janet his wife and the said Simon Simpson
and the said Margaret his wife and the said William McVitie and Samuel
Graham (as trustees as aforesaid) and the said Margaret Green and the
said Samuel Graham and the said Margaret his wife and the said William
Graham and the said Janet his wife and the said Samuel Graham (as
trustee as aforesaid) and the said John McNairn and the said Margaret
his wife and the said Samuel McNairn and the said Agnes his wife and
the said Archibald McNairn and the said Mary his wife and the said
James Johnstone and the said Janet his wife and the said John Wright
and the said Margaret his wife and the said Elizabeth McNairn and
the said William Irving and the said Jean his wife and the said
Jeptha Tucker and the said Grace his wife and the said James McNairn
and the aid George Bell and the said Esther his wife and the said David
Smith and the said Janet his wife and the said Samuel Bell and the
said Thomas Davies in consideration of five shillings of lawful money of
Great Britain to them in hand paid by the Sir George Cornwall at
or before the ensealing and delivery of these presents (the receipt whereof is
hereby acknowledged) and for other good causes and considerations them
hereunto especially moving (Have and each of them Hath bargained and
sold and by these presents Do and each of them Doth bargain and sell unto
the said Sir George Cornwall his executors administrators and aʃsigns All
that piece or parcel of land situate lying and being in the Quarter of Baye
aleau in the Island of Carriacou (being part of the plantation or estate
known or distinguished by the name of Belle Vue) containing thirty nine
acres and three fifth part of an Acre English statute measure or there
abouts abutting and bounded as next hereinafter mentioned viz? in the
North East by part of the said plantation or estate of Bellevue on the
North West by lands of the late John Urquhart on the South East _____
now or late of Thomas Tailton? on the South West by other parts _____
plantation or estate of BelleVue or howsoever otherwise the _____ _____
thereof is abutting bounded known distinguished or described together
with all the meʃsuages tenements and other buildings and erections thereup
on built standing or being and also all the sixteen slaves now upon the
said piece or parcel of land whose names and sexes are particularly men
tioned in a schedule marked (A) subjoined to the Indenture of release
hereinafter referred to and the issue and increase of the females of the said
slaves and the reversion and reversions remainder and remainders rents
iʃsues and profits of the said piece or parcel of land buildings slaves utensils
hereditaments and premises To have and To hold the said piece or parcel of
land buildings slaves utensils hereditaments and premises mentioned or in
tended to be hereby bargained and sold together with the issue and increase of
the said female slaves unto the said Sir George Cornwall his executors ad
ministrators and aʃsigns from the day next before the day of the date of these
presents for and during and unto the full end and term of one whole year from
thence next ensuing and fully to be complete and ended Yielding and paying
therefore at the end of the said term the rent of one pepper corn of the same?
shall be lawfully demanded To the intent that by virtue of these presents
and by force of the statute for transferring uses into poʃseʃsion he the said
Sir George Cornwall may be in the actual poʃseʃsion of the said piece or parcel
of land buildings slaves utensils hereditaments and premises mentioned to
be hereby bargained and sold with every of the issue and increase of the female
slaves and thereby be enabled to accept and take a a grant and release of the
reversion and inheritance of the said piece or parcel of land buildings slaves
utensils hereditaments and premises to him his heirs executors admini
strators and aʃsigns in such sort manner and form as shall be declared in an
Indenture of release intended to bear date the day next after the day of the
date of these presents and made or mentioned to be made between the same
parties as are parties to these presents In witness whereof the said parties
to these presents have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first
above written
James (LS) Smith by his attorney Robert Kirk
Janet (LS) Green by her attorney Robert Kirk
Simon (LS) Simpson by his attorney Robert Kirk
Margaret (LS) Green by her attorney Robert Kirk
William (LS) McVitie by his attorney Robert Kirk
Samuel (LS) Graham by his attorney Robert Kirk
Margaret (LS) Green by her attorney Robert Kirk
Samuel (LS) Graham by his attorney Robert Kirk
Margaret (LS) Wilson by her attorney Robert Kirk
William (LS) Graham by his attorney Robert Kirk
Janet (LS) Rae by her attorney Robert Kirk
Samuel (LS) Graham by his attorney Robert Kirk
John (LS) McNairn by his attorney Robert Kirk
Margaret (LS) Copland by her attorney Robert Kirk
Samuel (LS) McNairn by his attorney Robert Kirk
Agnes (LS) Fade by her attorney Robert Kirk
Archibald (LS) McNairn by his attorney Robert Kirk
Mary (LS) Perry by her attorney Robert Kirk
James (LS) Johnstone by his attorney Robert Kirk
Janet (LS) McNairn by her attorney Robert Kirk
John (LS) Wright by his attorney Robert Kirk
Margaret (LS) McNairn by her attorney Robert Kirk
Elizabeth (LS) McNairn by her attorney Robert Kirk
William (LS) Irving by his attorney Robert Kirk
Jean (LS) McNairn by her attorney Robert Kirk
Jeptha (LS) Tucker by his attorney Robert Kirk
Grace (LS) McNairn by her attorney Robert Kirk
James (LS) McNairn by his attorney Robert Kirk
George (LS) Bell by his attorney Robert Kirk
Esther (LS) Jardine by her attorney Robert Kirk
David (LS) Smith by his attorney Robert Kirk
Janet (LS) Bell by her attorney Robert Kirk
Samuel (LS) Bell by his attorney Robert Kirk
Signed sealed delivered }
In the presence of }
Thomas (LS) DavisWilliam Houston
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