Everybody is talking about Vampires these days. This morning I had to go to the phlebotomist. As I was checking in, a rude and obnoxious individual attempted to butt in front of me at the sign-up desk. He wanted to know where he could pay his bill. And out of my mouth, I blurted loudly, “Hey, they don’t take your cash. They only take blood.” Needless to say there was many a chuckle and guffaw in the office and waiting room… and the buttinski moved sheepishly to the end of the line. I received the applause, graciously, and calmly moved forward to have my vein lanced.
As I wrote yesterday, this next Record is just too, too long to put into one Posting. The Record is published in the Grenada Registers of Records from Pages 124 through and including 153. In my research for the origins of ggg-grandfather James Smith this just so happens to be the next Smith-related Record in Item 5 on the microfilm FHL [1563380].
This Record was entered 21 October 1830. The following are a few of the year dates that are mentioned in the Document – 1768; 1766; 1771; 1778; 1781; 1783; 1785; 1789; 1790; 1795; 1797; 1798; 1799; 1801; 1803; 1806; 1817; 1822; 1823; 1828; 1829; and 1830. These are quite a number of years and date references.
Another puzzling and intriguing inclusion is that, initially, on Page 125, there is discussion of “the term of one thousand years without impeachment…” Is that 1000 years from the year of entry 1830, or 1000 years from the first year mentioned, 1768? In either case is the Record referring to either the year 2768 or 2830? Hell, how long do these contracts continue to exist? I do not have any answers, just questions.
Here are the first images of Pages 124 through 133. The next Pages beginning with 134 will follow in my subsequent Postings.
For the information of first time readers of A Genealogy Hunt there are three points that I would like to make regarding my transcribing work. If I cannot make out a word or words I will insert an underscored blank, i.e., “_____”. I enter a question mark at the end of a word if I am not sure of my transcription of the word. Also I will use a “^” at the beginning of a word or words that have been inserted into a line or sentence in the document. You must cross-reference to the actual image to see the real insertion.
The following is my transcription.
Stay tuned for the next Pages.
Another puzzling and intriguing inclusion is that, initially, on Page 125, there is discussion of “the term of one thousand years without impeachment…” Is that 1000 years from the year of entry 1830, or 1000 years from the first year mentioned, 1768? In either case is the Record referring to either the year 2768 or 2830? Hell, how long do these contracts continue to exist? I do not have any answers, just questions.
Here are the first images of Pages 124 through 133. The next Pages beginning with 134 will follow in my subsequent Postings.
For the information of first time readers of A Genealogy Hunt there are three points that I would like to make regarding my transcribing work. If I cannot make out a word or words I will insert an underscored blank, i.e., “_____”. I enter a question mark at the end of a word if I am not sure of my transcription of the word. Also I will use a “^” at the beginning of a word or words that have been inserted into a line or sentence in the document. You must cross-reference to the actual image to see the real insertion.
The following is my transcription.
Entered 21st October 1830
This Indenture made the fifteenth day of June in the year of our Lord
one thousand eight hundred and thirty Between David McEwen of the
Island of Grenada in the West Indies Esquire of the first part Thomson
Hankey the elder John Alexander Hankey and Thomson Hankey
the younger all of Mincing Lane in the City of London Merchants and Copartners
of the second part Thomas Walpole of Stagbury near Epsom in the County
of Surrey Esquire of the third part Robert Kirk and John Todd both of
St. Georges in the said Island of Grenada Merchants of the fourth part and
James Smith Archibald Smith and Robert McCunn of the City
of Glasgow in North Britain Merchants and Copartners of the fifth part
Whereas by an Indenture Tripartite dated the twenty fourth day of June
one thousand seven hundred and sixty eight (duly recoded in the said Island
of Grenada on the same day) and made between Sir Peter Francis Laurent
then of the said Island of Grenada Knight and Dame Genevieve his wife
of the first part Paul Mignot Devoconnu? and Pierre Serres? therein descri
bed of the second part and Charles Gore Esquire therein described of the third
part In consideration of the sum of Eight thousand pounds paid to the said
Sir Peter Francis Laurent by the said Charles Gore and for the nominal con
siderations therein mentioned the said Paul Mignot Devoconnu? and Pierre
Serres (by the direction of the said Sir Peter Francis Laurent and Dame
Genevieve his wife) did demise and aʃsign and the said Sir Peter Francis
Laurent and Dame Genevieve his wife did grant limit appoint and aʃsign
unto the said Charles Gore his executors administrators and aʃsigns All these
two sugar plantations of him the said Sir Peter Francis Laurent com
monly called or known by the several or respective names of Saint George
and Rambouillet adjoining and next to each other other situate in the
parish of Saint George in the Island of Grenada containing in the whole by
estimation one hundred and fifty french quarries and two fifths of a quarrie of
land being equal in quantity to Four hundred and eight one english acres
and three quarters of an acre or thereabouts abutting and bounding as therein
mentioned All which said premises are in the said Indenture mentioned
to have been conveyed by the said Sir Peter Francis Laurent unto and to the
use of himself and his said wife and the survivor of them and the heirs and
aʃsigns of such survivor for ever by Indentures of Lease and Release dated
Respectively the ninth and tenth days of April one thousand seven
hundred and sixty six also duly recorded in the said Island and also divers
particularly named mentioned in the _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
negroes and slaves belonging therein and the iʃsue offspring and progeny of all the
females of such negroes and slaves respectively and also all the buildings and live
and dead stock on or to the said plantations and premises thereby granted and
demised belonging or appertaining To hold the same premises unto the said Charles
Gore his executors administrators and aʃsigns from thenceforth for the term of one
thousand years without impeachment of waste subject nevertheleʃs to a proviso
therein contained for redemption of the same premises on payment by the said
Sir Peter Francis Laurent and Dame Genevieve his wife or either of them their
or either of their heirs executors ^or administrators unto the said Charles Gore his
executors administrators or aʃsigns at or on the Royal Exchange in London of
the sum of Eight thousand pounds of lawful money of Great Britain with interest
after the rate of five pounds percent by the year on the days therein mentioned
and long since past And whereas by a Bond or obligation bearing date the
twenty fourth day of April one thousand seven hundred and seventy one
under the hands and seals of the said Sir Peter Francis Laurent and the
Honorable Thomas Walpole of New Broad Street London (the Father of the
said Thomas Walpole party hereto) and Robert Ellison his partner then of the
City of London Merchant but since deceased as his sureties bearing date the
twenty fourth day of April one thousand seven hundred and seventy one the
said Sir Peter Francis Laurent Thomas Walpole and Robert Ellison became
bound to the said Charles Gore in the penal sum of Sixteen thousand pounds
with a condition thereunder written for making void the same on payment by
the said Sir Peter Francis Laurent and Dame Genevieve his wife or either of
them their heirs executors or administrators unto the said Charles Gore his executors
administrators or aʃsigns of the said sum of Eight thousand pounds with interest
for the same after the rate and at the several days and times in the condition of
the said Bond mentioned being the same sum of Eight thousand pounds and
interest which were secured by the said recited Indenture of Mortgage And
whereas the said Sir Peter Francis Laurent executed and delivered to the said
Thomas Walpole and Robert Ellison certain bonds dated the said twenty fourth
day of April one thousand seven hundred and seventy one for indemnifying them
against the payment of the said mortgage debt or sum of Eight thousand pounds
and the interest thereof and also an agreement in writing bearing the same date
whereby he agreed with them that if the said sum of Eight thousand pounds
and the interest therefor any part thereof should be paid by them to the said
Charles Gore his executors administrators or aʃsigns then that the said Charles
Gore his executors administrators or afsigns should aʃsign to them the said planta
tions negroes lands and hereditaments comprised in the said term of one thousand
years as a further security and indemnity to them for such money? as the should
so pay and as a Security for such other money as they should there after advance
On account of the said Sir Peter Francis Laurent And whereas the said?
Robert Ellison departed this life some time previously to the year one thousand
seven hundred and eighty three leaving the said Thomas Walpole the father
(his partner) surviving him And where the said Sir Peter Francis Laurent
on the twenty seventh day of December one thousand seven hundred and
eighty three absolutely sold and conveyed the said plantations hereditaments
and premises to his Brother Jean Francois Laurent Hareault? subject to
the debt due to the said Thomas Walpole the Father who had then become
solely entitle thereto as the survivor of his said late partner the said Robert
Ellison and which ^the said Jean Francois Laurent Hareault? thereby bound and
obliged himself to pay and discharge in the manner therein mentioned not? of
the proceeds of the said plantation and estate And whereas by an Indenture
bearing date the sixteenth day of June one thousand seven hundred and eighty
nine and made between the said Charles Gore of the one part and John Milford
Esquire of the other part (registered in the said Island on the fourteenth day of
June one thousand seven hundred and ninety) reciting the hereinbefore recited
Indenture of Mortgage and the Bond of the said Thomas Walpole and Robert
Ellison and that the sum of Three thousand two hundred and eighty six pounds
seventeen shillings was on the twentieth day of November one thousand seven
hundred and eighty one paid by or on behalf of the said Thomas Walpole (the father)
and Robert Ellison to the said Charles Gore in part discharge of the principal
and interest then due and owing to him on the said securities whereby there
remained due to the said Charles Gore on that day the principal sum of five thousand
nine hundred and seventy nine pounds seventeen shillings and six pence And also
reciting that the said Sir Peter Francis Laurent had departed this life in the
year one thousand seven hundred and eighty five having survived the said Dame
Genevieve his wife and that several sums of money had been paid by the said Sir
Peter Francis Laurent in his lifetime and by his representatives since his death
to the said Charles Gore for principal and interest upon and by virtue of the ^said secu
rities and that there was then due to the said Charles Gore the principal sum
of one thousand eight hundred and twenty three pounds eight shillings and five
pence and Forty pounds four shillings and nine pence for interest thereon to the
date thereof making together one thousand eight hundred and sixty three
pounds thirteen shillings and two pence And further reciting that the said
John Milford had agreed to pay to the said Charles Gore the said sum of one
thousand eight hundred and sixty three pounds thirteen shillings and two
pence on having such aʃsignment and transfer as therein and hereinafter as
mentioned It is witnessed that in consideration of the sum of thousand
eight hundred and sixty three pounds thirteen shillings and two pence to the
said Charles Gore paid by the said John Milford the said Charles Gore did
aʃsign to the said John Milford his executors administrators and aʃsigns the
said principal sum of one thousand eight hundred and twenty three pounds
Eight shillings and five pence so remaining due to the said Charles Gore as
aforesaid and also the said sum of Forty pounds four shillings and nine pence
then due to him for interest therein and all interest thenceforth to grow due
for the same principal sum and also the said plantations Lands grounds negroes
slaves live and dead stock and premises which by the said Indenture of the
twenty fourth day of June one thousand seven hundred and sixty eight were
demised and aʃsigned to the said Charles Gore To hold the said principal sum
and the interest thereof unto the said John Milford his executors administrators
and aʃsigns for his and their own money And to hold the said plantation here
ditaments and premises unto the said John Milford his executors administrators
and aʃsigns for the remainder then to come of the said term of one thousand
years subject to such equity of redemption as the premises were then subject to
And subject also to all such claims and demands as the said Thomas Walpole
or the executors administrators or aʃsigns of either of them the said Thomas
Walpole and Robert Ellison then had or should or might have in or upon the
said plantation and premises on account of the said sum of three thousand
two hundred and eight sic pounds seventeen shillings so paid by the said
Thomas Walpole and Robert Eillison as therein and hereinbefore is mentioned
And whereas by Indenture bearing date the twenty third day of December
one thousand seven hundred and ninety five (duly registered in the said Island)
and made between the said John Milford (then Sir John Milford Knight) of
the one part and the said Thomas Walpole (the father) of the other part
after reciting to the effect hereinbefore recited And also reciting that the said
sum of one thousand eight hundred and twenty three pounds eight shillings
and five pence and all interest remaining due in respect thereof was the pro
perty of the said Thomas Walpole who had requested the said Sir John Milford
to aʃsign the said mortgaged premises and the said sum of one thousand
eight hundred and twenty three pounds eight shillings and five pence and the
interest thereof unto the said Thomas Walpole It is witneʃsed the said Sir
John Milford did aʃsign unto the said Thomas Walpole his executors admin
istrators and aʃsigns All the said plantations meʃsuages land ^tenements and
live and dead stock and premises comprized in the said first recited Indenture
or so much of such live and dead stock as was then in upon or belonging to the
said plantations lands tenements and hereditaments and all other the live and
dead stock them belonging thereto and the appurtenances And also the said
sum of one thousand eight hundred and twenty three pounds eight shillings
and five pence and the interest owing and to grow due for the same sum To hold
the said several premises (except the said sum of one thousand eight hundred
and twenty three pounds eight shillings and five pence and the interest thereof)
unto the said Thomas Walpole his executors administrators and aʃsigns for the
remainder thento come and unexpired of the said term of one thousand years subject
to such equity of redemption as the same forever were? then subject to by virtue
Of the proviso contained in the said first recited Indenture and also subject
to such claims and demands as the said Thomas Walpole his executors adminis
trators or aʃsigns or the executors administrators or aʃsigns of the said Robert
Ellison or any of them then had or thereafter might have upon the said plan
tations and premises on account of the said sum of Three thousand two
hundred and eighty six pounds seventeen shillings and the interest thereof
or any part thereof respectively or otherwise in respect of the premises And
to have hold and receive the said sum of one thousand eight hundred and
twenty three pounds eight shillings and five pence and the interest owing
and to grow due for the same sum unto the said Thomas Walpole his executors
administrators and aʃsigns for his and their own use And whereas the
said Thomas Walpole (the father) having as aforesaid become solely entitles
to all the principal monies and the arrears of interest due upon the said
mortgage securities to a large amount and being unable to obtain payment
thereof brought an Ejectment for recovery the said mortgage term in the
Court of Common Pleas in the said Island in the year one thousand seven
hundred and ninety nine against the children of the said Jean Francois
Laurent Hureault whom upon the death of their father in the year one thousand
seven hundred and ninety seven became entitled as devisees under his Will
to the equity of redemption of the said mortgaged premises (and were then in
poʃseʃsion thereof) and the said Thomas Walpole having obtained a Verdict
in such Ejectment sued out a Will of Poʃseʃsion thereon and was in or about
the month of September one thousand eight hundred and one put into
poʃseʃsion of the said premise and remained in quiet poʃseʃsion thereof
and in the receipt of the crops and produce of the said plantations and
estates until his death which took place in the month of March one thousand
eight hundred and twenty three And whereas the said Thomas Walpole
the father duly made and published his last will and testament in writing
bearing date the twenty third day of April one thousand seven hundred and
ninety eight and thereof appointed the said Thomas Walpole and The Honora
ble Richard Walpole (the testators brother but who died in his lifetime) _____
and the said Thomas Walpole party hereto alone duly proved the same in the
prerogative Court of the Archbishop of Canterbury and the same Thomas
Walpole is now sole executor of the said will and sole residuary legatee of the
effects of his said Father the said Thomas Walpole party hereto entered upon and
took poʃseʃsion of the said mortgaged plantation and premises And whereas
in or about the month of August one thousand eight hundred and six a Bill was
filed in the Court of Chancery in the said Island against the said Thomas
Walpole party hereto and against the children and devisees of the said Jean
Francois Laurent Hureault by Antoine Philip Count De Lardenoy (_____ _____)
and Marie Catherine Louise Denot de Granval de St. Maclou Comte de Lardenoy
His wife who claimed to be entitled to a large sum of money from the estate of
the said Sir Peter Francis Laurent under and by virtue of an alledged mortgage
security from or paramount to the claims of the said Thomas Walpole which Bill
was take pro-confeʃsion for want of this answer being filed in due time and who was
therefore not permitted by the said Court to file his answer thereto when the
same arrived in the said Island but the Complainants in the said suit (having
brought on the same for hearing without the answers of the defendants thereto)
obtained a Decree for a Sale of the Estate which was afterwards varied into a decree
of Foreclosure absolute in favour of the Complainants from which Decree and _____
ings the said Thomas Walpole party hereto presented a petitions of Appeal to
His Majesty in Council and on the thirty first day of May one thousand eight
hundred and seventeen the said appeal came on for hearing before the Privy
Council when the proceedings of the said Court of Chancery in Grenada were
wholly reversed and it was ordered that the said Thomas Walpole the appellant
should be permitted to put in an answer that the parties should proceed
in the said cause according to the course of the Court as if no Decree had been made
therein And whereas the answer of the said Thomas Walpole was afterwards
duly filed in the said Cause which afterwards came on for hearing and by a decree
made and pronounced by the Chancellor of the said Island in the said Cause?
on the hearing thereof on the ninth day of August one thousand eight hundred
and twenty two It was (amongst other things) ordered that the said cause
should be taken pro confeʃso as against the devisees of the said Jean Francois
Laurent Hureault and that it should be referred to the Master of the said
Court to inquire and report what sum or sums of money was or were due to the
Appellant the said Thomas Walpole under and by virtue of the said mortgage
Deed of the twenty fourth day of June one thousand and seven hundred and sixty
eight for principal and interest respectively and also to take an account of the
annual Crops and produce of the said mortgaged premises which had been
received by the said Thomas Walpole (deceased) or his agents from the time he
entered upon and remained in poʃseʃsion thereof by virtue of the said Writ of
poʃseʃsion And whereas the said Master made this report in the said cause
on the tenth day of January one thousand eight hundred and twenty there by
which (amongst other things) he found a balance of ten thousand eight hundred
and thirteen pounds sixteen shillings and four pence sterling money of Great
Britain to de due to the said Thomas Walpole (party hereto) for the principal and
interest upon the said mortgage to the said Charles Gore of the twenty fourth
day of June one thousand seven hundred and sixty eight which he the said Master
accordingly allowed And whereas exceptions were taken by the plaintiff in the
said suit to the said Master’s Report and on the twenty second day of January
one thousand eight hundred and twenty three the said Thomas Walpole (_____ hereto)
Having presented a petition to confirm the said report of the said ______ ______
and the exceptions came on to be heard together before His Excellency the
Chancellor who ordered that the said exceptions should be allowed from Each?
Order the said Thomas Walpole (party hereto) appealed to His Majesty in
Council and on the twenty sixth day of July one thousand eight hundred and
twenty eight the said second appeal came on for hearing before the Lords in
Council when it was ordered that the Decree of the said Court of Chancery
of Grenada of the ninth day of August one thousand eight hundred and twenty?
two should be and the same was thereby affirmed and that the order of the
said Court of the twenty second day of January one thousand eight hundred
and twenty three allowing the plaintiffs exceptions to the Master’s Report
of the tenth of the same January should be reversed and the said report
confirmed And whereas the said order of His Majesty in Council being
remitted to the said Court of Chancery in Grenada was duly recorded And
whereas on or about the twenty third day of May one thousand eight hundred
and twenty nine a Motion was made in the said Court of Chancery in Gre
nada for the restoration to the said Thomas Walpole party hereto of the
poʃseʃsion of the said Estate and the discharge of the Manager and Receiver?
(who had been appointed early in the progreʃs of the said suit and had con
tinued in poʃseʃsion of the said premises ever since ) whereupon it was ordered
that upon payment to the said Received of the balance reported due to him
by the Master’s Report dated as therein mentioned upon paʃsing of his account
the order for the appointment of the said Manager and Receiver should be
discharged and that the said defendant should be thereupon let into poʃseʃsion
of the said estate and that the person or persons who should so pay to the said
receiver of the said balance so reported due and owing to him should stand in
the place of such receiver and have the same lien upon the said estate with
the same preference and priority as the said receiver would (if the said order
had not been discharged) be entitled to have and take for the amount he or
they should so advance and pay to the said Receiver on account of such balances
and of the costs on paʃsing the said accounts and confirming such report
And whereas under or by virtue of the last recited Order John Berkley
Esquire of the said Island of Grenada who was then the attorney or agent of
the said Thomas Walpole conceiving it would be for the benefit of the said
Thomas Walpole to get rid of the said Receiver took upon himself to advance?
and paid to the said Manager and Receiver the sum of Four thousand
five hundred and eighty eight pounds sixteen shillings and nine pence Island
Currency being the sum which had been reported or found due to him as in
the said order mentioned and being equal to the sum of Two thousand and
thirty nine pounds eleven shillings sterling and the attorney or agent of
the said Thomas Walpole was thereupon let into poʃseʃsion of the said
plantation and estate and such sum of Two thousand and thirty nine
Pounds eleven shilling sterling together with interest thereon was
afterwards repaid by the said Thomas Walpole to the said John Berkeley out
of the purchase money of Six thousand pounds hereinafter mentioned And
whereas by an Indenture date the second day of September one thousand
eight hundred and twenty nine made between the said Thomas Walpole
of the first part the said David MacEwen of the second part and the said
Thomson Hankey the elder John Alexander Hankey and Thomson Hankey
the younger of the third part after reciting to the effect hereinbefore recited (except
so far as relates to the last recited Order and the payment to the said
Manager and Receiver which are not noticed therein) And also reciting that there
still remained due to the said Thomas Walpole party hereto the said sum of
Ten thousand eight hundred and thirteen pounds sixteen shillings and four pence
so reported due to him for principal and interest as aforesaid on the said tenth day
of January one thousand eight hundred and twenty three together with such
interest as had since accrued due on the principal and reciting that the said
Thomas Walpole party hereto had contracted and agreed with the said David
McEwen for the transfer and aʃsignment to him of the money then due and
owing for principal and interest upon the said recited securities and of the said
plantations with the negroes stock and effects thereon for all such estate and
interest as the said Thomas Walpole had therein and all other his securities for
the same money and the full benefit thereof and of the said proceedings and the
Devices and Orders therein consideration of the sum of Six thousand pounds
sterling to be paid upon the execution of the aʃsignment of the said debt and
securities and reciting that the said David MacEwen had requested the said
parties thereto of the third part to advance and lend him the sum of Six thousand
pounds for the purpose of enabling him to complete his said Contract with the
said Thomas Walpole and such further sums of money (not exceeding with the
said sum of Six thousand pounds the sum of Fourteen thousand pounds sterling)
as he should require which they had agreed to do upon having the said debt and
securities aʃsigned to them by the said Thomas Walpole It is witneʃsed that in
consideration of Six thousand pounds to the said Thomas Walpole paid by the
said Thomson Hankey the elder John Alexander Hankey and Thomson Hankey
the younger (at the request and by the direction of the said David McEwen) He
the said Thomas Walpole did bargain sell aʃsign and transfer unto the said
Thomson Hankey the elder John Alexander Hankey and Thomson Hankey the
younger their executors administrators and aʃsigns All the said plantations mes
suages lands tenements and hereditaments with their and every of their rights
member and appurtenances mentioned and comprized in the therein and herein
before recited Indenture of the twenty fourth day of June one thousand seven
hundred and sixty eight and also all those negroes and other slaves Male and
Female then being upon or belonging to the said plantations and hereditaments
whose names and descriptions according to the last Official _____ for the said
Island made pursuant to the Registry Act are particularly
mentioned and set forth in the Schedule annexed to the now reciting
Indenture and the past and future iʃsue and progeny and increase of the
females of the said slaves and also all other the negroes and other salves
there upon or belonging to the said plantations hereditaments and premises
together with the iʃsue progeny and increase of the females of the said last
mentioned slaves and also all the Mules and other cattle and live stock
whatsoever and all plantation implements and utensils and deed stock of
what nature or kind soever in upon or belonging to the said plantations
lands and hereditaments or any part thereof or therewith used and enjoyed
and the proceeds issues and profits which had arisen or been produced since
the thirty first day of May then and now last past of all and singular the
said plantations and premises and every part thereof To hold the said
several plantations lands grounds negroes and slaves hereditaments and
all such other parts of the premises thereby assigned as were of the nature
of real estate unto the said Thomson Hankey the elder John Alexander
Hankey and Thomson Hankey the younger their executors administrators
and aʃsigns from thenceforth for the residue of the said term of one thousand
years then to come and unexpired and to hold all such parts of the premises
thereby aʃsigned or intended so to be as were of the nature of personal estate
unto the said Thomson Hankey the elder John Alexander Hankey and
Thomson Hankey the younger their executors administrators and aʃsigns for
all such estate and interest as the said Thomas Walpole party hereto had
or was entitled to therein Subject as to all the said premises to such equity
of redemption (if any) as they were then subject to under or by virtue of the said
Indenture of the twenty fourth day of June one thousand seven hundred and
sixty eight and also subject to the proviso and trusts thereinafter declared
concerning the same and it was further witneʃsed that for the consideration of?
aforesaid the said Thomas Walpole party hereto (at the request and by the
direction of the said David McEwen) did bargain sell aʃsign and transfer
unto the said Thomas Hanker the elder John Alexander Hankey and
Thomson Hankey the younger their executors administrators and aʃsigns
the said sum of Ten thousand eight hundred and thirteen pounds sixteen
shillings and four pence which was so reported to be due to the said Thomas
Walpole for principal and interest on the said tenth day of January one
thousand eight hundred and twenty three together with all interest which
had become due on the principal thereof since the date of the said Report
_____ on to the day of the date of the now reciting Indenture and all further
Indenture of Mortgage and all other deeds and aʃsurances relating to the
said plantations and premises and all covenants and other securities for
the same monies and the dull benefit and advantage thereof and also of the
Said Decrees Report and Orders thereinbefore mentioned or referred to and
of all other proceedings at law or in equity in the said Island and in Great Britain rela
ting to the said plantation hereditaments effects debts securities and premises or
any of them and all the right title interest advantage profit claim and demand at
law and in equity of the said Thomas Walpole party hereto of in to and out of the prem
ises together with all powers authorities and remedies whatsoever for recovering and
obtaining the monies thereby aʃsigned and for enforcing the securities for the same
To hold the said sum of Ten thousand eight hundred and thirteen pounds sixteen
shillings and four pence and all the interest which had accrued due on the principal
thereof and thenceforth to grow due thereon and other the matters thereby aʃsigned
unto and by the said Thomson Hankey the elder John Alexander Hankey and
Thomson Hankey the younger their executors administrators and aʃsigns subject
to the proviso and Trusts thereinafter contained And in the said Indenture as
contained a full power of Attorney from the said Thomas Walpole party hereto to
the said Thomas Hankey the elder John Alexander Hankey and Thomson Hankey
the younger their executors administrators and aʃsigns to sue for recover and receive
the said principal monies and interest and it was thereby amongst other things
provided that in case the said David MacEwen his executors administrators or
aʃsigns should pay unto the said Thomas Hankey the elder John Alexander Hankey
and Thomas Hankey the younger or the survivors or survivor of them or the executors
administrators or aʃsigns of such survivors the sum of Six thousand pounds with in
terest after the rate of Five pounds for every one hundred pounds by the year _____
the second day of March then and now next ensuing and in like manner every
such further sum of money (not exceeding fourteen thousand pounds in the whole
including the said sum of Six thousand pounds) as the said Thomas Hankey
the elder John Alexander Hankey and Thomson Hankey the younger or any of
them should thereafter advance and lend to or pay on account of the said David
MacEwen at the end of six calendar months next after the payment advances
or loan thereof with interest for the same in the mean time after the rate afore
said then the said Thomas Hankey the elder John Alexander Hanky and
Thomason Hankey the younger of xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx the
survivors or survivor of them or the executors administrators or aʃsigns of such survivor
should upon the request and at the costs and charges of the said David MacEwen
his executors administrators or aʃsigns aʃsign and transfer the said plantations
lands slaves stock effects and hereditaments and also the said debt and the interest
thereof and the securities for the same and all other the premises respectively
thereinbefore mentioned within the appurtenances unto the said David MacEwen
his executors administrators and aʃsigns or to such person or persons as he or they
Stay tuned for the next Pages.
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