My next transcription in the Project and search for the genealogy and ancestry, or at least some branch of ggg-grandfather James Smith’s family tree is the next "James Smith" Record from the Grenada Registers of Records, 1825-1834 (v. H5-O5). This Indenture was made 31 December 1832 and entered 9 January 1833.
There does not appear to be any immediate correlation between the parties involved: James and Archibald Smith, Robert McCunn, and Henry Wharton Waddilove to ggg-grandfather James. The contract reads like a sale’s contract; the sale of a property including everything that goes with it.
My apologies for the increased number of blanks included. I am having some time trying to decipher the script of the author, who appeared to be extremely conserving of ink, paper, and space. (As a side note, an overview of basic handwriting analysis dictates that “Small handwriting indicates a person who is a little more introverted and private.” The clerk who did the script accordingly was more than likely very good at his job. “Writing that is small shows one that is very good at focusing and concentrating. They are not distracted easily and can focus for long periods of time.”)
Anyway the images, downloaded from Item 6 of the microfilm FHL [1563380] include pages 319 through and including 320. I believe these pages are the first part of a combined set of Records, of which the second Part will follow in a subsequent Posting.
My transcription –
And I forge on.
Anyway the images, downloaded from Item 6 of the microfilm FHL [1563380] include pages 319 through and including 320. I believe these pages are the first part of a combined set of Records, of which the second Part will follow in a subsequent Posting.
My transcription –
Entered 9 January 1833
This Indenture made the Thirty first day of December in the Year of our Lord One
thousand Eight hundred and Thirty two Between James Smith Archibald Smith and Robert McCunn
Merchants and Copartners carrying out busineʃs in the City of Glasgow in Scotland under the style or form
of James and Archibald Smith and Co of the one part and Henry Wharton Waddilove of the Island
of Grenada Esquire of the other part Witneʃseth that the said James Smith Archibald Smith and
Robert McCunn for and in consideration of the sum of ten shillings a piece in hand to them in
hand well and truly paid by the said Henry Wharton Waddilove at or before the sealing and delivery
of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged Have and each and every of them Hath
bargained and sold and by these presents Do and each and every of them Doth bargain and sell
unto the said Henry Wharton Waddilove his executors administrators and aʃsigns All that plantation
or estate called or known by the name of Union formerly of Thomas Townsend deceased situate in
the Parish of Saint Marks in the said Island of Grenada containing four hundred and thirteen
acres of land or thereabouts abutted and bounded as follows that is to say towards the north partly by
Dugrame? Resource and Mount Pleasant Estates on the east by Samaritan Estate, on the South by
lands belonging to Mount Craven? Estate and on the West partly by lands belonging to George Parker
and lands belonging to Mount Alexander estate and an estate called Bellevue belonging partly to
Mount William and Industry Estates or howsoever otherwise the same is abutted bounded known
distinguished or described together with all meʃsuages houses buildings sugar works edifices and
erections thereon erected and built standing or being and all ways paths paʃsages waters watercourses
trees woods underwoods canes? provisions and other growing things thereon mills stills still heads? worms
boilers coolers cisterns vats ladles skimmers plantation tools implements of planting and dead stock
whatsoever and all horses mules cattle oxen sheep and live stock whatsoever upon or belonging to the same
rights easements priviledges profits commodities advantages emoluments right members hereditaments and
appurtenances whatsoever to the said plantation or estate lands and premises belonging or in any wise
appertaining or therewith or with any part thereof used occupied or enjoyed or accepted reputed deemed
taken or known as part _____ or member thereof and also all One hundred and Fifty nine slaves
whose names are particularly mentioned and set forth in the Schedule hereto annexed together with the
future iʃsue and increase of the females of the said slaves and the reversion and reversions remainder
and remainders rents iʃsues and profits of all and singular the said plantation slaves and premises
To have and to hold the said plantation lot piece or parcel of land meʃsuages buildings and
all and singular other premises mentioned to be hereby bargained and sold with these and each and
every of their rights numbers and appurtenances unto the said Henry Wharton Waddilove his executors
administrators and aʃsigns from the day next before the day of the date of these presents for and during
and until the full end and term of one whole year from thence next ensuring and fully to be complete
and noted Yielding and paying therefore at the end of the said term the rent of peppercorn unto
the said James Smith Archibald Smith and Robert McCunn and their and each and every of their
heirs if the same shall be lawfully demanded? to the intent and purpose that by virtue of these presents
and by force of the statute made for transferring uses into poʃseʃsion by the said Henry Wharton Waddilove
may be in the actual poʃseʃsion of the said lot piece or parcel of land meʃsuages buildings and
premises mentioned to be hereby bargained and sold and every part thereof with the appurtenances
and thereby be enabled to accept and take or? grant and release of the freehold reversion and inheritance?
Thereof to have? and his heirs and aʃsigns and by another Indenture intended to bear date the day and after the
day of the date hereof and to be made between the same persons as are hereto In Witneʃs whereof the said James
Smith Archibald Smith and Robert McCunn have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first _____
James Smith by his Attorney Robert Kirk (LS)Archibald Smith by his Attorney Robert Kirk (LS)Robert McCunn by his Attorney Robert Kirk (LS)Sealed and delivered In the presence of
Jnn Duncan? Gilbert Owlsey RowleyGrenada
Acknowledged before me by Robert Kirk Esquire as the Attorney in the several and respective names
and as and for the several and respective free and voluntary acts and deeds of James Smith Archibald Smith
and Robert McCunn the Parties executing the written Indenture of bargain and sale or transfer _____ this
ninth day of January in the Year of Our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and Thirty three
Owlsey RowleyReg.
Schedule of Slaves referred to in and by the aforegoing IndentureMales
Abraham 20 Gregoire Joseph Neal? Alexis Honoire 40 Joseph Ker? Paddy Artist Horatio Julien 1 60 Peter Bernard Hugh Julien 2 Pierre 5 Caesar Isaac Justin _____ Catiste 25 Jack King Richard 1 Crope? Jim Black 46 Jacques? Richard 2 Charles Jerome Laurent 65 Richmond David John London Robert 10 Denis Jnn Baptiste Louis Sam Diamond 30 Jnn Cabre? McSween Sandy Edward Jnn Charles 50 Magtan? Sandy Ker Edward Bishop Jnn Elley? Mark 70 Simon Ettienne John Jack Maurice 1 Thomas 15 Francois Jnn Joseph Maurice 2 Touʃsaint Frank 35 Jnn Louis Modest William George 1 John McSween? 55 Ned Ker 74 William Cameron George Jnn Noel Nicholas Ginger Jnn Boone? Neil
Adelaide 1 5 Angel Betsy Ker Catherine 2 Adelaide 2 _____ 10 Betsy _____ Charlotte Agnes Baby Bibianne 15 _____ Alexandriene _____ Catherine 1st _____ Chloe
Chloe 35 Jeʃsy Mary Emma 1 Ruffine Clarice _____ Mary Emma 2 Rose 1 Cumba Gilianne 55 Mary Gibson 1 Rose 2 20 Delia June Mary Gibson 2 Sally Elenar Kitty Mary Jane 75 Sally Ker Elinor 40 Louise Mary Madlaine Sophia 1 Eliza Lucy Mary Rose Sophia 2 Franchine Madlaine 60 Mary Therese Susanne 25 Frances Madlaine Ker Mary Townsend Susey Franoiette Madlenette Monique Theolisle Germaine 45 Margaret 1 Nanon Therese Glanidine? Margaret 2 Pauline 1 Toinette Hanah Margaret Ker 65 Pauline 2 Tabeth 1 Javotte Marie Peggy Tabeth 2 Jenny Mariette Pelagie Tetrine Jane Claire 50 Mary Anne Pindar Jane Rose Marie Carey Reine Jannette Mary Dominique 70 Rosalie
And I forge on.
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