First bout of summertime flu gone, finally. I woke up this morning and Bonnie was smeared all over the windows. Humidity… I wonder if one could save on sauna and gym fees just by standing outside in the heat of Florida’s summer wet and hurricane season. And speaking of the Florida summer, I just got fried with a power surge, right in the middle of a thought and my typing!
It may seem that I have taken a bit of a break from my Transcription Project and the search for the ancestry and genealogy of my ggg-grandfather James Smith. I did sort of. I was working on the placement of our available quilts on our new shop, Quilts SB Etsy. This new site is a compliment to and works in conjunction with our Quilt SB Blogsite. We are in the throes of completing our next series of Christmas quilts and a commission, Continuation. Continuation will very soon be making a home at a small, family genealogy museum in Asheville, North Carolina.
And the puzzle of this next Indenture; “What is the deal with 500 years?” All-things-being-equal, how does the year 2332 enter into the picture?
The individuals involved in my genealogy research in the text of this next Record and transcription include: ggg-grandfather, I believe, James Smith; gg-granduncle Benjamin Ventour and his wife, gg-grandaunt Sophia (née Smith) Ventour; Owsley Rowley; James William Snagg; James R. Hill; Daniel Gibbs; and 50 listed individuals.
There are a number of words in this copy of the Indenture of which I cannot make out. All-in-all I do not believe that my failings will be a hindrance to my search for the ancestry and genealogy of my ggg-grandfather James Smith. It is not the information that I am having a problem with; I am having a time transcribing the script of the writer and figuring out a clear reading of his work. (He must have been told that paper was in short supply and instructed to fit as many words as he possibly could on each line.)
This Record appears to be a continuation of the Indenture I presented in Part 319s. There is no presentation or hint provided as to the origins, ancestry, or genealogy of ggg-grandfather James Smith or of gg-granduncle and gg-grandaunt, Benjamin and Sophia Ventour.
The source of this Record is the Grenada Registers of Records as copied to the microfilm FHL [1563380].
I have provided images of the pages 290 through and including 298 from Item 6.
My transcription –
And my new replacement crowns are finally installed. Just a point of note: my dental insurance would not cover my broken crowns as a part of my policy. The issue - the original crowns had been put into place less than five years ago. The coverage - only every five years, for replacement crowns.
And I continue. On to the next Record.
There are a number of words in this copy of the Indenture of which I cannot make out. All-in-all I do not believe that my failings will be a hindrance to my search for the ancestry and genealogy of my ggg-grandfather James Smith. It is not the information that I am having a problem with; I am having a time transcribing the script of the writer and figuring out a clear reading of his work. (He must have been told that paper was in short supply and instructed to fit as many words as he possibly could on each line.)
This Record appears to be a continuation of the Indenture I presented in Part 319s. There is no presentation or hint provided as to the origins, ancestry, or genealogy of ggg-grandfather James Smith or of gg-granduncle and gg-grandaunt, Benjamin and Sophia Ventour.
The source of this Record is the Grenada Registers of Records as copied to the microfilm FHL [1563380].
I have provided images of the pages 290 through and including 298 from Item 6.
My transcription –
This Indenture made the Twenty seventh day of October in the Year of
Our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and Thirty two Between Benjamin Ventour of
the Island of Grenada Gentleman and Sophia his Wife of the first part Owsley
Rowley of the Town of Saint George in the said Island Esquire of the second part and
James Smith of the Town and Island aforesaid Carpenter of the third part Whereas by
Indenture bearing date on or about the Twenty first day of March in the Year of
Our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and Twenty five and made or expreʃsed to be
made between the said Benjamin Ventour of the one part and the said Owsley Rowley
of the other part the said Benjamin Ventour did for the consideration therein mentioned
decrease? and least unto the said Owsley Rowley his executors administrators and Aʃsigns all those
Forty six Negro and other slaves mentioned and described in the Schedule thereunto annexed
or thereunder written with the future iʃsue and increase of the females of the said Slaves To hold
the same with the iʃsue and increase of the females unto the said Owsley Rowley his executors
administrators and Aʃsigns from the Fifteenth day of October then last part for the term of eight
years determinable nevertheleʃs upon such notice being given as therein and hereinafter mentioned
at the yearly rent of One hundred and Eight four Pounds of lawful sterling money of Great Britain
payable half yearly as therein mentioned and the said Benjamin Ventour did thereby for himself
his heirs executors administrators and aʃsigns covenant promise and agree to and with the said
Owsley Rowley his heirs executors administrators and Aʃsigns that at or upon the expiration
of the said term of eight years on payment of the sum of Two thousand three hundred pounds
Sterling and all such further and other sums of money which should be due and payable
on account of the rent thereby reserved and made payable by the said Owsley Rowley to the
said Benjamin Ventour he the said Benjamin Ventour should and would well and truly
execute a good and sufficient conveyance and aʃsurance of the fee simple and inheritance
of all and singular the said Negro and other Slaves thereinbefore referred to and mentioned
and named in the said Schedule thereunto annexed or thereunder written together with the
iʃsue and increase of the Females which might have been born during the continuance of the
said decrease? and alive at the determination thereof unto the said Owsley Rowley his heirs
and Aʃsigns for ever and further that at the time of making and executing such convey
ance as aforesaid the said Negro and other Slaves should be free and clear and freely and
clearly discharged of and from all iʃsuance of former and other grants bargains sales gifts
Leases or incumbrances whatsoever their before and at the time? had done made commutted or
executed by the said Benjamin Ventour his heirs or aʃsigns or any of these or by any other person
whatsoever and the said Owsley Rowley did thereby for himself his heirs executors administrators
and Aʃsings covenant promise and agree to and with the said Benjamin Ventour his heirs executors
administrators and aʃsigns in manner following that is to say that upon the due execution of such
good and sufficient conveyance and aʃsurance of the said Slaves as thereinbefore mentioned by the
said Benjamin Ventour his heirs or aʃsigns he the said Owsley Rowley his heirs executors administra
tors or aʃsigns should and would well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said Benjamin
Ventour his heirs executors or administrators the full and true sum of Two thousand three
hundred Pounds Sterling and all sums of money which shall be due for and on account of the
rent thereby reserved and made payable without any abatement deduction or defalcation what
soever Provided always _____ was in and by the said Indenture covenanted declared and
agreed by and between the said parties thereto that if the said Benjamin Ventour his heirs
executors administrators or aʃsigns should be _____ desirous and willing to call in and receive
the said principal sum of Two thousand three hundred pounds Sterling and should give unto
the said Owsley Rowley his heirs executors administrators or aʃsigns eight months notice of such his
or their will and desire and should at or before the expiration of the here mentioned in such
notice lender unto the said Owsley Rowley his heirs executors administrators or aʃsigns or good and
sufficient conveyance of the fee simple and inheritance of the negro and other slaves unto the said
Owsley Rowley his heirs executors administrators or aʃsigns the said Owsley Rowley his heirs executors
administrators or aʃsigns should thereupon well and truly pay unto the said Benjamin Ventour
his heirs executors administrators or aʃsigns the aforesaid principal sum of Two thousand three
hundred pounds sterling money of Great Britain together with the rent thereby reserved and _____
payable according to the rate aforesaid up to the ends and expiration of such notice free and clear
from every deduction or abatement thereout and after such payment as aforesaid the demise
thereby made should cease and determine And Whereas the said Benjamin Ventour being _____
desirous and willing to call in and receive the said principal sum of Two thousand three hundred
Pounds Sterling did on the Twenty sixth day of January now last past give unto the said Owsley
Rowley notice of such his mind well and desire and that he the said Benjamin Ventour should
require the _____ be paid to him at the expiration of eight months from the receipt of the said
notice by the said Owsley Rowley And whereas the said Owsley Rowley before the expiration of the
said Eight months applied to the said Benjamin Ventour and requested him to receive a
surrender of the said lease and term of Years and to receive the sum of Five hundred Pounds
Sterling in part satisfaction of the said sum of Twenty three hundred Pounds Sterling being the sum
of Eighteen hundred Pounds Sterling by the Instalments and at the days and times hereinafter
mentioned which the said Benjamin Ventour consented and agreed to do on having the said
sum of One thousand Eight hundred Pounds Sterling secured to him with interest upon the
said Negro and other Slaves and by the Bond of the said Owsley Rowley in manner hereinafter
expreʃsed And whereas the said Owsley Rowley hath paid and satisfied to the said Benjamin Ventour
as he the said Benjamin Ventour doth hereby admit all arrears of rent for the said
Slaves up to the Twenty ninth day of August now last part from which day it was agree that
The said lease and term of years should be considered as surrendered and the said agreement
should take effect And Whereas the said Owsley Rowley hath in pursuance of the said agreement
surrendered the said lease and term of years to the said Benjamin Ventour and the said Owsley
Rowley hath also by his bond or obligation in writing under his hand and seal bearing
even date with these presents become bound to the said Benjamin Ventour in the final
sum of Three thousand Six hundred Pounds Sterling money of Great Britain with as
condition thereunder written for making void the same on payment by the said Owsley
Rowley his heirs executors or administrators or aʃsigns of the sum of Five hundred Pounds of
like sterling money on the Twenty ninth day of August which will be in the Year One thousand
Eight hundred and Thirty three with interest for the same at Six Pounds per cent per annum
from the Twenty ninth day of August now last past and for the further sum of Five hundred
pounds of like Sterling money on the Twenty ninth day of August which will be in the
year One thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty four with interest for the same at the
rate aforesaid from the Twenty ninth day of August now last past and of the further
sum of Five hundred Pounds of like Sterling money on the Twenty Ninth day of August
which will be in the year One thousand Eight hundred and Thirty five with interest for
the same at the rate aforesaid from the Twenty ninth day of August now last past and
of the further sum of Three hundred pound of life Sterling money on the Twenty ninth
day of August which will be in the Year One thousand Eight hundred and Thirty six
with interest for the same at the rate aforesaid from the Twenty ninth day of August
now last past Now this Indenture Witneʃsth that in further pursuance
of the said Agreement and in consideration of the said sum of Five hundred Pounds
Sterling Money of Great Britain (part of the said purchase money or sum of Two
thousand Three hundred pounds) to the said Benjamin Ventour in hand well and
truly paid by the said Owsley Rowley at or before the sealing and deliver of these presents
the receipt of which said sum of Five Hundred Pounds the said Benjamin Ventour doth
hereby acknowledge and of and from the same doth acquit release and discharge the said
Owsley Rowley his heirs executors administrators and aʃsigns and also for and in consideration
of the further _____ of One thousand Eight hundred pounds of like Sterling money being
the residue of the said purchase money to be paid to the said Benjamin Ventour with
interest at the times and in the manner hereinafter mentioned and also for and in
consideration of the sum of Ten shillings a piece of the like Sterling money in hand pad to
the said Benjamin Ventour and Sophia his wife by the said James Smith the receipt
whereof is hereby acknowledge They the said Benjamin Ventour and Sophia his Wife Have and
each of them Hath granted bargained sold aliened released and confirmed and by these
presents Do and each of them Doth grant bargain sell alien release and confirm unto the
said James Smith (in his actual poʃseʃsion now being by virtue of a bargain and Sale
to him thereof made by the said Benjamin Ventour and Sophia his Wife in consideration
of Five Shillings a piece by Indenture bearing date the day next before the day of the date
of these present for the term of One whole year commencing from the day that before the day of the
rate of the same Indenture of Bargain and Sale and by force of the statute made for
transferring and into poʃseʃsion) and his heirs All these Fifty two Negro and other Slaves
Whose names are mentioned and set forth Schedule hereunto annexed or
hereunder written (being the Negro and other Slaves mentioned to be demised by the said
in part sealed Indenture of Lease or such of them as are now living and the now
surviving iʃsue and increase of the Females) together with the future
iʃsue and increase of the aid Females of the said Negro and other Slaves and all other if any the Slaves
comprised in the said Indenture of demise and the reversion and reversions remainder and remainders
rents iʃsues and profits thereof and all the estate right title interest use trust property ______ and demand?
whatsoever both at law and in equity of them the said Benjamin Ventour and Sophia his wife
respectively in to out of upon or respecting the said Negro and other Slaves or any of them or the future
iʃsue and increase of the females To have and to hold the said Negro and other Slaves hereby granted
and release or otherwise aʃsured or intended so to be and the future iʃsue and increase of the Females
unto the said James Smith and his heirs but nevertheleʃs to and for the uses aids interests and purposes
hereinafter expreʃsed concerning the same that is to say To the use of the said Benjamin Ventour his
executors administrators and aʃsigns for and during the term of Five hundred Years to be computed
from the day next before the day of the date of these presents without impeachment of or for any
manner of waste subject nevertheleʃs to the proviso or agreement for redemption and reconveyance
of the said Negro and other Slaves hereinafter contained and from and after the expiration or other
sooner determination of the said term of Five hundred years and also as the mean? time subject
only thereto and to the payment of the said principal sum and interest included to be thereby
secured To the use and behoof of the said Owsley Rowley his heirs and aʃsigns for ever Provided
always and it is hereby agreed and declared between and by the parties hereto and there here intent
and meaning is that if the said Owsley Rowley his heirs executors administrators or aʃsigns shall
and do well and truly pay or cause to be paid to the said Benjamin Ventour his executors admin-
istrators or aʃsigns the sum of One thousand Eight hundred Pounds Sterling money of Great Britain with
interest for the same at the rate of Six Pounds for every one hundred pounds for a year by or in
the instalments or shares and on or at the days or hours following that is to say the sum of Five
hundred pounds sterling money of Great Britain (part of the said principal sum of One thousand
Eight hundred and Thirty three with interest for the same and the rate aforesaid from the
Twenty ninth day of August now last past the further sum of Five hundred Pounds) on or before the
Twenty ninth day of August which will be in the Year One thousand Eight hundred and Thirty four
with interest for the sum at the rate aforesaid from the Twenty ninth day of August now last past
the further sum of Five hundred pounds of like sterling money (other part of the said principal sum
of One thousand Eight hundred pounds) on or before the Twenty ninth day of August which will be
in the year One thousand Eight hundred and Thirty five with interest for the same at the rate
aforesaid from the Twenty ninth day of August now last past and the further sum of Three hundred
pounds of like Sterling money (being the remainder of the said principal sum of One thousand
Eight hundred pounds) on or before the Twenty ninth day of August which will be in the Year
One thousand Eight hundred and Thirty six with interest for the same at the rate aforesaid from
the Twenty ninth day of August now last past (being such and the same days or times as are
appointed for that purpose in the condition of the aforesaid Bond of equal date here the said _____
Any deduction or abatement our of the said principal and interest monies or any of these or
any part thing respectively for or in respect of any present or future Parliamentary Colonial
or other taxes charges sales aʃseʃsments payments or _____ affecting as to affect the said
Negro and other Slaves hereby granted and release or otherwise aʃsured or intended so to be _____
the iʃsue and increase of the females or the said sum of One thousand Eight hundred Pounds and
interest or any part thereof respectively or any person or persons whomsoever in respect thereof
these and from the thenceforth the said term of Five hundred years hereinbefore _____ shall
_____ determine and be utterly void to all intents and purposes whatsoever and the said
Benjamin Ventour for himself his heirs executors and administrators doth grant covenant
and agree to and with the said James Smith his heirs and aʃsigns by these presents in manner
following that is to say that for and notwithstanding and act deed matter or thing whatsoever
by him the said Benjamin Ventour or any person or persons whomsoever lawfully claiming
made done committed executed or suffered to the contrary he the said Benjamin Ventour
now is Lawfully rightfully and absolutely seized of or well entitled to the Negro and other
slaves hereby granted and released and otherwise aʃsured or intended so to be and every of them
for an absolute and indefeasible estate of inheritance in fee simple without any condition use
trust power of revocation or other restraint cause matter or thing whatsoever to alter defeat
encumber revoke or thing as aforesaid he the said Benjamin Ventour now hath in himself good
right full power and lawful and absolute authority to grant release and convey the Negro and other
Salves hereby granted and released or otherwise aʃsured or intended so to be to the uses and for
the ends intents and purposes and in the manner hereinbefore declared or expreʃsed conveying
the same and further that all and singular the said Negro and other Slaves and the iʃsue and
increase of the females shall and may at all times hereafter go and remain to the uses and for
the intents and purposes hereinbefore expreʃsed concerning the same and the rents iʃsues and
profits thereof and every part thereof had received and taken accordingly without any lawful let
suit trouble _____ claim or demand whatsoever of or by the said Benjamin Ventour or at any
person or persons lawfully claiming and that free and clear and freely and clearly acquitted
exonerated and for ever discharge or otherwise by the said Benjamin Ventour his heirs
executors or administrators well and sufficiently saved kept harmleʃs and indemnified of from
and against all former and other gifts grants bargains sales jointures dowers uses trusts entails?
with statutes judgments executions suits sums of money forfeitures escheats? re-entries and all
other estates titles charges troubles and incumbrances whatsoever had made or expreʃsed? or
suffered by the said Benjamin Ventour or any person or persons lawfully claiming or to
claim And further that he the said Benjamin Ventour and his heirs and all and every
other persons and person whosoever having or lawfully claiming or who shall or may have or
lawfully claim any estate right title or interest at law or in equity into or out of the Negro
and other Slave hereby granted and released or otherwise aʃsured or _____ so to be or
any of them shall and will from time to time and at all times hereafter upon any
reasonable request and at this proper costs and charges of the said Owsley Rowley his heirs
or aʃsigns make do and execute or cause and procure to be made done and executed all
and singular such further and other lawful and reasonable acts deeds things conveyances
And aʃsurance in the law whatsoever for the further better and more absolutely granting conveying
and aʃsuring the negro and other slaves hereby granted and released or otherwise aʃsured or intended
so to be and every of them to the uses and for the ends intents and purposes hereinbefore declared or
expreʃsed of our concerning the same in such manner and form (subject only and without prejudice to
the payment of the said sum of One thousand Eight hundred Pounds Sterling and interest) as by
the said Owsley Rowley his heirs or aʃsigns or his or their Counsel in the law shall be reasonably
devised or advised and required and the said Owsley Rowley Doth hereby for himself his heirs executors
and administrators grant covenant promise and agree to and with the said Benjamin Ventour and
James Smith and each of them and their respective executors administrators and aʃsigns in manner
following that is to say that he the said Owsley Rowley his heirs executors administrators or aʃsigns
shall and will well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said Benjamin Ventour his
executors administrators or aʃsigns the said principal sum of One thousand Eight hundred pounds
Sterling with interest at the rate aforesaid by the instalments and on or at the days and times and
in the manner hereinbefore appointed for payment of the same without any deduction or
abatement whatsoever and according to the here intent and meaning of the presents and that he the
said Owsley Rowley now is (subject only to the estate hereinbefore limited in uses to the said Benjamin
Ventour for the term of Five hundred years as aforesaid and the trust thereof for securing the payment
of the said sum of One thousand Eight hundred pounds Sterling and interest as aforesaid) lawfully
and rightfully seized of or well entitled to an absolute estate of inheritance in fee simple of and
in the Negro and other Slaves hereinbefore granted and released or otherwise aʃsured or intended
so to be without any condition use trust power or other matter or thing whatsoever to alter
charge incumber or prejudicially affect the same and also that all and singular the same Negro
and other Slaves with the future iʃsue and increase of the females shall from time to time and as
all times hereafter during and in the mean time subject to the said term of Five hundred
Years hereinbefore limited or created as aforesaid remain continue and be to the uses upon the
trusts and for the intents and purposes hereinbefore declared or expresʃsed concerning the same
and shall and may be holden occupied and enjoyed and the rents iʃsues profits and proceeds
thereof be received retained and applied accordingly without any manner of hindrance
interruption change or demand whatsoever from or by him the said Owsley Rowley his heirs or
aʃsigns or any other person or persons whomsoever and further that if default shall be made
in payment of the said sum of One thousand Eight hundred Pounds Sterling and the interest thereof
or of any part of the same respectively contrary to the true intent and meaning of the proviso and
agreement hereinbefore contained in that behalf then and in such case but not otherwise it shall
be lawful to and for the said Benjamin Ventour his executors administrators or aʃsigns at any time or
times thereafter during the continuance of the said term of Five hundred years hereby granted or deemed?
peaceably and quietly to enter into and upon and have hold use occupy poʃseʃs and enjoy the Negro and
other Salves hereby granted and released or otherwise aʃsured as aforesaid with the future iʃsue and
increase of the females and have receive and take the rents iʃsues and profits thereof to and for his
and their own use and benefit for and during all the residue and remainder which shall be these
to come and unexpired of the same term without any molestation interruption disturbance claim or
demand whatsoever of or by him the said Owsley Rowley or his heirs or any other person or persons
whomsoever and that free and clear and freely and clearly exonerated and discharged or
Otherwise by him the said Owsley Rowley his heirs executors or administrators well and
sufficiently have defended kept harmleʃs and indemnified of from and against all and all
manner of former and other gifts grants bargains sales jointures dowers mortgages uses wills _____
statutes judgments recognizances executions intents and all other estates titles charges and incumbrances
whatsoever And moreover that he the said Owsley Rowley and his heirs and all and every person and persons
whosoever having or claiming or to have or claim any estate right title or interest of in to or ____ the Negro
and other Slaves comprised in these presents or any of them or therefore of the females shall and will at
all times after default shall be made in payment of the said sum of One thousand Eight hundred
pounds Sterling or of any part or instalment thereof respectively contrary to the here intent and
meaning of the proviso and agreement herein before contained for that purpose at the request of the said
Benjamin Ventour his heirs executors administrators or aʃsigns out at the expense? of the said Owsley
Rowley his heirs executors or administrators make do and execute or cause and procure to be made
done and executed all and every such further and other lawful and reasonable acts deeds matters
things conveyances and aʃsurances in the law whatsoever not only for the further better and more
perfectly granting demising conforming or otherwise aʃsuring all and singular the said Negro and
other Slaves with the future iʃsue and increase of the Females unto the said Benjamin Ventour
his executors administrators and aʃsigns for all the then residue of the said time of Five hundred years
but also for granting conveying and in? aʃsuring the fee simple reversion and inheritance of the same
Negro and other Slaves and iʃsue unto and to the use of him the said Benjamin Ventour and his
heirs (free from all right and equity of redemption whatsoever) as by the said Benjamin
Ventour his heirs executors administrators or aʃsigns or his or their Counsel in the law shall be
reasonably devised or advised and required Provided always nevertheleʃs and it is hereby
further declared and agreed by and between the said Owsley Rowley and the said Benjamin
Ventour and it is the true intent and meaning of them and of these presents and the said
Benjamin Ventour doth herby consent and agree (notwithstanding the demise hereinbefore
contained) that until default shall be made in payment of the said principal sum of One
thousand Eight hundred pounds Sterling or some instalment or part thereof or of the interest
thereof or some parts thereof upon the days at the times or in the manner hereinbefore
appointed for payment of the same respectively? it shall be lawful for the said Owsley Rowley
his heirs and aʃsigns peaceably to have hold occupy poʃseʃs and enjoy all and singular the
negro and other Slaves by these presents granted and released or otherwise aforesaid or intended
so to be with the iʃsue and increase of the Females and to receive and take the rents iʃsues
and profits thereof to and for his and their own use and benefit without any molestation
hindrance interruption or disturbance whatsoever of from or by the said Benjamin Ventour his
executors administrators or aʃsigns or any other person or persons whomsoever rightfully claiming
or have title to claim any estate right title or interest either at law or equity In Witneʃs
whereof the parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first
above written.
The Schedule above referred to
Males Males continued 1 Joachim 3 Joseph 5 William 7 Michel 2 Germain 4 Jim 6 Julien 8 Glasgow
Males continued
9 Jeremy 13 Charles 17 Walker 21 Davy 10 Ian 14 Robert 18 Samuel 22 Frederick 11 Alexander 15 Henry 19 Ben 12 Philip 16 Benjamin 20 Thomas
1 Mary Noel 8 Mary 15 Augusta 22 Shatenice? 2 Marie Rose 9 Pracella 16 Judith 23 Charlotte 24 Joreunah? 3 Madelaine 10 Francoise 17 Yancoe? 25 Rosey 4 Louise 11 Louisa 18 Perise? 26 Betsey 27 Lavinia 5 Mary Ann 2d 12 Augustine 19 Marie Nette 28 Sophy 6 Scholastique 13 Mary Ann 1st 20 Susannah 29 Cecil 7 Margret 14 Mary Catherine 21 Elsey 30 Louisa Benjm Ventour (LS) Sophia Ventour (LS) Owsley Rowley (LS) James Smith (LS)
Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of
Wm Snagg. James R. Hill.
Grenada. - Be it remember that upon this Twenty seventh day of October in the
year of Our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and Thirty two Before me His Honorable Daniel Gibbs
Aʃsistant Justice of the Supreme Court of Judicature personally came and appeared Benjamin Ventour of
the Island of Grenada Gentleman and Sophia his Wife parties to the within written Indenture of
Release and acknowledged the Indenture of Lease thereunto annexed and upon which the same is _____
and also the same Indenture of Release to be their respective acts and deeds by them duly executed and the
said Sophia the Wife of the said Benjamin being first by me privately examined separately and
apart from her said husband did also acknowledge confeʃs and declare that she executed the same
Indentures freely and voluntarily and of her own record without any fear _____ _____ or _____
of or by her said husband and in order to _____ her right and Wife? to dower in the Slaves therein comprised?
or intended so to be all which I certify and attest under my hand and seal the say and year aforesaid
Dan Gibbs (LS)Witneʃs Wm. Snagg James R. Hill
Aʃsistant Justice
Before the Honorable Daniel Gibbs Aʃsistant Justice of thePersonally appeared James Ralph Hill of the Town of Saint George in the Island of Grenada
Supreme Court of Judicature
Writing Clerk who maketh oath and saith that the Indenture of Lease hereunto annexed and marked
with the letter (A) and the Indenture of Release hereunto also annexed marked with the letter (B)
were signed sealed and as his several acts and deeds delivered by the therein named James Smith in
the presence and sight of William Snagg and of this deponent and that the name James Smith
set and subscribed at the foot of the said several Indentures as that of a party executing the same
and the James “Wm Snagg” and “ James R. Hill” respectively subscribed to the attestation written
at the foot of the same Indenture as Witneʃses to the execution thereof by the said James Smith are
Of the respective proper handwriting of the said James Smith William Snagg and of this Deponent
And this deponent further saith that the said Indenture of Release so marked as aforesaid was also
signed sealed and as his act and deed delivered by the therein named Owsley Rowley in the presence
and sight of the said William Snagg and of this Deponent and that the names “Owsley Rowley” set
and subscribed at the foot of the same Indenture of Release as that of a party executing the same
and the names “Wm. Snagg” and “James R. Hill” respectively subscribed to the attestation written at
the foot of the same Indenture of release as Witneʃses to the execution thereof by the said Owsley
Rowley are of the respective proper handwriting of the said Owsley Rowley William Snagg and of
the deponent.
Sworn to before me this 27th day of October 1832
Dan Gibbs Aʃsistant JusticeReceived on the day and year first within written of the within named Owsley Rowley the
sum of Five hundred pounds Sterling money of Great Britain with mentioned to be paid
by him to me being part of the with mentioned to be paid by him to me being part of the within
mentioned sum of Two Thousand there hundred pounds Sterling
Benjm VentourWitneʃs Wm Snagg James R. Hill
And my new replacement crowns are finally installed. Just a point of note: my dental insurance would not cover my broken crowns as a part of my policy. The issue - the original crowns had been put into place less than five years ago. The coverage - only every five years, for replacement crowns.
And I continue. On to the next Record.
Hi Jim. My name is Tré Ventour and am interested in knowing more about the Ventour genealogy. My grandfather Julius Ventour (known in Grenada as Sarge) was born in Grenada in 1942/43. He is the son of a now deceased Cita Ventour (birth unknown, death est. 2000, Grenada). If you could get in touch at this email (tre@treventourprojects.com, I'd be grateful. I'm based in the UK and I'm a speaker-educator on these sorts of subjects. You can see what I do at treventourprojects.com
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