This next Indenture, written 21 June 1833 brings in and introduces more members of my Smith Family Tree. The Document found, and entered 7 October 1833 in the Grenada Registers of Records, first of all, concerns ggg-grandparents James and Mary Ann/e (née Doret) Smith and gg-granduncle Benjamin Ventour and his partner Ambrose Hayling. This Record is a part of and follows the Indenture that I have just transcribed in Part 329s. This Record introduces the daughter of ggg-grandparents James and Mary Ann/e, gg-grandaunt Mary (née Smith) Steele and her husband George Steele.
Indicated within the Indenture includes reference to “a marriage had been lately had and solemnized…” between George Steele and gg-grandaunt Mary Smith. It explicitly states that she is the “daughter of the said James Smith”. Check out gg-grandaunt Mary Smith’s and George Steele’s 1832 Marriage Registration in Part 62s.
Here are the images of Pages 521, 522 and 523.
My transcription –
And I keep working. Maybe someday soon I will turn over a clue as to the origins and ancestry of ggg-grandfather James Smith. And as a further piece of information, note that concerning the property in question on of the borders lines up with land owned by Gavin Smith. From my understanding, Gavin Smith was the Surveyor who drafted and created the map that I reference to in Part 329s. Thank you Steve for sending me a copy of the map.
Here are the images of Pages 521, 522 and 523.
My transcription –
This Indenture made the twenty first day of June in the year of our
Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty three Between James Smith
of the parish of Saint George in the island of Grenada Esquire and Mary
Anne Smith his wife of the one part and Benjamin Ventour and
Ambrose Hayling of the same parish and island Esquires of the other part
Whereas a marriage had been lately had and solemnized between George Steele
of the town of Saint George in the said island of Grenada Gentleman and Mary
Steele lately Mary Smith daughter of the said James Smith Now this
Indenture witnesseth that in consideration of the said marriage as lately
had and solemnized as aforementioned They the said James Smith and Mary Anne
Smith his wife Have and each of them Hath granted limitted bargained sold
aliened and released and by these presents Do and each of them Doth grant
limit bargain sell alien release and confirm unto the said Benjamin Ventour
And Ambrose Hayling (in their actual poʃseʃsion now being by virtue
of a bargain and sale to them thereof made by the said James Smith and
Mary Ann Smith his wife in consideration of five shillings by indenture bearing
date the day next before the day of the date of these presents for the term of one
whole year commencing from the day next before the day of the date of the same
indenture of bargain and sale and by force of the statute made for transferring
uses into poʃseʃsion) and to their heirs All that lor piece or parcel of land with
the meʃsuages and tenements thereon erected and built situate lying and being
in the Bay in the town of Saint George in the said Island of Grenada abutted
and bounded in the manner following that is to say To the westward fifty one
feet by a certain street called Melville Street To the Southward thirty feet
by a certain Street called Granby Street To the Eastward by a lot of land and
tenements belonging to Rosette Overton and To the northward by lands of
Gavin Smith of the said island Surveyor or howsoever the same is abutted
bounded known or described and all ways paths paʃsages watercourses sewers
yards profits commodities advantages emoluments and hereditaments whatsoever
to the same premises or any part thereof belonging or in any wise appertaining
or therewith at any time before held and occupied poʃseʃsed and enjoyed accepted
reputed deemed and taken or known as part or parcel or member thereof or of
any part thereof and all and every the improvements houses offices buildings
and tenements now erecting and to be erected thereon the said James Smith
hereby engaging and binding himself to complete and finish the same at his
own proper charge and costs and the reversion and reversions remainder and
remainders yearly and other rents iʃsues and profits thereof and all the estate
right title interest use trust property poʃseʃsion poʃsibility dower right and
title of dower claim and demand whatsoever at law and in equity of them the
said James Smith and May Anne Smith his wife or either of them of in
to or respecting the premises or any part thereof To have and To hold the
said lot piece or parcel of land and all and singular other the premises here
in before and release or mentioned or intended so to be with their rights
members and appurtenances unto the said Benjamin Ventour and Ambrose
Hayling their Heirs and aʃsigns Nevertheless To the uses upon the trusts and
for the intents and purposes and under subject to the provisoes declarations
stipulations and agreements bearing or intended to bear even date with these
presents and made or mentioned to be made between and by the said Benja
min Ventour and Ambrose Hayling of the first part, the said James Smith
of the second part and the said George Steele and Mary Steel his wife of the
third part In witneʃs whereof the said James Smith and Mary Anne Smith
his wife have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year firstly herein
James Smith (LS) Mary Ann her + mark Smith (LS)Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of
John Reynaert J S BrucePersonally
Personally came before me this twenty first day of June in the year
of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty three the within named
James Smith and Mary Anne Smith his wife who being severally sworn upon
the holy Evangelists do severally depose and say that the within written Indenture
of release and also the Indenture of bargain and sale therein referred to and there
unto annexed were duly and respectively executed and delivered by them as their
several and respective acts or deeds And the said Mary Anne Smith being
privately and apart from her husband duly interrogated and examined by me
doth acknowledge that she executed the same indentures freely and voluntarily
and of her own accord without any fear threats dread or compulsion of or by her
said husband in that behalf used or exercised, And in order to bear? her right title
and claim of or to dower or thirds and every other right title or claim and demand
of or in the within mentioned premises all which I do hereby attest.
Richard SteeleAʃsistant Justice
And I keep working. Maybe someday soon I will turn over a clue as to the origins and ancestry of ggg-grandfather James Smith. And as a further piece of information, note that concerning the property in question on of the borders lines up with land owned by Gavin Smith. From my understanding, Gavin Smith was the Surveyor who drafted and created the map that I reference to in Part 329s. Thank you Steve for sending me a copy of the map.
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