In my search for the origins, genealogy, and ancestry of my ggg-grandfather James Smith I figure I would have to also research documents and indentures beyond the year of his passing circa 1843. I also discovered that I do not have any Smith related Indentures of the microfilm FHL [1563330] for Item 3. My files jump from Item 2 to Item 4. This means that I will have to re-order the microfilm just to make sure that I did not miss something.
Anyway the first Document from Item 4 of the microfilm FHL [1563330] of the Grenada Registers of Records is a Last Will and Testament of one Susanna Smith of St. George, Grenada. It is a very short Document and there are no leads as to any relationship or familial connection to ggg-grandfather James. The witnesses are Robert Steele and Daniel Smith, but at present I do not have any immediate connecting proof of relationship.
Here are the two images of Pages 250 and 251.
My transcription –
Not the spelling of "the Island of Portorico" in the above Will. The Spanish is Porto Rico or Portorico, and in English, Puerto Rico.
Stay tune for the next Indenture. It is another Last Will and Testament and should prove somewhat interesting.
Also check out our new quilt creation, Nöel Diptych, at Quilts SB.
My transcription –
Entered 12th December 1854This is the Last Will and Testament of me
Susanna Smith of the town of St. George in the Island of Grenada I hereby Will
and bequeath of my real property in the parish of St. David Two Acres of land unto
Isabella Ellis and unto Mrs. Mary Bontan? of the same parish One Acre of the said
lands And of my personal property Twenty pounds to be divided between my Sister
Jane Marichand three Eldest daughters in the Island of Portorico and twenty
pounds to be reserved to defray my funeral expenses should there be any residue
after my Internment it is my request that the same be divided between Mrs. Mary
Bontan and Isabella Ellis. Of my household effect I give unto the Eldest daugh
ter of Mr Charles Wells two Silver Tablespoons and two silver teaspoons to
Jane Ellis I give One Silver tablespoon and One silver teaspoon and a Commode?
to Isabella Ellis I give Three Silver Table spoons and three silver Tes spoons One
Table and two chairs and my Mattresses my wearing apparell and all other Ar
ticles I may possess at my death I hereby nominate and appoint Mr. Charles
Wells of the town of St George and Mrs. Mary Bontan? of the parish of St. David
to be my Executor and Executrix hereby revoking all other Testamentary writtings.
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this Seventeenth day of July one
thousand eight hundred and fifty four
Susanna Smith my X markSigned and acknowledged by the said Testator by affirming her mark or cross thereunto
as her will in the presence of us at the same time who at the request in her
presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses
Robert Steele D SmithCodicilTo Mrs. Mary Bontan I give my Clothes Press a small mahogany table
and two chairs omitted above.
Robert Steele D SmithGrenada }
In Ordinary}
In the Estate of Susanna Smith deceasedRobert Steele of the town of Saint George in GrenadaGentleman maketh Oath and saith the he was present together with Daniel Smith
in the seventeenth day of July one thousand eight hundred and fifty four and
did see Susanna Smith sign (by making her mark or cross) the paper writing
within written purporting to be her Last Will and Testament and that at the
request of the said Testator this deponent and the said Daniel Smith did then and
there subscribe their names as witnesses to the said Will in the presence of the said
Susanna Smith and in the presence of each other being all present together at the
same time And this deponent further saith that the mark or cross set at the
foot of the said Will is the proper mark or cross of the said Susanna Smith And
that the names “Robert Steele” and “D Smith” subscribed to the attestation at the
foot of the said Will as those of Witnesses to the execution thereof by the said Susanna
Smith are of the respective proper handwritings of this deponent and the said Daniel
Smith And this deponent further saith that at the time the said Testator so executed
her said Will she was to the best of this deponents Judgment and belief of sound
and disposing mind memory and understanding.
Robert SteeleSworn by the deponent Robert Steele this seventh day of December 1854 before me
Robt W Heate – O
Not the spelling of "the Island of Portorico" in the above Will. The Spanish is Porto Rico or Portorico, and in English, Puerto Rico.
Stay tune for the next Indenture. It is another Last Will and Testament and should prove somewhat interesting.
Also check out our new quilt creation, Nöel Diptych, at Quilts SB.
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