Last night I may have found a possible clue that could provide a smidgen of hope in the search and research for the origins, ancestry, and genealogy of ggg-grandfather James Smith.
The next Document appears to be the Last Will and Testament of gg-granduncle Thomas Smith. This Document is located in the Grenada Registers of Records 1837-1881 (v.Z2-G3) as found on the microfilm FHL [1563330]. The LWT is dated 30 December 1854; sealed, signed, and delivered 1 May 1855; and entered to the Registers 14 August 1855.
Within the body of gg-granduncle Thomas Smith’s Last Will and Testament there is a specific distribution that made my eyes and my head start. Specifically it is point number 3 – “I devise to my Nephew James Smith Jr. at present in the Island of Tobago Seven Acres of the Land of the said Morne Jaloux Estate to be chosen by his Father immediately or within twelve months after my decease on the outskirts of the lands of the said Morne Jaloux Estate.”
For what I understand if the “Nephew James Smith Jr.” who is referred to in gg-granduncle Thomas’ LWT, may possibly be the James Smith, Jr. who may have been the son of gg-granduncle Thomas’ brother, my gg-grandfather James Smith. It is also possible that this James Smith, Jr., gg-granduncle Thomas’ Nephew, may have been James Edwin Smith, my great-granduncle. This is the only other James to James relationship that I am aware of, apart from the ggg-grandfather James and gg-grandfather James, Jr. father/son relationship. In other words the descendancy was ggg-grandfather James Smith -- gg-grandfather James Smith, Jr. -- great-granduncle James Edwin Smith. My great-grandfather was William James Smith, brother of great-granduncle James Edwin Smith.
And now here’s the rub. GG-granduncle Thomas’ LWT refers to his “Nephew James Smith Jr.” If this is great-granduncle James Edwin Smith and if he is a “Junior” would it not make sense that he would have had the same name as his father, gg-grandfather James Smith? And then, would it not make sense that gg-grandfather James’ middle name was Edwin? Could gg-grandfather James have been James Edwin Smith as well, with a son named James Edwin Smith, Jr.?
But gg-grandfather James was also known as James Smith, Junior. Therefore, is it possible that ggg-grandfather James may have been James Edwin Junior? Therefore a more complete pedigree may, and I repeat may, look like – great-granduncle James Edwin Smith, Jr. -- gg-grandfather James Edwin Smith, Jr. -- ggg-grandfather James Edwin Smith. And to further add to the thought process, gg-granduncle Thomas only mentions one of his brothers, James Smith in his Last Will and Testament. He also mentions his sisters, gg-grandaunt Mary (née Smith) Steele and gg-grandaunt Sophia (née Smith) Ventour. He does not mention his two other brothers, gg-granduncle George Smith and gg-granduncle Henry Smith. All six siblings: George, Sophia, Mary, James, Thomas, and Henry are mentioned in his father, ggg-grandfather James Smith’s 1842 Last Will and Testament. See my Postings Part 61s and Part 347s.
Here are the images of Pages 318 and 319 as downloaded from the microfilm.
My transcription –
I will follow up with my notes of the distribution of property and personal effects as written in gg-granduncle Thomas’ LWT in my next Posting. Part 350s.
For what I understand if the “Nephew James Smith Jr.” who is referred to in gg-granduncle Thomas’ LWT, may possibly be the James Smith, Jr. who may have been the son of gg-granduncle Thomas’ brother, my gg-grandfather James Smith. It is also possible that this James Smith, Jr., gg-granduncle Thomas’ Nephew, may have been James Edwin Smith, my great-granduncle. This is the only other James to James relationship that I am aware of, apart from the ggg-grandfather James and gg-grandfather James, Jr. father/son relationship. In other words the descendancy was ggg-grandfather James Smith -- gg-grandfather James Smith, Jr. -- great-granduncle James Edwin Smith. My great-grandfather was William James Smith, brother of great-granduncle James Edwin Smith.
And now here’s the rub. GG-granduncle Thomas’ LWT refers to his “Nephew James Smith Jr.” If this is great-granduncle James Edwin Smith and if he is a “Junior” would it not make sense that he would have had the same name as his father, gg-grandfather James Smith? And then, would it not make sense that gg-grandfather James’ middle name was Edwin? Could gg-grandfather James have been James Edwin Smith as well, with a son named James Edwin Smith, Jr.?
But gg-grandfather James was also known as James Smith, Junior. Therefore, is it possible that ggg-grandfather James may have been James Edwin Junior? Therefore a more complete pedigree may, and I repeat may, look like – great-granduncle James Edwin Smith, Jr. -- gg-grandfather James Edwin Smith, Jr. -- ggg-grandfather James Edwin Smith. And to further add to the thought process, gg-granduncle Thomas only mentions one of his brothers, James Smith in his Last Will and Testament. He also mentions his sisters, gg-grandaunt Mary (née Smith) Steele and gg-grandaunt Sophia (née Smith) Ventour. He does not mention his two other brothers, gg-granduncle George Smith and gg-granduncle Henry Smith. All six siblings: George, Sophia, Mary, James, Thomas, and Henry are mentioned in his father, ggg-grandfather James Smith’s 1842 Last Will and Testament. See my Postings Part 61s and Part 347s.
Here are the images of Pages 318 and 319 as downloaded from the microfilm.
My transcription –
AEntered 14th of August 1855This is the Last Will and Testament of me Thomas
Smith of the town of Saint George in the Island of Grenada Spirit Dealer
1. Whereas I have for some time past carried on the business of a Retailer
of Spirituous Liquors in the said Town of Saint George and Island aforesaid
And Whereas I am desirous that the said business shall be carried on after
my decease for the benefit of my children I do therefore hereby give and bequeath
my said business of Retailer of Spirituous Liquors and all my interest therein
and all my stock and effects now or hereafter to be employed therein and
all my stock and effects now or hereafter during the period for which I
now hold a License for the same rents the Trustees and Executors hereinafter
named their Executors Administrators and Assigns. 2. I devise to my two
nieces Emily and Elsey Steele Three acres of Land of Morne Jaloux Estate in the
parish of Saint George of which I stand seized. 3. I devise to my Nephew
James Smith Jr. at present in the Island of Tobago Seven Acres of the Land of the
said Morne Jaloux Estate to be chosen by his Father immediately or within
twelve months after my decease on the outskirts of the lands of the said
Morne Jaloux Estate. 4. I devise Sixteen Acres of Land of which I am seized
situate above Mardigras in the parish of Saint George to my Sister in Law
Rosa Collier. 5. I devise to my friend Thomas Grant Two Acres of land on
the said Morne Jaloux Estate in the line of Cocoa Nuts commonly called
_____ near the pond or the boundary of Charles Court Estate. 6. I give
and bequeath unto my Trustees and Executors hereinafter named the
Bedstead and Clothes Press at present in my Bedroom and all Jewellery I am
possessed of at my decease for the benefit of my infant daughter Charlotte
Sophia. 7. I give and bequeath unto my son Thomas Landreth my Watch
and Gold Chain. 8. I give and bequeath unto my son George William
my Fowling Piece. 9. I give and bequeath unto my son Frederick my Sword.
I give devise and bequeath unto my Brother James Smith my Horse
Saddle & Bridal and all my wearing Apparel. I give devise and be
queath all the rest remainder and residue of my Estate Real or personal
whatsoever or wheresoever situate or processed unto my said Trustees and
Executors for the benefit of my children namely Thomas Landreth, George
William, Frederick and Charlotte Sophia upon their respectively attaining
the age of Twenty-One years or if or daughter upon her Marriage which ever
shall first happen and to the survivor or survivors of them who shall have
attained the said Age or Majority after my decease. I hereby nominate
my Sister In Law Rosa Collier Guardian of my Children during their
respective minority and as my dying request I trust that she will kindly
undertake the charge and burthen? which I have _____ thrown upon her
I hereby appoint my Sister Mrs. Sophia Ventour now all of the Island of Tobago
and Henry Garraway Esquire of the town of Saint George and Island
of Grenada aforesaid Trustees and Executors under this my Last Will
and Testament hereby revoking all former Wills Testaments or Testamentary
writings whatsoever done by me. In Witness whereof I have here unto set
my hand this thirtieth day of December One thousand eight hundred
and fifty-four.
Thos. SmithSigned by the above named Thomas Smith the Testator as and for his Last
Will and Testament in the presence of us present at the same time and
At his request in his presence and in the presence of each other _____
subscribed our names as Witnesses thereto The word "present" between the fourth
& fifth line and the words "who at his request" between the fifth and sixth
lines of this attestation having been previously inserted.
BCodicil to the foregoing Last Will and Testament of me Thomas
Smith of the Island of Grenada made this first day of March in the year
1855. I give and bequeath to George Steele in trust for Mary the Wife of the
said George Steele Three Acres of land on Morne Jaloux Estate also One Acre
of the said land to James Romney as a mark of esteem and a small recom
pense for his services and also Three Acres of land to Henry son of my
friend Henry Garraway.
Thomas Smith (L S)Sealed Signed and delivered in the presence of us this first day of March
Felix Prudhomme James Logan
I will follow up with my notes of the distribution of property and personal effects as written in gg-granduncle Thomas’ LWT in my next Posting. Part 350s.
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