The work continues. I don’t think I can stop myself. I have to find a hint. I have to discover a clue to the origins of my ggg-grandfather James Smith. I have to search for his ancestry and genealogy. I need to know.
I have my YDNA results. They are also ggg-grandfather James’ results, according to the science and technological jargon and thought. My and his YDNA results are R1b1b2a. Extrapolated at Family Tree DNA, the tests are: P25+ M343+ M269+ M207+ M173+ L49+ L23+ U198- U152- U106- SRY2627- P66- P312- P311- P310- P107- M73- M65- M37- M222- M18- M160- M153- M126- L51- L151- L11-. So I have 50% of the puzzle. I need to find the linking piece. Anyone?
There are no clues in this transcription work, shy of the the last name "Smith" and the island of Grenada.
My next Indenture is a Record entered to the Grenada Registers of Records 21 August 1861. It concerns one Alexander Smith; the same Alexander Smith as mentioned in Part 353s, three years earlier. And this time, per the Document, Alexander Smith is appointing a new Power of Attorney to George Walter Williamson, and further Alexander Whyte as a backup. The Record concerns the Plantation and Sugar Works called Mount Alexander located in the Parish of St. Patrick in Grenada.
The purple marker on the map of Grenada, from Google, in the above-inserted image depicts the approximate location of Mount Alexander, near the north coast.
Here are the images of Pages 22 through and including 25 downloaded from Item 5 of the microfilm FHL [1563330].
And my transcription –
And now on to Item 6.
The purple marker on the map of Grenada, from Google, in the above-inserted image depicts the approximate location of Mount Alexander, near the north coast.
Here are the images of Pages 22 through and including 25 downloaded from Item 5 of the microfilm FHL [1563330].
And my transcription –
Entered 21st August 1861To all to whom these presents shall come I Alexander
Smith of Number eighteen York Place Edinburgh and of Mount
Alexander in the Parish of St. Patrick in the Island of Grenada
Send Greeting. Know ye that I the said Alexander Smith for
divers good causes and considerations me thereunto moving
Hath made ordained nominated constituted and appointed
and by these presents doth make ordain nominate constitute
and appoint George Walter Williamson Writer in Edinburgh
my true and lawful Attorney for the purposes hereinafterwards
mentioned (that is to say for me the said Alexander Smith and in
my name or otherwise as may be expedient to enter into and take
Possession of All that Plantation or Sugar Work called
Mount Alexander aforesaid situated in the said Parish of St. Patrick
in the said Island of Grenada With the Lands Buildings
Hereditaments Cattle Stock and Appurtenances thereunto belonging
And the same to manage carry on Cultivate maintain and keep up
to the best advantage and to receive and take the produce rents
issues and profits of the said Plantation Lands Hereditaments
and premises and to ship or consign the same to me or such person
or person or persons as I may name or otherwise to dispose thereof as I
shall from time to time direct by any letter or other working under my
hand and also to ask demand recover and receive of and from all
and every person or persons in the said Island of Grenada whom
it doth shall or may concern all monies produce debts and effects
which now are is or hereafter shall or may become or be due owing
payable deliverable or belonging to me the said Alexander Smith
on restrict or on account of the said Plantation Lands Hereditaments
and premises and upon receipt or delivery to sign and give and if
necessary to seal and deliver receipts releases or other acquittances
and discharges for the same And in case of non payment or
non delivery thereof to take use and pursue all lawful ways and
means for enforcing payment and delivery of the same And for
the purposes aforesaid to appear for me the said Alexander Smith
and my person to represent in any Court of Law or Equity or
other Court or Courts and before any competent authorities in the
said Island of Grenada there to sue prosecute and carry on such
actions as may be competent in the premises and generally for
and on behalf of me the said Alexander Smith to do execute and
perform and cause to be done executed and performed all such acts
matters and things as may be necessary or expedient in or about
the premises as fully and effectually as I the said Alexander
Smith could myself do if personally present hereby ratifying
and confirming and promising & agreeing to ratify and
confirm all and whatsoever my said Attorney shall lawfully
do or cause to be done in or about the premises by virtue of these
presents And know ye also that in the event of the death or
during the absence of the said George Walter Williamson or of
his declining or becoming incapable to act hereunder I the said
Alexander Smith do hereby constitute and appoint Alexander Whyte
Esquire of the said Island of Grenada my true and lawful Attorney
in the room of the said George Walter Williamson for the purposes
aforesaid in the same manner as if the name of the said
Alexander Whyte had been originally inserted in these
presents instead of the name of the said George Walter Williamson
Providing always that the said George Walter Williamson
and the said Alexander Whyte shall be bound and obliged
as by acceptation hereof they bind and oblige themselves _____
respectively and their respective heirs executors and survivors?
All their respective intromissions in virtue hereof Declaring
that these presents shall stand in force until recalled by me or
my foresaids in writing and I hereby recall all former Powers of
Attorney granted by me and specially without prejudice to the
said generality a Power of Attorney granted by me of date the
eighteenth day of October Eighteen hundred and fifty eight (or
whatsoever other date the same may bear) in favor of William
McEwen Andre Munro and Alexander McEwen all of the
said Parish of St. Patrick and Island of Grenada And I hereby
authorise and empower the said George Walter Williamson whom
failing the said Alexander Whyte to require and if need
be to sue them and each of them to hold just count and reckoning
for all their actings and inhomissions (under the said Power of
Attorney And to pay over all balances and sums belonging or due
to me the said Alexander Smith and to deliver to the said George
Walter Williamson whom failing as aforesaid to the said
Alexander Whyte all produce good effects Chattels muniments
titles or documents in their hands relating to my affairs.
In Witness Whereof I the said Alexander Smith have signed
sealed and delivered these presents written on this and the two
preceding pages of a Stamped Paper by James Tod of Number
thirteen Pitt Street Eighteen hundred and sixty one before
these witnesses the said James Tod and John Anderson of
Number seven Hermitage Place Edinburgh also Clerk to the
said Alexander Smith.
Alex. Smith (LS)Signed Sealed and Delivered being first duly Stamped
In Presence of James Todd if No 13 Pitt Street Edinburgh Clerk
to the said Alexander Smith Witness and John Anderson of No. 7
Hermitage Place Edinburgh Clerk to the said Alexander Smith
I James Tod of number thirteen Pitt Street Edinburgh
Clerk to Alexander Smith of Number eighteen York Place
Edinburgh and of Mount Alexander in the Parish of St.
Patrick in Grenada do solemnly and sincerely declare that I
and John Anderson of Number seven Hermitage Place
Edinburgh also Clerk to the said Alexander Smith the Party to the Deed
Poll or Power of Attorney above written bearing date the thirty
first day of May Eighteen hundred and sixty one sign seal and
as his act and Deed in due form of Law deliver the said Deed
Poll and that the name or signature “Alex. Smith” subscribed
opposite the seal thereto as the party executing the same is of
the proper handwriting of the said Alexander Smith and
that the names or signatures of “James Tod” and “John Anderson”
also subscribed thereto as the witnesses attesting the due execution
thereof are of the proper handwriting of the said James Tod and
John Anderson and I make solemn ______ _____
conscientiously believing the same to be true And by virtue of the
provisions of an Act made and passed in the sixth year of the Reign
of His late Majesty King William the Fourth entitled? “An Act
to repeat an Act of the present Session of Parliament entitled?
“An Act for the more effectual abolition of Oaths and affirmations
taken and made in various departments of the State and to
substitute declarations in lieu thereof And for the more entire
suppression of voluntary and extra-judicial Oaths and Affirm-
ations and to make other provisions for the abolition of unnecessary
James TodDeclared at Edinburgh this thirty first day of May Eighteen
hundred and sixty one. Before me
J. Brown DouglasLord Provost & Chief Magistrate of Edinburgh.
To all to whom these presents shall come I the Right Honorable
James Brown Douglas Lord Provost & Chief Magistrate of the
City of Edinburgh in that part of Great Britain called Scotland
Do hereby certify that on the day of the date hereof personally
came and appeared before me James Tod named in the Declaration
hereunto annexed being a person well known and worthy of
good credit and who did before me solemnly and sincerely
declare to be true the several matters and things mentioned
and contained in the said annexed Declaration.
In faith and Testimony whereof I the saidLord Provost and Chief Magistrate have causedthe Common Seal of the said City of Edinburghto be hereunto put & affixed and the Deed Pollor Power of Attorney mentioned in the saidDeclaration to be hereunto affixed.Dated at Edinburgh this thirty first day ofMay Eighteen hundred and sixty one.
J. Brown DouglasLord Provost
And now on to Item 6.
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