I finished my six miles, albeit 10 kilometers of roller-blading this morning. I’m back up to a minimum of 24 miles or 40 kms a week. I think my heart is content; I know my Cardiologist is.
My search for the origins and genealogy of my ggg-grandfather James Smith at this point of time in my Transcription Project has jumped to approximately 20 years after his passing. All-things-being-equal, my thought process is that I may find the paperwork, aka Indenture, of a descendant which may lead me to some clue or hint, which in turn may open some door or path to my ancestry.
The next Indenture is one such document and record from the Grenada Registers of Records. It is an 1865 Power of Attorney constructed by one, Lucius Dill who from everything I have discovered to this point does not have any familial ties to our Smith family. But the surprise is the involvement, inclusion, and proving of the Writing Clerk of this Power of Attorney. The Writing Clerk is great-granduncle James Edwin Smith, a son of gg-grandfather James Smith, Jr., and grandson of ggg-grandfather James.
Great-granduncle James Edwin Smith is the same person, I believe referred to in gg-granduncle Thomas Smith’s 1854 Last Will and Testament. He is referred to as James Smith, Jr. See Parts 349s and 350s for my discussion.
There are no further immediate hints or clues as to the origins of ggg-grandfather James Smith in this Indenture. And I never know what I will find if I follow a possible thought. This time I decided to Google the name Lucius Dill. To my surprise I found a Lucius Dill’s Last Will and Testament at a website named Newfoundland’s Grand Banks. The LWT is dated 9 May 1864, transcribed from the Newfoundland Will Books, Volume 10, Pages 182 to 185, and Probate Year 1914. And the shock after I scrolled down the screen was to see that it is also signed in Grenada by “Jas. E. Smith” albeit great-granduncle James Edwin Smith.
Here are the Pages 39, 40, and 41 of the Indenture from the Grenada Registers of Registers downloaded from Item 6 of the microfilm FHL [1563330].
My transcription –
And I keep searching.
I have had success in uploading my copies of The Master Genealogist v7 and GenoPro software. Now I have to get about working on my copy of Legacy v7.4. Also Gramps is now set up on my Ubuntu operating system.
There are no further immediate hints or clues as to the origins of ggg-grandfather James Smith in this Indenture. And I never know what I will find if I follow a possible thought. This time I decided to Google the name Lucius Dill. To my surprise I found a Lucius Dill’s Last Will and Testament at a website named Newfoundland’s Grand Banks. The LWT is dated 9 May 1864, transcribed from the Newfoundland Will Books, Volume 10, Pages 182 to 185, and Probate Year 1914. And the shock after I scrolled down the screen was to see that it is also signed in Grenada by “Jas. E. Smith” albeit great-granduncle James Edwin Smith.
Here are the Pages 39, 40, and 41 of the Indenture from the Grenada Registers of Registers downloaded from Item 6 of the microfilm FHL [1563330].
My transcription –
28 July 1866.
Entered 28th July 1866Grenada
Know all men by these presents that I
Lucius Dill of the town of Saint George in the island of Grenada
Merchant being about to leave the said island hereby appoint David
William Gibbs of the town and island aforesaid A∫sistant Justice and
John Major of the same place Gentleman my Attorneys for one and
one my behalf and in my name or otherwise to demand and by all
legal and effectual means to reconsider and receive form all and every or
any persons or person in Grenada and its Dependencies All moneys
good chattels effects and things which now are or shall hereafter appear
to be due owing payable or belonging to me whether for rent or arrears
of rent or for the principal money or interest now or hereafter payable
To me upon or in respect of any mortgage or other security _____ _____
moneys or securities for money now or hereafter due or owing and
belonging to me upon any bond note nill of exchange balance of account
current consignment contract agreement decree sentence judgment or
execution or upon any other account Also to examine state settle
liquidate and adjust all accounts depending between me and any
person or persons whomsoever And to make draw sign or indorse my name
to any bills of exchange or notes of Land in which I shall be interested or
concerned or which shall be requisite in or about my concerns And upon
the recovery or receipt of any moneys goods chattels effects or things due
owing payable or belonging to me for me and in my name and as my act and
deed to execute and deliver such good and sufficient receipts releases and
acquitances reconveyances surrenders assignments or other discharges as
may be nece∫sary or expedient and if the same shall be received or obtained
by sale dispose or pledge of any security held or to be held by me or on my
behalf then such? assignments transfers suit? mortgages or other assurances
as the nature of the case shall express? and if the same shall be received or obtained
from the said? moneys or property of any deceased person or for any other estate
moneys or property subject to dormant? unascertained or disposed slaves? then
such bonds of and security or other securities as shall be required or may appear
to my said Attorneys reasonable for securing? the repayment or restoration of such
Estates Moneys or property or a sufficient part thereof or of the value there of
or the event of any paramount or superior claim thereon being afterwards es
tablished Also of need be and in case of neglect refusal or delay on the part
of any person or persons to make and render just true and full accounts
payment delivery and satisfaction on the premises him them or any of there
thereunto to compel and for that purpose for one and in my name to make such
claims and demands arrests seizures levies attachments _____ and
sequestrations or _____ sue and prosecute to judgment and execution such
actions suits and proceedings at Law or in Equity as my said Attorneys shall
_____ nece∫sary or expedient Also to appear before any Judges magistrates or other
Officers on any Court or Courts and them and these to and sue plead answer defend
and replay in all matters and causes _____ or concerning the premises
And also in case of any difference or dispute with any person or persons Con-
cerning all or any of the matters aforesaid to submit all or any such differences?
and disputes to arbitration in such manner as my said Attorneys shall see
fit And further for me and in my name and as my act and deed to
execute and do all such assurances and things as shall be required or as my
said Attorneys shall see fit for all or any of the purposes aforesaid and to
sign and give receipts and discharges for all or any moneys which shall
come to their hands by virtue of the powers herein contained and _____
receipts whether given in my name or that of my said Attorneys shall _____
_____ the person or persons paying such moneys from all responsibility of
seeing to the application thereof And generally in and about the premises to
execute and do every deed and thing required for all or any of the purposes aforesaid
as fully and effectually as I myself could do if personally present And I
hereby agree and covenant for myself my heirs executors and administrators
to ratify allow and _____ whatsoever my said Attorneys shall do or cause to be
Done in and about the premises by virtue of these present executing
in each confirmation whatsoever shall be done between the time of my decease
or of the revocation of these presents and the time? of each decease becoming
known to my said Attorneys In Witness whereof I the said Lucius Dill
have hereunto set my hand and seal this ninth day of December in the
year of Our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and sixty five.
Lucius Dill (LS)Signed Sealed and delivered by the above name Lucius Dill in the presence of
Patrick McLeod, M.D. Jas E. SmithJames Edwin Smith of the town of Saint
George in Grenada Writing Clerk maketh Oath and saith that he was present
together with Patrick McLeod on or about the ninth day of December in the
year of Our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and sixty five and did see Lucius Dill
the constituent named and ascribed in the Deed Poll or Power of Attorney hereunto
annexed marked A dated the day and year aforesaid sign seat and as his
free and voluntary act and deed Execute and deliver the said Deed Poll or
Power of Attorney And that the name or signature “Lucius Dill” set and
subscribed opposite the seal at the foot of the said Deed Poll or Power of
Attorney as that of the party executing the same is the proper handwriting
of the said Lucius Dill And that the names or signature “Patrick McLeod
M. D” and “Jas E. Smith” respectively subscribed to the attestation at the
foot of the said Deed Poll or Power of Attorney as the witnesses to the due
execution thereof by the said Lucius Dill are of the respective proper hand-
writings of the said Patrick McLeod and this deponent.
Jas. E. SmithSworn to by the deponent James Edwin Smith at my Chambers in the town
of Saint George in Grenada this twenty Eighth day of July 1866.
Before me.
J. Js. Gresbam, Chief Justice
And I keep searching.
I have had success in uploading my copies of The Master Genealogist v7 and GenoPro software. Now I have to get about working on my copy of Legacy v7.4. Also Gramps is now set up on my Ubuntu operating system.
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