This first Indenture today, in the search for the origins and genealogy of my ggg-grandfather James Smith is very short and to the point. It is a Power of Substitution dated 25 August 1874 and Henry Boyes Beckwith, who has a Power of Attorney, is authorizing great-granduncle James Edwin Smith to act on his, that is, Henry Boyes Beckwith's behalf. A bit confusing on a first read, but I think that’s the gist of the Document.
The up side of this Document is that a small piece to the puzzle of great-granduncle James Edwin Smith's life is revealed. The down side; there are no leads to the origins of ggg-grandfather James Smith.
The Indenture is from the Grenada Registers of Records and the images are the Pages 128 and 129 downloaded from the microfilm FHL [1563330].
My transcription –
On to the next.
My transcription –
(128)Entered 4th November 1874
Know all Men by these Presents that Henry Boyes Beckwith do
hereby appoint as my substitute by virtue of the annexed Power James Edwin Smith
whom I authorize and empower to do all the acts and Deeds which I am authorized
and empowered to do for and on behalf of the parties by whom I am appointed In
Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty fifth day of August
one thousand eight hundred and seventy four.
Hy. B. Beckwith (LS)Signed sealed and Delivered in the presence of
Thos S. Garraway Wm. S. ComissiongThe above written is the Power of Substitution mentioned and referred to in and
by the annexed Affidavit of William Sayer Comissiong made before me this 23rd
day of October 1874.
John McDonell Senr. Asst. JusticeGrenada I William Sayer Comissiong of the town of Saint George in the Island
aforesaid Barrister at Law make oath and say that I was present together with Thomas
Samuel Garraway on the 25th day of August last past and did see Henry Boyes
Beckwith duly sign seal and as and for his act and deed deliver the Power of Substitution
hereto forefixed and marked A And that the name or signature “Hy B. Beckwith” set
and subscribed thereto as the name and signature of the party executing the same is
of the proper handwriting of the said Henry Boyes Beckwith And also that the names
or signatures “Thos S. Garraway” and “Wm. S. Comissiong” thereunto also set and
subscribed as the names and signatures of the witne∫ses to the due execution of the said
Power of Substitution by the said Henry Boyes Beckwith are of the respective
Proper handwriting of the said Thomas Samuel Garraway and of me this
Wm S. ComissiongSworn to this 23rd day of October 1874. Before me
John McDonellSenr. Asst Justice
On to the next.
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